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AP World History - Chapter 8 Flashcards

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6720958355Islam, one, AllahThe fastest growing religion in the world...is centered around the belief in...god called...0
6720958356Arabian PeninsulaWhere were the Bedouins living in the 6th century?1
6720958357Nomadic, tribal, and polytheisticThe Bedouin culture was mostly...2
6720958358SheikhsWho ruled each clan or tribe in the Bedouin culture?3
6720958359Polygyny...is when a man has more than one wife at a time4
6720958360PolytheisticWere the Bedouins polytheistic or monotheistic?5
6720958361Arabian Peninsula6
6720958362MeccaCity in Saudi Arabia that is considered to be a holy city7
6720958363Relic, wordThe black stone of Mecca is a...because it has the...of God8
6720958364Honesty, generosityThe Bedouin tribes valued...and...9
6720958365Land trade, camelsThe Bedouins...routes with...formed the basis of the Arabian economy10
6720958366Water travel...eventually became more popular than overland routes11
6720958367MerchantMuhammad was a...12
6720958368Caravan managerMuhammad became a...13
6720958369Revelations, AllahMuhammad experienced...that he attributed to the angel of the deity...14
6720958370QuranAn Islamic sacred book said to be the literal word of God15
6720958371YesDid it take long for Muhammad to gather followers of Allah?16
6720958372ProphetMuhammad is the last...17
6720958373MedinaThe city that Muhammad and his followers fled to when they were persecuted, and where the first Muslim community was:18
6720958374HegiraThe name of the flight of Muhammad and his followers because of persecution19
6720958375Ka'abaThe most important holy building of Islam20
6720958376Military conquest, movementA way that Islam was spread was...and the...of people21
6720958377EgalitarianIslam is an...religion22
6720958378WasWhen Islam was spread through military conquest and they had conquered a region, Islamic rule was/wasn't tolerant of the religion23
6720958379MonotheisticWas Islam polytheistic or monotheistic?24
6720958380Salvation and hope, Allah, QuranPrinciples of Islam: The ideas of...of an afterlife, the importance of submission to the will of...and a belief in the...as the sacred book25
6720958381Five PillarsCore set of obligations for Muslims26
6720958382God, Allah, five, alms, Ramadan, pilgrimageBelief in one...called... Praying...times a day Giving...to the poor Fasting during the month of... Making a...to Mecca once in your life27
6720958383JihadConcept of struggle to strive in the way of Allah and to improve both oneself and society28
6720958384ShariahA code of law that outlines behavioral requirements for daily life that was developed after Muhammad's death. (Based on the Quran)29
6720958385Ali and Abu BakrAfter Muhammad's death, who were the two people that were running to become the leader of the Islamic community?30
6720958386CaliphReligious ruler31
6720958387BakrWho became the first caliph?32
6720958388AliWho became the fourth caliph?33
6720958389SunnisSupporters of Abu Bakr34
6720958390Shia, ShiitesSupporters of Ali became the...group, also known as...35
6720958391Byzantine, Persian Sassanid, taxesWhen Bakr seized lands from the...Empire and the...Empire, he didn't force religious conversion. Instead the...were lower if you converted.36
6720958392Merchants, generals, and armies, UmayyadWhen Ali was assassinated a group of...took power and founded the...Dynasty37
6720958393SunniWas the Umayyad Dynasty in Damascus and Córdoba Sunni or Shia?38
6720958394DamascusWhere was the Umayyad Dynasty moved to? (From Medina)39
6720958395Abbasids, Umayyads, BaghdadThe...conquered the...and made a new city for their capital called...40
6720958396CaliphateAn Islamic state41
6720958397BaghdadWhere were the Abbasids?42
6720958398LearningBaghdad became the center of...43
6720958399PaperThe invention of thicker...was an achievement of Baghdad44
6720958400Hierarchical, bureaucracyThe Abbasids became increasingly...with a continually growing...45
6720958401ViziersPrime ministers in the Abbasid Empire46
6720958402AssassinationBeing a ruler in the Abbasid empire because you risked potential...attempts47
6720958403Attacks from outside groupsThe Abbasid Empire suffered from...48
6720958404Group that defeated the AbbasidsThe Mongols49
6720958405Economic, militaryThe Abbasids faced both...and...troubles50
6720958406CordobaWhere did the Umayyads move their capital to after it was moved to Damascus?51
6720958407Islamic expansion, Western EuropeThe loss of the Battle of Tours for the Islamic military marked the limit of...into...52
6720958408Tolerant, AbbasidsUmayyad rulers in Córdoba were...in terms of religion, like the..in Baghdad53
6720958409TradeThe Umayyad rulers in Córdoba promoted...54
6720958410DhowsThe trade that was promoted by the Umayyad rulers in Córdoba occured because of goods traveling ships called...55
6720958411LearningThe Islamic state in Córdoba, Spain became a center for...56
6720958412Aristotle, GreekIslamic scholars saved the works of...and other...thinkers57
6720958413Farmers, sailors, nomadsBefore Muhammad there were more...and...than pastoral...58
6720958414Byzantine, Islamic, Muslims, Christians, and JewsTrade between the...and the...empires created contacts between the religious groups:...59
6720958415Weren't, rulerWhen Islamic expansion occurred, the Islamic soldiers were/weren't allowed to own property that they took over, which allowed the people's lives to not be changed greatly. They would just be paying to a different...60
6720958416Merchants, European, AsianThe role of...in Islamic society was greater than in other...and...societies at the time.61
6720958417DidIslam did/didn't allow slavery.62
6720958418No, couldn't MuslimsWhen slaves converted to Islam, were the owners allowed to keep them enslaved? Y/N? Because Muslims could/couldn't enslave other...63
6720958419Slave women,Did slave women or wives have more independence?64
6720958420Markets, buySlave women were allowed to go to...or run errands. They could gather enough money to...their freedom.65
6720958421HijabHeadscarf/veil used by women to cover their heads66
6720958422Raised, love, devotion, educated, businessMuhammad...the status of women by treating his wives with...and...Also Muhammad's first wife was...and owned her own...67
6720958423HigherIslamic women had a...status than Christian and Jewish women68
6720958424UmmaA whole community of Muslims69
6720958425HaremThe separate part of a Muslim household for the wives, concubines, and the women's children70
6720958426SufisA new Islamic group in India and Persia71
6720958427Rituals, chants, GodThe Sufis followed...and...to attempt to unite with...72

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