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AP World History Chapter 8 Quiz Flashcards

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3166362050Which of the following was a major development in Chinese society that took shape in the centuries following the collapse of the Han dynasty?Northern nomads conquered some portions of China0
3166362051Which of the following contributed to the doubling of the Chinese population during the Tang and Song dynasties?the adoption of a fast-ripening strain of rice from Vietnam1
3166362052Which of the following is a reason that the Tang and Song dynasties are regarded as a "golden age" in China?the setting of standards of excellence in art and literature2
3166362053Those who participated in the Chinese tribute system gainedthe opportunity to trade in China3
3166362054Which of the following explains why women's lives were more restricted in the Song dynasty than in the Tang dynasty?the revival of Confucianism4
3166362055Which of the following statements about the Chinese tribute system is true?The Chinese government often gave other states gifts that were in fact worth more than the tribute that those states paid to China5
3166362056China's most enduring and intense interaction with outsiders was withthe nomadic pastoral peoples of the northern steppes6
3166362057Which of the following describes Korea's relationship with China?Its capital city of Kumsong was modeled directly on the Chinese capital of Chang'an7
3166362058Which of the following contributed to China's economic revolution during the Tang and Song dynasties?A complex network of internal waterways that provided cheap transportation8
3166362059Chinese interaction with the northern nomads during the tang dynasty resulted inthe evolution of a mixed Chinese/Turkic culture in northern China9
3166362060In their relations with China, Korea and Japan bothsent people to China to study Chinese thought and culture10
3166362061Which of the following statements best describes Korea's relationship with China in the premodern period?Korea adopted many elements of Chinese culture while still retaining a distinctive culture and separate political existence11
3166362062Which of the following was a technological innovation that spread from China to the rest of Eurasia?printing12
3166362063Which of the following was a factor in the growth of Buddhism in China after 300 C.E.?Increased disorder following the collapse of the Han dynasty, which discredited Confucianism13
3166362064In Song dynasty China, masculine identity came to be defined in terms ofcalligraphy, scholarship, painting, and poetry14
3166362065Which of the following was a political contribution of the Tang and Song dynasties?The construction of a state structure that lasted until the twentieth century15
3166362066Chinese references to "western barbarians" in the Tang dynasty included which group of people?Indians16
3166362067How was the tribute system an expression of the Chinese view of themselves and their relationship to the world?The tribute system required non-Chinese to acknowledge Chinese superiority and their own subordinate place in a Chinese-centered world order.17
3166362068The emergence of which practice during the Song dynasty suggests that Chinese women's lives were more restricted than they had been in the Tang dynasty?Foot binding18
3166362069What did Korea, Japan, and Vietnam all develop that reflected their unique culture?Their own writing systems19
3166362070In what respect was Japan's borrowing of Chinese culture different from the experiences of Korea and Vietnam?Japan's borrowing was wholly voluntary rather than occruing under conditions of direct military threat or outright occupation20
3166362071Which of the following is an example of how Chinese inventions stimulated innovations in distant lands?The Chinese formula for gunpowder triggered the development of cannons in Europe21
3166362072The invention of printing in China was linked with which religion?Buddhism22
3166362073Which of the following shows the effect of the Indian Ocean trade on China?The transformation of southern China from a subsistence economy to an export-oriented economy23
3166362074The emergence of the samurai reflected Japan'sdecentralized political structure24
3166362075Which religion provided an element of cultural commonality for the East Asian region?Buddhism25
3166362076Which of the following is an example of how Indian Buddhism was modified after its introduction into China?The Buddhist notion of "morality" was translated with the Confucian term for "filial submission and obedience"26
3166362077How did the changed environment in China in the ninth century affect Buddhism?Buddhist monasteries came under state control as a xenophobic reaction set in27
3166362078In Japan's Seventeen Article Constitution, the statement that "when the superior acts, the inferior yields compliance" reflects an understanding of the relationship superior and inferiors associated withConfucianism28
3166362079Shiba Yoshimasa's instruction "to give up your life for the sake of the sole sovereign, or serving under the commander the military in a time of need" is associated withbushido29
3166362080Southernization is theterm used to describe the process of migration of people, plants, technologies, and ideas from Southeast Asia northward through Eurasia30
3166362081Which food was introduced to the east coast of African continent by the Austronesiansbananas31
3166362082Both classical Rome and Axum were shaped bythe emergence of the Christian faith32
3166362083Which of the following was the center of long-distance oceanic trade in the millennium from 500 to 1500?The Indian Ocean33
3166362084Which of the following resulted from the trans-regional interaction during the third-wave era?The spread of the Black Death34

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