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AP World History- Chapters 14 and 15 Vocabulary Flashcards

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259895812Latin WestHistorians' name for the territories of Europe that adhered to the Latin rite of Christianity and used the Latin language for intellectual exchange in the period ca. 1000-1500.0
259895813three-field systemA rotational system for agriculture in which one field grows grain, one grows legumes, and one lies fallow. It gradually replaced two-field system in medieval Europe.1
259895814Black DeathAn outbreak of bubonic plague that spread across Asia, North Africa, and Europe in the mid-fourteenth century, carrying off vast numbers of persons.2
259895815water wheelA mechanism that harnesses the energy in flowing water to grind grain or to power machinery. It was used in many parts of the world but was especially common in Europe from 1200 to 1900.3
259895816Hanseatic LeagueAn economic and defensive alliance of the free towns in northern Germany, founded about 1241 and most powerful in the fourteenth century.4
259895817guildIn medieval Europe, an association of men (rarely women), such as merchants, artisans, or professors, who worked in a particular trade and banded together to promote their economic and political interests.5
259895818Gothic cathedralLarge churches originating in twelfth-century France; built in an architectural style featuring pointed arches, tall vaults and spires, flying buttresses, and large stained-glass windows.6
259895819Renaissance (European)A period of intense artistic and intellectual activity, said to be a 'rebirth' of Greco-Roman culture. Usually divided into an Italian Renaissance, from roughly the mid-fourteenth to mid-fifteenth century, and a Northern trans-Alpine Renaissance7
259895820universitiesDegree-granting institutions of higher learning. Those that appeared in Latin West from about 1200 onward became the model of all modern universities.8
259895821scholasticismA philosophical and theological system, associated with Thomas Aquinas, devised to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy and Roman Catholic theology in the thirteenth century.9
259895822humanists (Renaissance)European scholars, writers, and teachers associated with the study of the humanities (grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, languages, and moral philosophy), influential in the fifteenth century and later.10
259895823printing pressA mechanical device for transferring text or graphics from a woodblock or type to paper using ink. Presses using movable type first appeared in Europe in about 1450. See also movable type.11
259895824Great Western SchismA division in the Latin (Western) Christian Church between 1378 and 1417, when rival claimants to the papacy existed in Rome and Avignon.12
259895825Hundred Years WarSeries of campaigns over control of the throne of France, involving English and French royal families and French noble families.13
259895826new monarchiesHistorians' term for the monarchies in France, England, and Spain from 1450 to 1600. The centralization of royal power was increasing within more or less fixed territorial limits.14
259895827reconquest of IberiaBeginning in the eleventh century, military campaigns by various Iberian Christian states to recapture territory taken by Muslims. In 1492 the last Muslim ruler was defeated, and Spain and Portugal emerged as united kingdoms.15
259895828Zheng HeAn imperial eunuch and Muslim, entrusted by the Ming emperor Yongle with a series of state voyages that took his gigantic ships through the Indian Ocean, from Southeast Asia to Africa.16
259895829ArawakAmerindian peoples who inhabited the Greater Antilles of the Caribbean at the time of Columbus.17
259895830Henry the Navigator(1394-1460) Portuguese prince who promoted the study of navigation and directed voyages of exploration down the western coast of Africa.18
259895831caravelA small, highly maneuverable three-masted ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in the exploration of the Atlantic.19
259895832Gold Coast (Africa)Region of the Atlantic coast of West African occupied by modern Ghana; named for its gold eports to Europe from the 1470s onward.20
259895833Bartolomeu DiasPortuguese explorer who in 1488 led the first expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa from the Atlantic and sight the Indian Ocean.21
259895834Vasco de Gamaa Portuguese explorer who was the first person to reach India by sailing around Africa; opened an important commercial trade route.22
259895835Christopher ColumbusGenoese mariner who in the service of Spain led expeditions across the Atlantic, reestablishing contact between the peoples of the Americas and the Old World and opening the way to Spanish conquest and colonization.23
259895836Ferdinand MagellenPortuguese navigator. While tying to find a western route to Asia, he was killed in the Philippines. One of his ships returned to Spain, thereby completing the first circumnavigation of the globe.24
259895837conquistadorsEarly-sixteenth-century Spanish adventurers who conquered Mexico, Central America, and Peru. (Examples Cortez, Pizarro, Francisco.)25
259895838Hernan Corteza Spanish conquistador who landed on the east coast of what we now know as Mexico in 1519; he was looking for gold and glory, became friends with the Aztec emperor and later killed him and many Aztec nobels; let the conquest of Aztec Mexico26
259895839Moctezuma IILast Aztec emperor, overthrown by the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes27
259895840Francisco PizarroSpanish explorer who led the conquest of the Inca Empire of Peru in 1531-153328
259895841AtahualpaLast ruling Inca emperor of Peru. He was executed by the Spanish.29

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