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AP World History Chapters 31,32 & 33 Flashcards

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374239676Iron CurtainWinston Churchill's term for the Cold War division between the Soviet-dominated East and U.S. dominated West.0
374239677NATOAlliance between the US and Western Europe - North American Treaty Organization - to stand against the threat of the USSA.1
374239678Warsaw PactIn response to NATO, the Soviet Union formed this alliance with its eastern European allies.2
374239679World BankA specialized agency of the United Nations that makes loans to countries for economic development, trade promotion, and debt consolidation.3
374239680Common MarketAgreement by Western European nations to help make it easier to trade and do commerce between their borders. Later renames the European Union.4
374239681Helsinski AccordsPolitical and human rights agreement signed in Helsinski, Finland by the USSR and western European countries, in which also western Europe agreed to political boundaries of eastern Europe.5
374239682Kwame HkrumahBecame prime minister in 1957 of Ghana, the first British colony in west Africa to be independent country.6
374239683Ernesto "Che" GuevaraFirst lieutenant to Castro, created strategy for communist revolution in Latin America.7
374239684Fidel CastroTook power in Cuba in 1959 uniting student groups, labor unions, and other parties. Fought to remove US control in Cuba, nationalize industry, and formed alliance with the USSR.8
374239685nonaligned nationsdeveloping countries that announced their neutrality in the Cold War; they were mostly new, poor and non-European (also known as 'Third World').9
374239686Cultural revolutionCampaign in China ordered by Mao Zedong to purge the Communist Party of his opponents and instill revolutionary values in the younger generation.10
374239687OPECOrganization formed in 1960 by oil-producing states to promote their collective interest in generating revenue from oil11
374239688Proxy warsDuring the Cold War, local or regional conflicts where the US or USSR armed, trained, and financed each of the sides.12
374239689Salvador AllendeSocialist president of Chile in 1970 that tried to bring control and reform through nationalizing industries and mines, and getting rid of American industrial ownership. A US-supported General overthrew him.13
374239690Dirty WarIn Argentina, the military took over the country and suspended the constitution. It fought terrorism through arrest, torture of Argentina's people.14
374239691SandinistasPolitical and military group in Nicaragua that wanted to nationalize, like Cuba and the USSR. The US financed the Contra's -- the group that fought against them, during President Reagan's time.15
374239692Ayatollah Ruhollah KhomeiniShi'ite philosopher and cleric (religious leader) who helped overthrow the shah of Iran in 1979, and create an Islamic (Muslim)republic.16
374239693neo-liberalismterm used in Latin America and other developing regions to describe free-market economic policies that included reducing tariff protection for local industries the sale of public-owned industries to private companies and reduced social welfare.17
374239694Saddam HusseinPresident of Iraq from 1979 to when American-led invasion over threw him in 2003. He invaded Kuwait in 1990, and fought against Iran.18
374239695keiretsuAlliances of corporations and banks that dominate the Japanese economy.19
374239696Asian TigersThe collective name for South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore nations that became economic powers in the 1970's and 1980's.20
374239697Deng XiaopingCommunist party leader who forced Chinese economic reforms after the death of Mao Zedong, leading to tremendous growth.21
374239698Tiananmen SquareProtest in Beijingn China, by students and intellectuals in 1989 demanding more democracy and an end to corruption. Resulted in death of hundreds and arrest of thousands.22
374239699Mikhail GorbachevHead of the Soviet Union in 1985 who instituted a policy of "perestroika" or restructuring that helped create more openness and improving relationships with the West & US.23
374239700PerestroikaPolicy of restructuring that was the centerpiece of Gorbachev's efforts to liberalize communism in the Soviet Union24
374239701SolidarityPolish trade union created in 1980 to protest working conditions and political repression. Started the opposition to communist rule that led in 1989 to the fall of communism in eastern Europe.25
374239702Thomas Malthus18th century English intellectual who warned that population growth threatened future generations because growth would outstrip agricultural production.26
374239703GlobalizationThe economic, political, and cultural integration and interaction of all parts of the world brought about by increasing trade, travel and technology.27
374239704WTOThe world's major traders established this international body in 1995 to bring order and encourage international trade.28
374239705WMDNuclear, chemical and biological devices that are capable of injuring and killing large numbers of people.29
374239706Mahmoud AhmedinejadLeader of Iran, beginning in 2005, who defends Iran's right to develop nuclear power, and deny's Israel's right to be its own country.30
374239707TalibanThe Muslim ruling party in Afghanistan prior the U.S. led invasion, who continue to threaten stability in the now democratic Afghanistan.31
374239708HamasPalestinian political party who is anti-Israel and who was elected to political power in the Palestine Governing Authority in 2006.32
374239709Osama bin LadenSaudi-born Muslim extremist who funded the Al-Qaeda organization responsible for terrorist attacks.33
374239710NGONon-profit international organizations devoted to investigating human rights abuses and providing humanitarian relief. Important forces in promoting human rights.34
374239711cultural imperialismDomination of one culture over another by a deliberate policy or by economic or technological superiority.35
374239712FundamentalismAdherence to a more strict set of religious doctrines & putting that religious faith into political actions. In relation to the US, the movement in the late 20th century resulted in Evangelical protestants and Catholics took a more active role in politics.36

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