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AP World History Chp. 9 Flashcards

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221767181Justinian6-th century Byzantine emperor; failed to reconquer the western portions of the empire; revuilt Constantinople; codified Roman law.0
221767182Hagia SophiaGreat domed church constructed during the reign of Justinian.1
221767183Body of Civil LawJustinian's codification of Roman law; made Roman law a coherent basis for political and economic life.2
221767184BulgariaSlavic kingdom in the Balkans; put constant pressure on the Byzantine Empire; defeated by Basis II in 2014.3
221767185IconsImages of religious figure venerated by Byzantine Christians.4
221767186IconoclasmThe breaking of images; a religious controversy of the 8th centurty; Byzantine emperor attempted, but failed, to suppress icon veneration.5
221767187Battle of ManzikertSeljuk Turk victory in 1071 over Byzantium; resulted in loss of the empire's rich Anatolian territory.6
221767188Cyril and MethodiusByzantine missionaries sent to convert eastern Europe and the Balkans; responsible for creating the Slavic written script called Cyrillic.7
221767189KievCommercial city in Ukraine stablished by Scandinavians in 9th century; became the center for a kingdom that flourished until the 12th century.8
221767190Vladimir IRuler of Kiev; converted kingdom to Orthodox Christianity.9
221767191Russian OrthodoxyRussian form of Christianity brought from the Byzantine Empire.10
221767192BoyarsRussian landholding aristocrats; possessed less political power than their western European counterparts.11
221767193TatarsMongols who conquered RUssian cities during the 13th century; left Russian church and aristocracy intact.12
221767194Byzantine Empire(500 CE - 1453 CE) Eastern portion of the Roman Empire which survived beyond the collapse of the Roman Empire with its capital at Constantinople; retained Mediterranean culture, particularly Greek; later lost Palestine, Syria, and Egypt to Islam.13
221767195ConstantinopleCapital of the Byzantine Empire; constructed on the site of Byzantium, an old Greek city on the Bosporus. (Today's Istanbul)14
221767196Orthodox Christian ChurchEastern church which was created in 1053 after the schism from the western Roman church; it's head is the patriarch of Constantinople.15
221767197Constantine(312-337) Strong emperor toward the end of the Roman Empire who tried with some success to reverse the tide of its ultimate fall. Constantine moved the capital away from Rome to Constantinople and allowed freedom of worship for Christians with the Edict of Milan.16
221767198HunsGroup of nomadic tribes that pushed through central Europe in the 4th and 5th centuries C.E. instigating the migration of the Germanic tribes into the Roman Empire.17
221767199Sassanian EmpirePersian Empire which continued Persian traditions but instituted the Zoroastrian religion as the state religion.18
221767200ProcopiusHistorian of the Byzantine Empire who in his Secret History revealed the cruelty of the autocratic system in which the emperor ruled by divine providence.19
221767201Hellenistic CultureAfter Alexander's death, Greek art, education, and culture merged with those in the Middle East. Trade and important scientific centers were established, such as Alexandria, Egypt.20
221767202Greek FireIncendiary material used by the Byzantines described as able to burn in water.21
221767203TsarTerm used for the emperors of Russia; literally means Caesar. (Also czar)22
221767204Cyrillic AlphabetAlphabet named after Saint Cyril who used it to help convert Slavs to Orthodox Christianity.23
221767205RurikLegendary Scandinavian regarded as founder of the first kingdom of Russia based in Kiev in 855 C.E24

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