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AP world history chpt. 20 vocabulary Flashcards

Vocab for chapter 20.

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237809316Polo brothers...0
237809317Holy Roman Empirea political entity in Europe that began with the papal coronation of Otto I as the first emperor in 962 and laster until 1806 when it was dissolved by Napoleon.1
237809318Otto lGerman ruler who successfully subdued all the competing dukes and crushed the Magyars. Crowned emperor by Pope John XII in 962, helped revive the eastern half of Charlemagne's empire. Established an empire that would last until 1806.2
237809319Investiture ContestA struggle between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope over who nominates clergymen. The Pope eventually won this struggle.3
237809320Gregory Vllthe pope who fought to establish the supremacy of the pope over the Church and the supremacy of the Church over the state (1020-1085).4
237809321Henry lVFights with Pope Gregory Vll aboput lay investiture. Supportes by german religious officials. Gets reinstated after being excommunicated. Wants a new Pope to crown him Holy Roman Emperor, goes with his new Pope to Rome. Leaves back to Germany.5
237809322Frederick BarbarossaAmong the most vigorous of the medieval emperors. Clashed with the pope over the appointment of the clergy. Known as "the red beard" (r. 1152-1190). He attempted to conquer Lombardy (n. Italy) and unite the German princes, but the popes did not approve of this and forced him to surrender Lombardy.6
237809323Hugh CapetKing of France elected in 987 and founding the Capetian dynasty (940-996).7
237809324Capetian dynastyafter the Carolingians were dissolved, this was founded by Hugh Capet. It was the beginning of the French monarchy, consolidated by King Louis IX.8
237809325Normansa member of a Viking people who raided and then settled in the French province later known as Normandy, and who invaded England in 1066.9
237809326William of Normandylanded on coast of England and defeated king harold at the battle of hastings. took a census known as domesday book, became king of england.10
237809327Papal StatePart of Italy the pope ruled until 1870.11
237809328IberiaSpain and Portugal penensula where exploration of slave trade began.12
237809329crop rotationthe system of growing a different crop in a field each year to preserve the fertility of the land.13
237809330horse collarHarnessing method that increased the efficiency of horses by shifting the point of traction from the animal's neck to the shoulders; its adoption favors the spread of horse-drawn plows and vehicles.14
237809331urbanizationthe social process whereby cities grow and societies become more urban.15
237809332Hanseatic Leaguea commercial and defensive confederation of free cities in northern Germany and surrounding areas.16
237809333VeniceAn Italian trading city on the Ariatic Sea, agreed to help the Byzantines' effort to regain the lands in return for trading privileges in Constantinople.17
237809334Three estatesThe clergy made up a very small percentage but owned 10% of the land; the nobles made up another small percentage but also owned most of the land; and the rest of the people made up 97% of France and owned very little land.18
237809335chivalrya code that knights adopted in the late Middle Ages; requiring them to be brave, loyal and true to their word; they had to fight fairly in battle.19
237809336troubadorspoet-musicians at the castles and courts in Europe; wrote short verses and songs about the pleasures of life and love; use the venacular.20
237809337Eleanor of AquitaineQueen of France as the wife of Louis VII.21
237809338guildsAssociation of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests.22
237809339cathedral schoolsBishops and Archbishops organized these types of schools and invited well known scholars to serve as master teachers. Established formal curricula based on writings in Latin. Famous ones at Paris, Chatres, and Bologna.23
237809340universitiesDegree-granting institutions of higher learning. Those that appeared in Latin West from about 1200 onward became the model of all modern universities.24
237809341St. Thomas Aquinasdeveloped five precepts that prove the existence of God.25
237809342sacramentsa formal religious act conferring a specific grace on those who receive it.26
237809343saintsa person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization.27
237809344notre damecathedral with large gargoyles and stained glass windows28
237809345relicsthe body parts, clothing, or objects associated with a holy figure, relics were stored in reliquaries.29
237809346pilgrimagesa journey to a sacred place.30
237809347St. DominicHe established an order which combined the rule of poverty and the practice of mendicancy with careful study and informed preaching.31
237809348St. Francisfounded orders of beggars and worked to pursuade heretics to return to the Roman Catholic Church.32
237809349Catharsa Christian religious sect in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries.33
237809350Innocent lllpope under whome the papacy reached its zenith.34
237809351VinlandScandinavian name for the land explored near present day Newfoundland.35
237809352Leif Eriksonfirst European to reach the Americas, son of Erik the Red. The alleged leader of a group of Viking people who sailed to the eastern coast of Canada and unsuccessfully attempted to colonize the area around the year 1000, nearly 500 years before Columbus arrived in the Americas.36
237809353Templarsgroup of warriors who live like monks. established in 1120 to protect the pilgrims and defend Jerusalem. Headquartered in "temple of the Lord" in Jerusalem. Bernard Clairvaux was their most prominent spokesperson.37
237809354Teutonic Knightcrusaders who had a papally granted right to perpetual crusade in their own state along the Baltic coast.38
237809355Guiscard Brothers...39
237809356ReconquistaThe effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100s until 1492..40
237809357The crusadesA "holy war" that was issued by Pope Urban II so that they would be able to gain control of the Holy Land.41
237809358Urban llcalled for a holy crusade to free the Holy Land from the Turks.42
237809359Peter the Hermitfrench religious leader who led one of the bands of the first crusades.43
237809360SaladinThe leader of the Muslims in the third crusade and captured Jerusalem in 1187.44
237809361The Fourth CrusadeWealth became the driving force, crusaders pilgrimaged Constantinople, the Hagia Sophia, stole paintings,gold, and statues. also they raped women and killed fellow christians.45

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