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AP World History Civillizations, Cities, Kingdoms, Empires, Dynasties and Places Flashcards

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114040401SumerAn ancient region of southern Mesopotamia which rose around 3300 B.C. The first empire that ruled in Mesopotamia and is credited with inventing writing.0
114040402Old Kingdom of Egypt3100-2200 BC; period of the pyramids; ends because power became diverted to local leaders (nomarchs) and famine1
114040403Middle Kingdom of Egypt2050-1800 BC; restored power by the south; kingdom for commoners (pharaoh loses power); lower class is protected; 1800 BC -Civil wars: hyksos invade & conquer Lower Egypt (use chariots and weapons); Egypt was not prepared; Ahmose 1 - 1570 BC Pharaoh from Upper Egypt invades lower and kicks out Hyksos2
114040404New Kingdom of Egypt1570-1090 BC; culture expanded (technology, taxes, etc); Treaty with Hittites- first written treaty b/n 2 nations, between the Hittites and Ramses the 2nd, a non-aggression pact3
114040405Mohenjo DaroIndus Valley city laid out in a grid pattern. Had a complex irrigation and sewer system., One of the first settlements in India4
114040406HarrapaFirst city found in the Indus Valley. Few artifacts were found and little could be deciphered about the culture that lived there. This name is also given to represent the entire Indus Valley Civilization.5
114040407Yangshao and LongshanTwo earliest Chinese civilizations. Located in Henan (Central China). Domesticated sheep pigs dogs and goats. 8000-2700BCE6
114040408Xia2205-1766BCE. Yellow River Chinese Dynasty. First major dynasty in China. Developed irrigation and armies.7
114040409ShangThe dominant people in the second earliest Chinese dynasty for which we have written records (ca. 1750-1027 B.C.E.). Ancestor worship, divination by means of oracle bones, and the use of bronze vessels for ritual purposes were major elements of this culture.8
114040410Zhou1046-256 BC. Followed the Shang Dynasty and was followed by the Qin Dynasty in China. Introduced Iron, perfected bronze techniques9

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