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AP World History Dates Flashcards

Dates you should know for AP World History.

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3700870Foundations8000 BCE - 600 CE0
3700871Beginnings of Bronze Age3000 BCE1
3700872Kingdom of Israel1020 BCE2
3700873Iron Age1300 BCE3
3700879Life of Buddha, Confucius, Lao-Tsu (beginnings of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism)6th Century BCE4
3700880Bantu Migrations500 BCE - 1000 CE5
3700881Greek Golden Age - Philosophers5th Century BCE6
3700882Alexander the Great323 BCE7
3700883Qin Unification of China221 BCE8
3700884Spread of Buddhism and Hinduism to Southeast Asia3rd Century BCE9
3700885Mauryan Empire and Gupta Dynasty3rd and 6th Centuries10
3700886Beginnings of Christianity32 CE11
3700887Pax Romana27 BCE - 180 CE12
3700888Han Dynasty, also beginnings of Silk Roads and maritime trade around the South China Sea and Indian Ocean Basin206 BCE - 220 CE13
3700889Spread of Christianity in the Mediterranean basin and Southwest Asia2nd Century CE14
3700890Roman capital moved to Constantinople333 CE15
3700891Christianity official religion of Roman Empire380 CE16
3700892Beginning of Trans-Saharan Trade Routes (use of camel spreads)4th Century17
3700893Classical Maya400 - 800 CE18
3700894Fall of western Roman Empire476 CE19
3700895Justinian rule of Byzantine Empire527-565 CE20
3700896Post Classical Period600-145021
3700897Tang Dynasty (Sui Dynasty for 29 yrs before that)618-90722
3700898Rise of Islam63223
3700899Battle of Tours (end of Muslim move into France)73224
3700900Height of Kingdom of Ghana9th Century25
3700901Song Dynasty960 - 127926
3700902Great Schism in Christian Church105427
3700903Norman Conquest of England106628
37009041st Crusade109529
3700905Mali Empire13th - 15th Century30
3700906Delhi Sultanate1206 - 152631
3700907Magna Carta121532
3700908Mongols sack Baghdad125833
3700909Marco Polo Travels1271 - 129534
3700910Yuan Dynasty1279 - 136835
3700911Mansa Musa's Pilgrimage132436
3700912Aztec Empire14th - 16th Century37
3700913Travels of Ibn Battuta1325 - 134938
3700914Hundred Years' War1337 - 145339
3700915Bubonic plague in Europe1347 - 134840
3700916Renaissance14th - 15th century41
3700917Ming Dynasty1368 - 164442
3700918End of Zheng He's Voyages143343
3700919Early Modern Period1450 - 175044
3700920Ottomans capture Constantinople145345
3700921Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope148846
3700922Columbus sailed to San Salvador, and Reconquista of Spain149247
3700923Safavid Empire16th - 18th Century48
3700924Martin Luther's 95 Theses151749
3700925Cortez conquered the Aztecs152150
3700926Magellan's crew completes circumnavigation of the world152251
3700927African slaves to the AmericasEarly 1500s - Early 1800s52
3700928Discovery of silver in Potosi, Bolivia154553
3701702Mughal Empire (Akbar 1556-1605)1526 - 185854
3701703Scientific Revolution16th - 17th Century55
3701704Council of Trent, Jesuits, Counter-Reformation1545 - 156356
3701705Defeat of te Spanish Armada by the British158857
3701706Start of East India Company and Dutch VOC1600 - 160258
3701707Tokugawa Shogunate1603 - 186759
3701708Founding of Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay Colony1607 - 163060
3701709Qing Dynasty (Kangxi 1661 - 1722)1644 - 191161
3701710Tsar Peter the Great1682 - 172562
3701711John Locke's Two Treatises on Government168863
3701712Glorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights168964
3701713High point of African Slave Trade18th Century65
3701714The Long 19th Century1750 - 191466
3701715Industrial Revolution1750 - 191467
3701716The Englightenment18th Century68
3701717Seven Years' War or French and Indian War1756 - 176369
3701718Declaration of Indepedence and Adam Smit Writes Wealth of Nations177670
3701719US Constitution Ratified178971
3701720French Revolution1789 - 181572
3701721Haitian Revolution1789 - 180473
3701722Congress of Vienna181574
3701723European revolutions1830 - 184875

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