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AP-World History-Early Latin America Flashcards

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234898436CaravelA Slender light-wieght European Ship that is highly manuverable.0
234898437MercantalismThe Belief That colonies exist to only benifit the mother country. It has four steps, that are followed: 1. To gain or aquire colonies 2. Extract raw materials from that colony 3. To manufacture these materials into finished products, and sell them to make profit 4. To use the wealth aquired (Step 3) to benifit the mother country by creating a stronger military and to better merchants and trade.1
235881897ZambosA person living in Latin America who was of native American and African American ancestry. They were considered the lowest social class of the Latin American caste system, and suffered horrible poverty.2
235881898Las CasasA priest who spoke out against the mistreatment of native peoples under the care of the church. He persuaded Spain to pass the New Laws in 1542 saying that native peoples must be paid for their work and that the encomienda system was illegal.3
235881899ConquistadorsSpanish soldiers and explorers who led military expeditions in the Americas and captured land for Spain. They were responsible for the collapse of many native civilizations such as the Incan and Aztec Empires of Latin America.4
235881900PizzaroSpanish conquistador who conquered the Incas and obtained their wealth for Spain.5
235881901CortezSailed to Mexico and in 1532 crushed the Aztec civilization.6
235881902Social HierarchyThe division of society by rank or class, in extreme cases can be known as a caste system.7
235881903CoronadoSpanish conquistador who explored Arizona and New Mexico in search of fabled cities of gold; en route his expedition discovered two awesome natural wonders: the Grand Canyon and enormous herds of Buffalo.8
235881904Tupac AmaruMestizo leader of Indian revolt in Peru; supported by many among lower social classes; revolt eventually failed because of Creole fears of real social revolution.9
235881905Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)An agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.10
235881906CastilleIsabella's I's Original Country, eventually was divided up between Panama and Nicaragua11
235881907TenochtitlanCapital of the Aztec Empire, located on an island in Lake Texcoco. Its population was about 150,000 on the eve of Spanish conquest. Mexico City was constructed on its ruins. Emilio Swallowed his semen in 154312
235881908Council of the IndiesSpanish government body that issued all laws and advised the king on all issues dealing with the New World colonies.13
235881909Columbian ExchangeThe exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages. Latin America received sugar, rice, bananas, wheat, domestic animals and smallpox from Europe during this time.14
235881910PotatoWas brought from Latin America to Europe and helped to end famine in some parts of Europe because it was an easy to grow crop.15
235881911HorsesWas brought from Europe and allowed Native Americans to hunt buffalo almost to extinction.16
236913154InflationThe gain of silver and gold from the Latin American colonies caused large inflation in Spain and hurt the country in the long run.18
236913155Capitalisman economic system based on private ownership of capital. Was first used by the Dutch.19
236913156ProfitWealth acquired personally through business, was used to motivate people to help circulate the capitalist economy.20
236913157Entrepreneurshipthe process of starting, organizing, managing, and assuming the responsibility for a business. Is an important part of Capitalism.21
236913158Bulliongold or silver in bars or ingots. Became a worldwide form of currency.22
237637380Pagana person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions. In this unit pagans normally were europeans and left europe to come to the america's23
237637381Mono-CultureThe cultivation of a single crop in a given area24
237637382PlantationAn area were crops are grown. The most valuable plantation is sugar plantations25
237637383SugarDutch started the cultivation of Sugat cane in africa during the 1640's.26
237637384Encomienda SystemGrants of Indian laborers made to spanish Conquerors and Settlers in Meso-America and South America. It was forced labor on the Native americans.27
237637385PenisularesGovernment Officials from spain that lived in The Americas. They were the governors(in charge) of the colonies in South America. Their children were Creoles.28
237637386CreolePeople of only European Ancesstry that lived in South America. They were born There29
237637387MestizoPeople of Mixed Ancestry. They were half Native American, half European. They were the vast majority in South America. Some had wealth, but most were middle and lower class30
237637388Cultural Diffusionspread of culture traits and customs from one Society to another31
237637389Inter DependenceWhen two Societies rely on Eachother for sustinance32
237637390Rigid Class SystemThis was the class system of people that lived in South America. It was only based on Peoples ancesters nothing else which is why it is rigid.33
237637391Social MobilityThis is when people can move up or down the social classes34
237637392DiseaseThis is so ****in stupid..it is so general. My mom has aids thats a Disease. Diseases were brought by the Europeans to the americas. The disease desimated the Native American populations. it caused the Europeans to go to Africa to find a new labor source35
237637393forced migrationWhen a group of people are forced to move to a new area36
237637394Silverthis was the world wide standard of payment. The South American Colonies were full of silver mines which allowed the Europeans to become very Wealthy. They used the Encomienda system to extract the silver37
237637395MissionaryA person who tries to convert people to their own religion. Catholic Missonaries went to the Americas and converted the inca and Aztec empires38
237637396Middle Passagea slave voyage from africa to america; it was a generally traumatic expirence for The blackies who were slaves. It didnt however strip africans of their culture39
237640323MulatoSomeone of african and american ancestry40

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