391473928 | complex society | characterized by all or most of the following features: dense population, agricultural economy, cities, complex social hierarchy, complex occupational specialization, centralized state, monumental building, a writing system, and a dominant belief system | 0 | |
391473929 | paleolithic | of, relating to, or denoting the early phase of the Stone Age, lasting about 2.5 million years, when primitive stone implements were used | 1 | |
391473930 | Venus figurines | prehistoric statuettes of women portrayed with similar physical attributes from the upper Paleolithic, mostly found in Europe, but with finds as far east as Siberian, extending their distribution to much of Eurasia | 2 | |
391473931 | metallurgy | the branch of science that deals with the property of metals | 3 | |
391473932 | social class / social structure | the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships | 4 | |
391473933 | neolithic | of, relating to, or denoting the later part of the Stone Age, when ground or polished stone implements prevailed | 5 | |
391473934 | textile | a type of cloth or woven fabric | 6 | |
391473935 | neolithic revolution | was the first agricultural revolution. it was the wide scale transition of many human cultures from a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to agriculture and settlements. archaeological data indicates that various forms of plants and animal domestication evolved independently in six separate locations worldwide. the earliest known evidence exists in the tropical and subtropical areas of southwestern / southern Asia | 7 | |
391473936 | agricultural transition | the changing of science or occupation of working land to grow crops | 8 | |
391579530 | polytheism | the belief or worship in more than one god | 9 | |
391579531 | monotheism / monotheistic | the doctrine, or belief that there is only one god | 10 | |
391579532 | daoism | is a system of ideas and beliefs based on the teachings of Laozi. He believed that people should live simply without interfering with nature or the natural order of things. The concept of balance that was essential was key in most of the dynasties of China's history. Its also led many followers to nature conservation in China, which is largely polluted | 11 | |
391579533 | legalism | excessive adherence to law or formula | 12 | |
391579534 | Jainism | a nontheistic religion founded in India in the 6th century B.C. by the Jina Vardhamana Mahavira as a reaction against the teachings of orthodox Brahamanism, and still practiced there. It teaches salvation by perfection through successive lives, and noninjury to living creatures, and is noted for its ascetics | 13 | |
391579535 | Hellenism | the national character or culture of Greece, asp. ancient Greece / the study or imitation of ancient Greek culture | 14 | |
391579536 | Christianity | a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior | 15 | |
391579537 | Zionism | a movement for (originally) the reestablishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzi, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann | 16 | |
391579538 | Hinduism | a body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and based on a caste system; it is characterized by a belief in reincarnation, by a belief in supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation form earthly evils | 17 | |
391579539 | Islam | the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah | 18 | |
391579540 | Judaism | the monotheistic religion of the Jews having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud | 19 | |
391579541 | Shia | one of the two branches of Islam, followed esp. in Iran, that rejects the first 3 other branch's caliphs and regards Ali, the fourth caliph as Muhammad's first true successor / a Muslim who adheres to this branch of Islam (blood line) | 20 | |
391579542 | Sunni | the branch of Islam that believes that the Qur'ran is the final authority, and that their leaders have no special sacred wisdom (not blood line, elected) | 21 | |
391579543 | Buddhism | the teachings of Buddah that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire causes, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth | 22 | |
391579544 | Manichaeism | a dualistic religious system with Christian, Gnostic, and Pagan elements, founded in Persia is the 3rd century by Manes. The system was based on a supposed primeval conflict between light and darkness. It spread widely in the Roman Empire and in Asia, and survived in Chinese Turkestan until the 13th centruy | 23 | |
391579545 | Catholic | founder is Jesus Christ, founded around 30 A.D. The church structure is ecclesiastical hierarchy of bishops, priests, and deacons. Mission was to bring the message of Christ to all the ends of the Earth, and call all persons to baptism to become children of God | 24 | |
391579546 | Confusicanism | the teachings of Confucius emphasizing love for humanity; high value given to learning and to devotion to family (including ancestors): peace, justice, influenced the traditional culture of China | 25 |
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