7304149768 | Hinduism began in modern day _________________, surrounded by what land features? Rivers? | India, Himalaya and Hindu-Kush Mountains, Indus and Ganges rivers | 0 | |
7304157372 | The region experience frequent___________. | monsoons (large winds, accompanied by heavy rains) | 1 | |
7304161117 | Farming in the region began in? | 4000 BCE | 2 | |
7304163167 | The Aryan Migration/Invasion Theory | Indo-Europeans migrate through Hindu Kush into India, go from pastoral to agricultural way of life | 3 | |
7304169483 | The Indo-Europeans brought what with them? | Vedas, the foundation of Hinduism | 4 | |
7304171579 | Basics of the Caste System | patriarchal society, used to control, maintains peace, no true slavery | 5 | |
7304174444 | Vedas | sacred books of wisdom, origin of the universe, chants, prayers, recitations | 6 | |
7304176788 | Upanishads | intellectual exploration, meditation, fasting, psychedelic plants (shrooms) | 7 | |
7304181839 | Bhagavad Gita | Part of an epic poem, Mahabharata, says a man shall reach perfection if he does his duty as an act of worship to the Lord | 8 | |
7304193155 | Hinduism has no ________, ________________, or ___________________. | one founder, creed, strong organizational structure | 9 | |
7304197299 | Hindus believe in....... | one single divine reality, polytheistic | 10 | |
7304203378 | The Caste system dictates... and it is ________________. | one's life, economic advantages, marriage, what family they are born into, work // permanent 9for one life) | 11 | |
7304208199 | The Caste system was initially based on... | skin color | 12 | |
7304211698 | Levels of the Caste System | ![]() | 13 | |
7304220531 | Brahmin | twice born, recieve teaching very early// priests, intellectuals, | 14 | |
7304223302 | Kshatriya | twice born, teachings // warriors | 15 | |
7304226405 | Vaishya | twice born, teachings // merchants, traders, craftspeople, maybe farmers | 16 | |
7304228021 | Sudra | serve top groups, manual laborers | 17 | |
7304229795 | Dalit or Untouchables | menial labor, janitorial and unclean occupations (skinning cows, sewage), called narijahs or children of God by Ghandi | 18 | |
7304235358 | Brahman | idea that divine reality is at the heart of all things, everything is the universe, all things are holy, same source | 19 | |
7304237756 | Atman | deepest self (soul), when experienced fully it is identical with Brahman | 20 | |
7304240525 | Maya | everyday world (one world, forms) time is relative, doesn't exist, everything is indistinct and an illusion | 21 | |
7304245141 | Karma | moral law of cause and effect (what goes around comes around) | 22 | |
7304247953 | Samsara | circle of constant rebirth | 23 | |
7304249589 | Moksha | freedom, the end of rebirth, escape, true death | 24 | |
7304252516 | The Goals of Hinduism | Kama (pleasure), Artha (economic power), Dharma (social/religious duty), Moksha (escape) | 25 | |
7304255375 | Yoga | "union" // active spiritual path, systematic set of techniques | 26 | |
7319317395 | Buddhism was founded by ____________________ in ________________. | Siddhartha Gautama, 5th century BCE | 27 | |
7319334036 | Buddhists reject __________________. | notion of a soul, this is known as anatta meaning "no Atman" | 28 | |
7319341418 | Ahimsa | fundamental in Buddhism, means no harm | 29 | |
7319349767 | When does Karma affect you in Buddhism? | later lifetimes | 30 | |
7319357560 | Four Noble Truths | 1)To live is to suffer (birth+death, body+mind) 2)Suffering comes from desire (desires are insatiable) 3)To end suffering, end desire (attachments bring suffering) 4)Release from suffering can be attained by the eightfold path | 31 | |
7319374913 | Nirvana | end of suffering and rebirth in Buddhism | 32 | |
7319388012 | Basics of Eightfold Path | way to reach inner peace// right understanding, intention, speech, action, work, effort, meditation, contemplation (not harmful to others, strive to improve, pure motives) | 33 | |
7319404808 | All Buddhists believe in... | Buddha (founder), living as monks, Dharma, no caste system, Anatta | 34 | |
7319413902 | The 2 main branches of Buddhism | Theravada (38%, more traditional, smaller bus), Mahayana (56%, modern, bigger bus) | 35 | |
7319476576 | Similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism | ![]() | 36 | |
7319476577 | Differences between Hinduism and Buddhism | ![]() | 37 | |
7322970803 | Patriarchy in Hinduism | Laws of Manu, women subservient to men, focus on household affairs, not allowed to remarry, often die with husband, no public authority, no property, no priest positions | 38 | |
7322980810 | sati | a wife throws herself onto funeral pyre (fire) when her husband dies, it is her dharma | 39 | |
7322986644 | Time of Mauryan Empire and what they conquered? | 326-184 BCE, Greeks, Persians, Indian Subcontinent | 40 | |
7322989374 | Mauryan Empire led by... | Chandragupta Maurya | 41 | |
7323005887 | Mauryan Empire Government | large military, civilian bureaucracy | 42 | |
7323010682 | Mauryan Empire Trade | Internal and External (despite lack of unity), along Silk roads, silk, spices, textiles, technology, science, religion | 43 | |
7323017899 | Ashoka | Chandragupta Maurya's Grandson, responsible for diffusion of and maintaining Buddhism, promoted Buddhism on columns, road carvings, etc | 44 | |
7323036281 | Time of Gupta Dynasty | 320-550 CE (last major Indian dynasty of classical era) | 45 | |
7323040316 | Golden Age | age of peace and prosperity, often marked by contributions whose influence extends far beyond their place and time of origin | 46 | |
7323050133 | Advancements in India's Golden Age | contact/trade with European merchants as far as Rome, hospitals, medical advancements such as inoculations (vaccines, give weak virus to develop immunity), numerical system (0 to 9, Arabic Numerals because they were introduced to Europe by Arabians traders), schools (taught Vedas, Buddhist university in Northern India that had religious freedom) | 47 | |
7323066151 | maritime | trade by oceans and waterways | 48 | |
7323075146 | There were trade routes along ______________ and ________________. | Silk roads and Indian Ocean | 49 | |
7323078487 | The trade in the Indian Ocean relied on ____________, but what was developed? | monsoon winds, dhow and lateen sail (allowed to sail against wind) | 50 | |
7323093788 | ___________ was a valuable trade commodity, but it could only by grown in _________________, so what was developed? | cotton, summer, Qanat Irrigation System (allowed access to water underground) | 51 | |
7323101278 | Four reasons for the collapse of the Mauryan and Gupta Empires? | States failed to command loyalty (fragmented geography, no central gov) Great cultural diversity (dif. languages, ethnicity, and cultures made it difficult to maintain control) Frequent invasions from central Asia (White Huns, nomadic tribe from steppes) Caste system encourage local loyalties (dharma was to remain loyal to local leaders rather than distant emperor) | 52 |
AP World History, Ferg: Period 2 India Flashcards
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