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ap world history final exam Flashcards

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4493176088what important changes did agriculture bring?caused the hunter/gather lifestyle to change and people began to settle0
4493178447what are characteristics of a civilization?cities, government, religion, social structure, writing, art, stable food supply, culture, technology1
4493180064how did writing advance societies?keep records, communicate information, share knowledge2
4493182073define neolithic revolutiona fundamental change in the way people lived; the shift from hunting & gathering to agriculture led to permanent settlements, the establishment of social classes, and the eventual rise of civilizations3
4493184146what were the main beliefs of confucianism?-humans are naturally good -respect and follow your elders -your ancestors should be worshipped as they provide you guidance -strongly emphasized education -being polite is very important -yin and yang represent opposite forces that keep balance and harmony in nature4
4493184147define dynastya line of hereditary rulers of a country5
4493186028define cultural diffusionthe spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another; increased with advanced communication, transportation and technology6
4493188470what did the aryans contribute to indian society?writing system and castes system7
4493188485what was the role of the caste system in india?implemented as a way to create a society in which all essential functions were addressed and all people assumed vital roles based on their abilities.8
4493192493what are some of main differences between hinduism and buddhism?1.Hinduism is based on the concept of atman and Brahman whereas Buddhism denies the existence of an eternal soul 2.Buddhism emphasizes on sufferings in the existing world whereas Hindus believe that one can enjoy divine bliss through moksha or reunion with God 3.Buddhism believes in attaining nirvana through the four noble truths and eightfold path whereas Hinduism believes there are several ways one can reach to God. 4.Hinduism believes in the existence of several gods whereas Buddhism reasons as to why one should seek a God which nobody is aware of.9
4493193229what were slaves used for in roman society?sold; laborers; bodyguards; cooks; waiters; cleaners; doormen; gardeners; maids; dressmakers10
4493194423define hellenistic societyof or relating to Greek history, language, and culture from the death of Alexander the Great to the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony by Octavian11
4493196760what did hinduism, christianity, and buddhism all have in common?-believe in a spiritual higher power -a Creator and a redeemer of sins or transgressions; salvation; -preach tolerance and helping those less fortunate than us12
4493198103what is a "barbarian"?a member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations13
4493200103what were the important values stressed by buddhism as it spread?the three universal truths, the four noble truths, and the eight fold path14
4493202206what areas were affected by the spread of islam in its early years?africa, asia, and europe15
4493202207what are the five pillars of islam?1) The declaration "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet." 2) Prayer 3) Giving charity. 4) Fasting 5) Hajj: Pilgrimage16
4493205537why were the umayyads threatened by muhammad?The Umayyads were threatened by Muhammad and his growing followers, fearing that Muhammad would take all of their power. More and more people followed Muhammad after seeing his revelations come true.17
4493205553define sunniacceptance of the first three caliphs18
4493207074define shiarejects the first three Sunni caliphs and regards Ali, the fourth caliph, as Muhammad's first true successor19
4493207075define islamthe religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah20
4493209485how did the crusades affect the west?Crusades had introduced Europeans to more sophisticated goods produced in Eastern countries. Crusades had created "wants" for these goods and opened trade routes to obtain these goods via Jerusalem and Constantinople. When window to the east was closed later by Ottoman Turkey needs remains and Europeans went searching for alternative routs to India and China. This is why Columbus expedition was funded.21
4493211532how did hinduism and islam compare?Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion, founded by Prophet Muhammad in the Middle East in the 7th century CE. Hinduism on the other hand is religious tradition that originated in the Indian subcontinent in the pre-classical era (1500-500 BCE) and does not have a specific founder.22
4493215795describe the indigenous religion of sub-saharan africa?Animistic religion belief in the power of natural forces personified as deities characterized much of Africa.23
4493217068who brought an end to the byzantine empire?ottoman turks24
4493219681what famous church was constructed in constantinople during the byzantine era?hagia sophia25
4493224681the time period between the roman empire and the renaissance is known as what?dark ages26
4493230253what area did the aztecs settle into?mexico27
4493230254what was their main city?tenochtitilan28
4493232022define chinampasa type of mesoamerican agriculture which used small, rectangular areas of fertile arable land to grow crops on the shallow lake beds29
4493232023define inca socialismcreated by spanish authors to describe Inca society as a type of utopia; the image of the Inca Empire as a carefully organized system in which every community collectively contributed to the whole30
4493234425what was the role of the ministry of rites?administered the examinations for state office during the Tang dynasty31
4493236615what was the order of chinese dynastic rule?shang, zhou, qin, han, sui, tang, yuan, ming, qing32
4493241068why did buddhism's popularity decline during the tang era?destruction of 4,600 Buddhist monasteries and 40,000 temples; viewed Buddhism was an alien religion and sought to restore the native Confucian tradition.33
4493245432what was the primary concern at the imperial court of heinan in japan?Social interaction, pursue beauty, and status34
4493245433define bushiA term used to describe a warrior class during Japan's pre-feudal and feudal periods35
4493245453define samuraia member of a powerful military caste in feudal Japan, especially a member of the class of military36
4493246949define shoguna hereditary commander-in-chief in feudal Japan.37
4493248795familiarize yourself with chinggis khan's early life.From an early age, Genghis was forced to contend with the brutality of life on the Mongolian Steppe. Rival Tatars poisoned his father when he was only nine, and his own tribe later expelled his family and left his mother to raise her seven children alone. Genghis grew up hunting and foraging to survive, and as an adolescent he may have even murdered his own half-brother in a dispute over food. During his teenage years, rival clans abducted both he and his young wife, and Genghis spent time as a slave before making a daring escape. Despite all these hardships, by his early 20s he had established himself as a formidable warrior and leader. After amassing an army of supporters, he began forging alliances with the heads of important tribes. By 1206, he had successfully consolidated the steppe confederations under his banner and began to turn his attention to outside conquest.38
4493250483what was unique about the mongol military?they had different tactics from there enemies such as lightening raids on horseback; hey also had new technologies of war such as Greek fire, a mixture of sulphur and gunpowder that set light to almost anything39
4493252578how did mongols view religion within their empire?tolerant40
4493254180why were the mongols able to conquer russia so easily?russia was not unified41
4493257628what european nation was the first to experiment with overseas exploration?portuguese42
4493259382why were the british initially traveling to north america?trying to find a different route to india43
4493262153what was exchanged during the colombian exchange?44
4493262154define mercantilismbelief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism45
4493263688define core nationscontrol and benefit from the global market; are the industrialized capitalist countries on which periphery countries and semi-periphery countries depend46
4493263689define dependent nationsnations that depend on core nations47
4493264951define vasco da gamaPortuguese navigator who led an expedition around the Cape of Good Hope in 149748
4493267913what were the religious propositions of martin luther?(1) MONASTICISM was wrong. (2) Only FAITH could gain salvation. (3) People should read the Bible in their own languages. (4) Sail of Indulgence of Grants of Salvation were wrong.49
4493269093define predestinationthe divine foreordaining of all that will happen, especially with regard to the salvation of some and not others50
4493271144define johannes gutenburgA German printer of the fifteenth century, who invented the printing press51
4493273436when did the romanov dynasty begin?161352
4493275184what important body of water did peter the great target?black sea53
4493276640what economic areas did peter focus on?mining and industry54
4493278323what areas did catherine the great expand into?prussia, austria, russia55
4493280279what percentage of russian society was in the peasantry?82%56
4493282763what advantages did the spanish have in their conquest over the natives?Guns, Cannons), small pox, horses, ships, military techniques, military experience57
4493282764define encomiendasa grant by the Spanish Crown to a colonist in America conferring the right to demand tribute and forced labor from the Indian inhabitants of an area58
4493285502define bartolome de la casas16th-century Spanish historian, social reformer and Dominican friar59
4493285503define cortesSpanish conquistador: defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico60
4493287841what were the causes of the french revolution?-government -financial problems -people wanted a democratic forum61
4493290763define socialista person who advocates or practices socialism62
4493290764define radicalsa person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims63
4493292008define conservativesholding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion64
4493292009define charles darwinBritish naturalist who revolutionized the study of biology with his theory of evolution based on natural selection65
4493293742what is a "tropical dependency"?small groups of Europeans ruled over large populations of non-Western people, such as in Africa, Asia, and the South Pacific; Europeans, to establish legal and administrative systems66
4493295933what is a "white dominion"?colonies in which European settlers made up the overwhelming majority of the population67
4493297259what were the causes of ww1?the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on 28 June 191468
4493298464how did ww1 affect women?suffrage69
4493299287when did the fighting stop?191870
4493299288define versaillesA city of north-central France west-southwest of Paris. It is best known for its magnificent palace, built by Louis XIV in the late 1600s, where the treaty ending World War I was signed in 1919.71
4493301855define the balkansthe countries in the Balkan Peninsula: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, and the European part of Turkey72
4493303411how did lenin plan to solve the ww1 crisis russia was facing?Bolsheviks; introduced important innovations in Marxist theory to make it more appropriate for Russia73
4493303412define new dealdesigned to improve conditions for persons suffering in the Great Depression; established under franklin roosevelt74
4493304887define sovietsan elected local, district, or national council in the former Soviet Union; a revolutionary council of workers or peasants in Russia before 1917; a citizen of the former Soviet Union75
4493304888define sudetenlandthose northern, southwest, and western areas of Czechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by German speakers76
4493306632what were the years for ww2?1939-194577
4493310970what institution was created as a result of the ww2?the league of nations78
4493312662what was the non-aggression pact?the germany and soviet union agreed to take no military action against each other for the next 10 years79

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