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AP World History Final Flashcards

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123466373Slash And Burn AgricultureSlash the bark and burn the trees to the ground0
123466374Breeding of animals allowed...people to stay in one place1
123466375Job SpecializationPeople could do other jobs such as metalsmith, miller, brewer, trader. Surplus NEEDED2
123466376SurplusExtra food. Needed for Job specialization3
123466377Gender rolesMen=Worked on the field Herding Animals Women=Inside the house taking care of kids4
123466378CopperThe earliest metal used for jewlery and simple tools5
123466379BronzeCopper+Tin. More workable and stronger.6
123466380WheelSumerians used it to carry stuff in chariots7
123466381Pastoral nomadismPastoral nomads depended on their herd for survival8
123466382SteppeTall Feathery grass that grew in areas where there was not much rainfall, ideal for animal grazing9
123466383Fertile CrescentSouthwest Asia. "The land between the waters"10
123466384Free CommonersPeasants, Craftsmen, scribes11
123466385Dependent ClientsCommoners who owned no property and worked only on the estates of others12
123466386SlavesPrisoners of war, or people serving punishment for debt crimes.13
123466387ZigguratsTemples to the gods in Sumer14
123466388HammurabiFamous emperor of Mesopotamia used an organized central bureaucracy and regular taxation to aid in ruling his empire. Most famous for his legal codes of laws.15
123466389HieroglyphicsEgyptian written language made up of pictographs.16
123466390Harrapa And Mohnjo-DaroIndus civilizations that are much mystery even today. They had grid based cities and were technologically and economically advanced. Language is still a mystery today.17
123466391IndiaAryans, nomadic people of Indo-European Origin entered India and dominated the inhabitants of the Indus valley18
123466392VedasA collection of sacred hymns, songs, prayers, and rituals (Aryans)19
123466393Caste SystemPeople were divided into four varnas based on occupation and purity. Brahmins=Priest, Ksatriyas=Warriors, vaisyas=merchants, shudras=servants.20
123466394Chinese CivilizationsDeveloped around the Huang He or Yellow River21
123466395ShangFirst Chinese dynasty, oracle bones to tell the future.22
123466396ZhouChinese Dynasty after the Shang, cemented important Chinese traditional foundations. Dynasty that fell because of the Warring States.23
123466397Mandate of HeavenPower to rule was granted from heaven. Floods, Earthquakes, Natural disasters=God doesn't like you anymore. Over thrown24
123466398Veneration of AncestorsThe Zhou dynasty placed great emphasis on the family unit. Respect elders.25
123466399OlmecsFirst American civilizations with agriculture. built masks and human figurines out of jade. Colossal Heads. No one knows why they fell.26
123466400Colossal HeadsOlmecs built them six feet hight heads carved of stone27
123466401Axial AgeAround 600 BCE major religions and philosophies and philosophers emerged. These "axial" ideas were the core ideas around which civilizations revolved around.28
123466402DharmaDuty (Hinduism).29
123466403KarmaSum of all good and bad deeds performed (Hinduism)30
123466404SamsaraBy following your dharma (duty) and by keeping up good karma (sum of all bad and good deeds) a Hinduist can move up in the level of Samsara. Samsara=Level31
123466405ReincarnatedThe new position a Hinduist receives in the next life depends on how well they performed their dharma (duty) in their past life.32
123466406MokshaOneness with the universe (Hinduism)33

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