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AP World History First Quarter Exam Flashcards

AP World History for St. Xavier first quarter exam. Covers Neolithic Era, Classical Era, and Post Classical Era (specifically Islam). Please add at least 5 note-cards or you will be kicked out. PRAISE LORD ZEPF

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7632213667ConsolidationThe action or process of making something stronger or more solid. In Zepf's terms, making the empires larger and making them come together.0
7628091632Islam in AfricaHemisphere is more connected through technological developments like dhows. Africa is specifically now more inclusive with the boats. Result is that Islamic world becomes more rich especially the caliphs and rich merchants had many luxuries. All people were much more rich though.1
7628102453What type of democracy did Greece have?Direct democracy2
7628109471What type of democracy did the Roman Republic have?Indirect democracy3
7628115800The Church of Nicaea lead by Constantine created what?Nicene Creed4
7628340881Fall of Roman RepublicMany poor people from war. Caesar helped poor and so popularity grew. Government killed Caesar which made the people unhappy. People wanted empire to have one ruler now. Civil wars and so had an internal conflict.5
7628356019Fall of Roman EmpireHuns pushed barbarians into Rome and there was multiple civil wars over the control of the empire which lessened border control allowing Germanic Tribes to take the west Roman Empire.6
7633440120Fall of the Han EmpireLost control of the land owning aristocrats and civil wars like the Yellow Turban Rebellion weakened the empire making it able for the Xiongnu to invade with more impact.7
7632190210IslamizationThe gradual process of turning Muslim by slowing immersing yourself in the culture, copying their actions, obeyed laws, and married them.8
7632219793Innovations and Inventions of the GuptasMathematical Inventions: Algebra, invention of zero, modern numbers - the 10's system, and will be built upon by the Muslims Scientific Inventions: Idea of Sterilization, vaccination for small pox, and medical practices surpassing all of the world.9
7634605207Syncretismthe combination and changes that occur in different religions, cultures, or schools of thought when cultures clash10
7634625094Trade in the Classical EraGreatly expanded over what it previously was as a result of the Indian Ocean trade and the Silk Road11
7634636625Trade in ChinaDriven by the trade of silk, which was by far the most profitable and widely wanted good from China. Also traded porcelain The Chinese had an odd liking for silver, which made it much more valuable there than it was in other areas.12
7635573621ConfucianismSet of ideas, initially created by Confucius. It was used as the central idea for the Han dynasty. It was based on morals, emphasized the importance of unequal relationships (such as a subject to his king or a wife to her husband, etc.), and believed that a ruler should be fair and just.13
7640409105Agricultural revolution or Neolithic RevolutionThe transition from foraging to the cultivation of food occurring about 8000-2000 BC14
7640415163animismthe belief that spirits inhabit the features of nature15
7640417915artifactan object made by human hands16
7640419722foraginga term for hunting and gathering17
7640424877Neolithic Agewe to see patriarchy when males need to use muscle and fight wars from neighboring cities18
7640431022Agriculture RevolutionNeolithic Revolution is also known as...19
7640432701Paleolithic Agethe Old Stone age20
7640434612pastoralismthe practice of herding21
7640438152patriarchalpertaining to a social system in which the father is the head of the family and men are superior to women.22
7640442642Specialization of Laborthe division of labor that aids the development of skills in a particular type of work23
7640586635cuneiformfirst example of writing presented in Mesopotamia24
7640589216hieroglyphicswe believe it developed from cuneiform and uses pics as well in Egypt25
7640593599Mandate of Heavensaid that all Chinese rules in Shang dynasty had the approval of the Gods26
7640597385oracle bonesChinese used these to write and reveal messages in early civilizations27
7640599577Polytheismbelief in many gods28
7640602104untouchableslowest class in Aryan society29
7640603563Brahminspriest class in Aryan dynasty (Hindu priest) and the highest rank in the caste system30
7640613113Vedaswritten by Aryans31
7640614679zigguratmassive structure built in Mesopotamia for worship32
7640916010Alexander the GreatMacedonian king who helped unite parts of Macedon, Greece, and Persia. Helped blend Persian and Greece culture33
7640918913aristocracyrule by a privileged hereditary class or nobility34
7640624612DhowsArab sailing vessels with triangular or lateen sails; strongly influenced European ship design making it able for merchants to only use one merchant instead of a chain of merchants35
7640923186Aristotlephilosopher who discusses the various moral virtues and their corresponding vices.36
7640927917democracya political system in which people rule38
7640929453dynastya series of rulers from the same family39
7640932922geocentric theorythe belief held that the earth is center of universe developed during Hellenistic Age40
7640936714Hellenistic Agethe era in which Greek culture blended with Persian and other Eastern influences spread throughout the former empire of Alexander the Great41
7640944702Pax RomanaThe Roman peace; the period of prosperity and stability throughout the Roman empires42
7640948541polisa Greek city state43
7640950218satithe custom among the higher castes of Hinduism of a widow throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband44
7640956228Silk Roadscaravan routes and sea lanes between China and the Middle East45
7640958757Twelve tablesthe codification of Roman law during the Republic46
7640964068Zoroastrianisman ancient Persian religion that emphasized a struggle between good and evil and rewards in the afterlife fro those who chose to follow a good life47
7641042516dharmaBuddhism is laws, Hinduism is good law and followings48
7641048962filial pietyvirtue of respect for parents and elders49
7641054094karmathe good or evil deeds done by a person50
7641056864mokshaHinduism where you become united with Buddha and are no longer reincarnated51
7641060129nirvanaBuddhism ultimate goal of enlightenment52
7641146466Globalizationthe process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.53
7640896627Why was Islam accepting of Christianity, Judaism, ect.They all believed in the same God54
7640905264Monotheismbelieving in only one god55
7640906589Why did Muhammad not want any images of himselfIslam is monotheistic, and if there were pictures of him, he would be worshiped as a god, making Islam polytheistic56
7641432614contrast trade in preclassical and classical ageTrading in the preclassical age was not as big. China was a new player in trade in the classical age, who contributed the Silk Road. The Indian Ocean route was founded during the classical age meaning the Western Hemisphere was more connected. Syncretism spreaded religion and customs between different areas. Override answer57
7641505946Chandraguptaaround 4th century BCE he unified India in the Mauryan dynasty58
7641514704Asokagrandson of Chandragupta; used Buddhism to inspire civic duty (inspire people to behave because its the right thing to do); open to other religions59
7641549248Fall of MauryanEmperors are no longer able to maintain control of the large government; ineffective local princes and government bureaucrats60
7641555391Gupta Kingdomreunified India after the fall of the Mauryan; Hindu, but tolerant of other religions; loosely tied by relationships; Golden Age of India61
7641561197Golden Age of Indiamany new advances in Math, Science, Medicine, and Art62
7642934286bureaucracygovernment characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and a hierarchy of authority63
7644876247Natural barriersMesopotamia was attacked and taken over so many times because they didn't have...64
7644879675Why was Egypt so connected pre-classicalThe Nile flowed north, and the wind blew south, allowed for easy travel both ways. However, Egypt did not get involved with as much trade because of all of its resources65
7644886764Major difference in the Tigris and Euphrates vs. the NileThe Nile river flooded on a schedule, the others flooded randomly66
7644892608Didn't matterAccording to Mesopotamian religion, the afterlife was always bad, so morals...67
7649215788Classical Asia- Patriarchypatriarchy in theory was much more harsh than patriarchy in practice in China and India- Indian men had a more romantic relationship with women68
7649233156spread of world religionsBuddhism and Christianity spread as a result of declining empire69
7649240472Han Bureaucracylarge amount of govt. officials united Han dynasty- were qualified, not selected at birth70
7649251198caste systemunbalanced society- Hindu- you live as what you are born into71
7649261466coercion and consentmethods governments used to get the people to agree with them- used violence for coercion- religious status and public works for consent72
7649473987Cult Of EmperorsThe deification, or making "god- like" or "holy" of the Roman Emperors by the people of Rome. Similar to Mandate of Heaven73
7649486931Legalismstrict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code.74
7656130531Consolidation in Classical RomeUsed legal codes, local autonomy, and strong military rule75
7656151096Trade similarity in Classical and Pre-Classical AgesSpread of religion through trade, accelerated trade, use of Indian Ocean Silk Road76
7656207253Pre-Classical EgyptHad much less patriarchy than other societies of its time77
7656227516ContextualizationThe AP term for expanding on ideas to give the reader a better understanding for why something is so important78
7656258187Epic of GilgameshMesopotamian epic on why there is suffering in the world79

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