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67227080Homo SapiensEarliest variant, the Neadertahl, appeared 100,000 to 250,000 years ago. More advanced was Cro-Magnon, appeared 60,000 to 100,000 year ago during the Paleolithic Age. Both used advanced tools, wore clothing, created semipermanent or permanent dwellings, and organized into social groups. Spread from Europe to Africa and Asia. Homo sapiens, modern humans, emerged 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.0
67227081HominidsAppeared 3 to 4 million years ago in southern and eastern Africa. Humanlike creatures called primates. Mary and Louis Leakey excavated hominid fossils in the great Rift Valley. Lucy,an australopithecine fossil, found in 1974. Three major differences from earlier primates: bipedalism (gives ability to walk upright), a sizable brain (enables abstract thought and fin motor control), and a larynx (allows for complex speech). Thought-processing ability led to alteration of the natural environment to suit human needs.1
67227082Paleolithic Era-EconomyCalled Old Stone Age (ca. 10,000 to 2.5 million years ago). Greatest concerns: steady and plentiful food supply and clothing. stone and bone tools included spears, bows, arrows, fishhooks, harpoons, clay pots. Humans were nomadic hunters and gatherers. Predates agricultural societies.2
67782931Shang DynastyEarliest record dynasty; rise and sucess based on technology, especially bronze. Shang contrlled production of bronze by monopolizing mines and employing craftsmen. Using a well-armed military, the Shang extended control to northeastern China. Kings controlled surplus agriculture as well as a n extensive network of as many as 1000 local towns. uilt extensive and lavish tombs for emperors. Practiced ancestor worship; used oracle bones to divine the furture.3
67782932Yellow River Civiliization; Xia DynastyHuang He means Yellow River and refers to the light colored losess soil that it picks up and eposits on the riverbank. Unpredictable flooding led to its nickname, china's Sorrow. Regular rains and fertile soil eliminated the ned for an extensive irrigation system and instead water-control systems were developed. Legendary Xia dynasty first attempted to organize public life on large scale established the precedent for hereditary monarchial rule in china. Legendary founder, Yu intianted flood control projects, organized large scale public works, and set up formal government.4
67782933VedasVedas: a collection of hymns, songs, prayers, and rituals honoring various Aryan gods. There are four Vedas-most important is the first, Rig Veda: it was compiled between 1400 and 900 B.C.E. Passed down orally until 600 B.C.E, when all four were recorded in Sanskrit. Veda means wisdom or knowledge and refers to the knowledge priests need to carry out heir tasks. Vedas reveal a great deal about early Aryan society.5
67782934Caste SystemDeveloped over time as the aryans established settlements in India. Four main varnas(social classes), orginally formed arond skin color. Priests (Brahmins); warriors and aristocrats (kshatriyas); cultivators, artisans merchants(vaishyas); and landless peasants and serfs (shudras) later addition untouchables. Occupation determined a person's jati, or subcaste. CAstes and subcastes had a major impact on development of HIndu society complete with rules for interaction and intermarriage; severely limited social mobility. Although the caste system continues to influence social practices of Hindus throughout India, Barriers have been broken down in urban areas.6
67782935Mandate of HeavenEvents on earth and in heaven are directly connected. Power to rule comes form heavenly powers; this is granted to an individual who is deserving, known as the son of heaven. Ruler, a link between heaven and earth, has a duty to maintian order and dispense justice, as long as things go smoothly, he will remian in power; if he fails, the mandate of heaven will be bestowed upon a more deserving candidate. Relates to European concept of divine right. First used by Zhou to justify their takeover of the Shang.7
67782936Zhou DynastyRuled by proclamation; military forces and allies dissemintated laws and justice. Allied with shang and adoped customs and culture and then overhtrew Shang king. All power and loyalty trasferred to Zhou Dynasty. Zou theory of politics: events of heaven and earth are closely related. Zhou cultural achievements. Most writing lost, but book of songs preserved early Zhou literature.8
67782937Warring StatesTime of disunity for China; many independent states adopted Legalist philosophies as the basis for their rule. Legalism helped the State of Qin to gian control and unify China. Turmoil forced Chinese to become introspective in an attempt to bring peace and unity to China. Development fo 3 significant schools fo thought- confusicanism, Legalism, Daoism-this period is also referred to as the 100 schools of thought.9
67782938OlmecsOlmecs are named after trees from the region in which they flourished. Centerof Olmec soicety: San Lorenzo, La venta, and the Zapotes in Central America. Adequate rainfall allowed for the construction of drianage; irrigaiton systems led to abundant harvest. Authoritarian rule led to the creation of extenisve public works projects, including altras, temples, pyramids, and tombs. Famous sculpture: gigantic human heads.10
67782939Mayan CivilizationSociety location in present day southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El salvador; classical Maya ruled from 300-900 C.E. Terrace farming was developed to capture rainwater and silt to increase soil fertility and hence agricultural production: cotton, maize, cacao. Achievements: elaborate system of writing, accurate calendar, and concept of zero. Solar year set agricultural patterns, and ritual year set daily activities and divided the year into 13 months with 20 days each.11
67782940Mayan Culturebuilt eighty large ceremonial centers, which included pyramides, palaces, and temples; large centers included Palenque, Chichen Itza, and Tikal, the latter wiht a population of approximately 40,000 people and the Temple of the Jaguar. Approximately 8000 C.E. people abandomed their cites, possible as a resutl of civil war, internal divisions, invasions, or natural disasters.12
67782941TeotihaucanCity built in central Mexico becuase of the abundant supplies of fish; developed agriculture by 500 B.C.E. rapid expansion after 200 B.C.E, rapid expansion after 200 B.C.E. At height 200,000 people. Two most important monuments: colossal pyramids of the sun and the moon. Artwork suggests a theocratic government-priests were crucial to the survival of society-kept calendar and scheduled planting and harvesting.13
67782942ChavinChavin cult began after 100 B.C.E peaked in populatrity 900 to 800 B.C.E spread thorugh Peru, and vanished approximately 300 B.C.E. Cult probably arose when maize became an imporatant crop in South America; becuase it was needed to uspport a large population, the cult may have been designed to promote feritlity and abundant harvests. Achievemnts include large temple complexes, elaborate works of art, fishing nets, experimentation with minerals, techniques of godl, silver, and coppor metallurgy used in the creation of jewelry, and small tools.14
67782943Achaemenid EmpireIncludes the Medes and the Persians, both people of sizable military power and equestrian skills Cyrus, an ahcaemenid , founded Periosn imperial empire-at hight spread form India to the borders fo egypt. Darius younger kinsmen of Cyrus, extended the empire form the indus river i nthe east to the Aegean Sea inthe west, form armenia in the north to the first waterfall of the nile river in the south. Darius was more important as an administrator than a conqueror ecuase of the the size of the empire he managed. He also established a new capital, persepolis, which ecame the center of the persian empire.15
67782944Achaemenid AdministrationGovernment relied on a balance between central administration and locally appointed governors. Darius divided the empire into twenty three satrapies-administrative and taxation districts governed by satraps-in which he regularized tax levies and standardized laws. To ensure local provinces did not become too powerful, each satrapy was assigned a group of military officers and tax collectors who checked the satrap's power and independence, and imperial spires, trained as watchdogs for the king, a conducted surprise audits. Built extensive roads,: Persian Royal Road-from Ephesus on the Aegean to Sardis in Anatolia to Susa in Iran-facilitated trade.16
67782945Persian WarsFought between Greeks and Achaemenid-led to demise of the empire; began when Ionian Greek cities revolted against their governors. Greeks believed the Persian were uncivilized. Herodotus, the great sources of knowledge of the history of the wars. Persian use of unlimited manpower and resources earned them the reputation as one of the greatest militaries in history. Delian League formed to discourage further Persian aggression. Darius put down rebellions and reasserted Achaemenid power but ultimately lost to the Athenian army of 10000 men at Battle of Marathon.17
67782946Society in classical PersiaIn the cities free classes included priest, priestesses, artisans, craftsmen, merchants, and low ranking civil servants. Women worked in textile production and received rations of wine, beer, and sometimes meat for their labor. Salves were acquired through one of two sources: prisoners of war or civilians who tried to rebel against the imperial government-either way, slave status deprived individuals of personal freedom.18
67782947Government in Classical PersiaSophisticated government led to the development of a new class of educated bureaucrats who played an important role In the daily affairs of the empire. State owned slaves provided labor for large scale construction projects: roads irrigation systems, city walls, and palaces.19
67782948Economics of Classical PersiaAgriculture was the foundation of the Persian economy-surpluses were necessary to support military forces, government administrators, and residents in the cites. Empire controlled fertile land in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia, and northern India. Imperial court consumed almost 800000 liters of grain per year, in addiction to vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, fish oil, beer, wine, and textiles. Persian Royal Road and sea routes through the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and Arabian Sea ll assisted in trade throughout the empire. Markets in large cities, such as Babylon, also housed banks and companies that invested capital in commercial ventures.20
67782949ZoroastrianismA religion based on the teachings of Zarathustra, who left his family at the age of twenty in search of wisdom; after ten years he proclaimed that visions revealed to him and supreme god, whom he called Aura Mazda; this supreme being had chosen him to be his prophet and spread his message. Major belief: the material world in a blessing, teachings of Aura Mazda allow enjoyment of everything the world has to offer( wealth, sexual pleasure, and social status)-but in moderation. Influence of Zoroastrian religion can be found in Judaism and Christianity, for example, the concept of good and evil.21
67782950ConfuciusLived in China during the wrring states period and sought to resotre order to China, A strong-willed man often disagreed with the Chinese government. Left province of Lu in search of a change at promotion, traveled for 10 years, and returned fruitless and ided five years later. An educator and a polictical adviser. Students recorded his teachings in the Analects, which has had a large impact on Chinese government and culture. Believed in five constant relationships-between parent and hcild, husband and wife, older sibling and younger sibling, older firend and younger firend, and ruler and subject-each person in the relationshi p has a responshiblily to the other; one was uperior and other inferior.22

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