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AP World History Flashcards

Units 3 and 4

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305709359TechnologyTools and innovations people use to meet their basic needs. Ex. Caravel, astrolabe0
305709360TextilesCloth or fabric products. Textiles played important roles in trade. Ex. Silk in China, cotton in India1
305709361Schism/doctrinal differences"Split," refers to the split between the Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches, due to differences in religious beliefs and practices. Ex. Great Schism2
305709362Epidemic diseaseInfectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people. Ex. Bubonic plague3
305709363GuildsGroups of people in the same business or trade organized in a single city to promote competition and product quality. Ex. Merchant guild4
305709364Tax-farmingGovernment's use of private collectors to collect taxes. Ex. In Great Britain5
305709365City-statesA city and its surrounding territory which acts as an individual state. Ex. Athens6
305709366SovereigntySupreme and independent power or authority in government. Ex. Absolute monarchy7
305709367MercenariesForeign soldiers who fight for money, not loyalty to a country. Ex. Mercenaries hired in Rome8
305709368DiasporasMigration of religious or ethnic groups to foreign lands despite their continued affiliation with the land and customs of their origin. Ex. Jews living outside of Israel9
305709369SyncretismCombining different principles and beliefs. Ex. Vodun religion in the Caribbean10
305709370Tribute systemA system in which defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor. Ex. Korea was a tributary kingdom to Chian11
305709371InfidelOne who does not accept a particular faith. Ex. Anyone who disagreed with Catholicism in Medieval Europe12
305709372Chartered citiesCity in which the governing system is defined by the city's own charter document rather than by state, provincial, regional or national laws. Ex. Jamestown13
305709373UsuryLending money at an excessively high rate of interest. Ex. Roman money-lenders towards the decline of Empire, causing many people to become poverish14
305709374SacramentFormal religious act conferring a specific grace on those who receive it. Ex. Baptism in Christianity15
305709375CaravelSmall, highly maneuverable three-masted ship which helped make transoceanic connections possible. Ex. Used by Portuguese and Spanish in the exploration of the Atlantic16
305709376TariffsTaxes on imports or exports. Ex. Import tariff on Asian goods in Europe17
305709377ConquistadorsSpanish soldiers and explorers who led military expeditions in the Americas and captured land for Spain. Ex. Pizarro18
305709378AbsolutismForm of government in which the ruler has complete and absolute power. Ex. Absolute monarchy19
305709379Joint-stock companiesLarge trading companies with shares of stock in the company. Ex. London Company20
305709380Trade diasporasCommunities of merchants living in foreign areas to promote international trade. Ex. Asian merchants in Europe21
305709381ExcommunicationBanishing a member of the Church from the communion of believers and the privileges of the Church. Ex. The Pope and Patriarch excommunicating each other from the Catholic and Orthodox churches, respectively22
305709382Slave tradeBusiness of capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves. Ex. Selling Africans as slaves to the Americas as part of triangular trade23
305709383ManumissionRelease from slavery. Ex. Emancipation24
305709384RenaissanceRebirth of intellectual, cultural, and political values in Italy and later northern Europe. The Renaissance focused on clasical styles in art, architecture, and literature, and secular ideas such as the concept of humanism. Ex. Italian and Northern Renaissances25
305709385ProtestantReformation started by Martin Luther which refuted Catholic principles such as the church being a source of religious truth and clergy celibacy, and believed that only faith could gain salvation. Ex. Protestant Reformation26
305709386Coerced labor systemsMandatory government labor. Ex. Corvee, Incan Mita27
305709387MercantilismEconomic theory stating governments should promote the internal economy to improve tax revenues and limit imports. Ex. Triangular trade/Atlantic System28

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