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ap world history Flashcards

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222245863what were the Peloponnesian wars?When Greek split into rival camps (Athens & Sparta)0
222245864what was the Carthage?It was a major part and commercial power in the western Mediterranean. Fought Punic wars with Rome for dominance of western Mediterranean1
222245865Who was Phillip II of Macedonthe ruler of Macedon who founded a centralized kingdom and conquered Greece2
222245866Who was Diocletian?He was a roman emperor who restored the empire by improving administration and tax collection3
222245867What was the Hellenistic Period?the time where Greek art and culture merge with influences from Middle East4
222245868What was Zoroastrianismanimist region that saw material existence as battles between forces of good and evil. Stressed the importance of moral choice.5
222245869Senate?assembly of roman aristocrats6
222245870stoics?Hellenistic group of philosophers7
222245871Corinthian columnsmost ornate and least common of three types of architecture8
222245872Alexandriaa city in Egypt founded by Alexander the Great9
222245873HannibalCarthaginian general during 2nd Punic war, he successfully invaded Italy but did conquer Rome10
222245874PericlesAthenian political leader during 5th century. He guided the development of Athenian Empire11
222245875What were the Punic Wars?fought between Rome and Carthage to establish dominance in western Mediterranean12
222245876Consuls2 chief executives or magistrates of the Roman Republic13
222245877Cyrus the Greatestablished massive Persian empire by 55014
222245878AristotleGreek philosopher, teacher of Alexander the great15
222245879PlatoGreek philosopher, knowledge based on consideration of ideal forms outside the material world16
222245880What caused the fall of Rome?They had no central religion and the classical Mediterranean life was not fully carried on17
222245881Lowest classIndia - Untouchables China - "mean people" Medit - slavery18
222245882What united the classical mediterraneans?India- hinduism Medit - military force, local authrities Chinese - Confusianism, obidience self restraint19
222245883What was the hellenistic period?when greek art and culture merged with other Middle Eastern20
222245884Who was Julius Caesar?one of the leading figures in transforming the Roman republic into an imperial form of government ruled by one dictator21
222245885Explain Greco-Roman religionderived from the belief in the spirits of nature elevated into a complex set of god and goddesses who were seen as regulation human life22
222245886Ethicsdeveloped apart from religion, during Hellenistic period. Created by stoics.23
222245887In ethiopia, trade and contacts...led to the kingdoms conversion to Christianity24
222245888Greek was genius inpolitics25
222245889Rome was genius inengineering26
222245890Greek politics was noted for its formation ofdemocratic city-states27
222245891the roman empiretolerated local politicians and religious diversity28
222245892What did the republic of Rome representedthe landed aristocracy29
222245893classical meditteranean society differed from classical China by...the rejection of religious belief30
222245894Platoa greek philosopher who suggested that human reason could approach and understand of true, good, and beautiful31
222245895Greek society registered special advances in...science32
222245896roman slaves werent used for..military service33

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