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AP World History Flashcards

Key understandings period1 8000bc-600bc

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196729869Hunting-gathering/foragingAny human culture or society that depends on a combination of hunting, fishing, and gathering wild foods for subsistence. A human society that relies on hunting animals, or gathering crops to survive0
196729870domesticated plants and animalsDuring the Agricultural Revolution, people had____to make things easier around the farm or hunt other animals. Ex:Dogs, goats, sheep, rabbits, oil, fibres, tobacco1
196729871Sedentaryresting most of the time(not migratory)2
196729872Nomadicthe nomads way of life:frequently moving from place to place;no permanent home; hunter-gatherers3
196729873Pastorala peaceful and natural way of life; of/relating to sheperds/herders way of life4
196729874Neolithic"The New Stone Age"beginning 10,000 b.c in the Middle East5
196729875DeityThe state, rank, or nature of being a god/godess6
196729876pantheona temple that was dedicated to all the gods7
196729877paganAdherent of a polytheistic religion in ancient times, especially when viewed in contrast to an adherent of a monotheistic religion. One who doesn't have a particular religion8
196729878Caste Systema social structure where class is determined by heredity9
196729879Priesta person, usually a male and a hierarchial Christian church, that is able to perform religious rites10
196729880Nuna woman that is dedicated herself to a religious life11
196729881MonotheismThe belief of only one god12
196729882PolytheismThe belief of more than one god13
196729883CelibacyA vow/promise to not be married and to stay single in their life14
196729884MonasticismThe monks or nuns way of life15
196729885AfterlifeA belief of there being life after death16
196729886ReincarnationThe rebirth of a soul in another's body; the belief that a soul will reappear after death but in a different body or form17
196729887MissionariesA person that is sent out to persuade, teach, or preach to others about their doctrine or principles18
196729888Pilgrimsa dedication to journey(or make a pilgramage) to a particular place19
196729889FilialGenetics:the relationship of a child/offspring to the parent20
196729890Kinshipa family connection/relation either by blood or marriage and sometimes adoption21
196729891Groupsa number of people or objects that are gathered together to form somewhat of a unit.22
196729892ConversionWhen one changes/converts to a new religion or belief23
196729893priesthoodThe character/order of a priest24
196729894Sacred TextsWriting for the worship of a deity Ex: Bible, Koran25
196729895Imperial FeudalOf/having to do with a feud between two empires26
196729896State*A nation/province; refers to a system or entity*27
196729897Empire*Supreme Rule or absolute power and authority; governed by an emperor or empress*28
196729898Ideology*The study of ideas; the opinions/way of thinking as an individual, class* *A set of beliefs that form the basis of a political, economic, or any other system.*29
196729899BureaucracyA large organization/government that manage a hierarchy and fixed rules, impersonal relationships, strict procedures, and a highly specialized division of labor*30
196729900Civil Service*A type of governmental service which bodies of employees of a governmental agency(not counting military)*31
196729901Social HierarchyIndividuals into divisions of power and wealth within a society.32
196729902StratificationA build-up of layers; dividing a society into layers based on power and social-economic status Ex:Hierarchy33
196729903Inequality*Economic, social, income is unstable,34
196729904SlaveryPeople who are treated as property and is forced to work for long hours; they can be held against their will and be traded for money35
196729905PatriarchyA social organization in which the father is the head of the family/tribe36
196729906Urban*Constituting a city or a town*37
196729907Tax revenue*The income that is gained by governments; cause: taxation of people.*38
196729908NobilityA state-privileged status which is hereditary; a high rank in society39
196729909Elites*A most carefully selected part of a group, as of a society*40
196729910AutonomyA self-ruled government "One who gives oneself their own law"41
196729911Citizenan inhabitant of a state/nation that owes loyalty to the city or town42
196729912Trade Goods*also known as a commodity; a good for which there is a demand(supply and demand)*43
196729913Role of Nomads in Trade?44

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