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AP World History Flashcards

Flashcards for the AP World History test

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170444929100 years warEngland vs. France. A war over territory-basically, the English trying to hold onto their territory in Northern France, and the French trying to boot them out. France wins. Important because it signaled a beginning of the end of feudal Europe. Knights began to lose prominence on the battlefield.0
17044493030 years warWar in Europe. Religious conflicts blow up into a political war on the continent1
1704449317 years warEngland vs. France. Conflict over colonies. England wins, France pays huge costs-eventually supports the Americans in our revolution for revenge-further hampers French economy.2
170444932Four Noble TruthsPart of the Buddhist Doctrine: 1. Suffering is part of life 2. Desire is the result of suffering 3. Freedom from suffering can be achieved by the 8 fold path 4. The 8 fold path leads to nirvana3
170444933Empress WuRuled during the Tang Dynasty Expanded Empire Supported Buddhism4
170444934NinevehAssyrian Capital5
170444935AssyriansDefeated the Hittites Learned how to use iron for weaponry Cruel Military superpower6
170444936Greek PoliticsCity-States known as Polis The 2 main polises were Athens and Sparta7
170444937Greek DemocracyThere were three types of people: 1. Citizens 2. Free ppl with no rights 3. slaves Only adult males could participate in the democracy8
170444938AthensPolitical, commercial, and cultural center Draco and Solon helped create the democracy9
170444939Slaves in Ancient GreeceSlaves weren't treated like complete crap Slavery actually helped the people create democracy10
170444940SpartaAgricultural and militaristic women had more freedom and rights military training stressed equality but NOT individuality11
170444941Collapse of Republic1st Caesar took over and then Octavius did. The reasons why the republic was failing was because: 1. Too many slaves 2. bad economy 3. leaders fought among themselves12
170444942Punic WarsWars between early Rome and Carthage Rome won the wars overall After the Punic Wars Rome began expanding The General for Carthage was Hannibal13
170444943Edict of MilanConstantine issued the Edict of Milan making Christianity the Empire's religion.14
170444944Pax Romana200 years of Roman peace and prosperity15
170444945Roman PoliticsThere was a senate and assembly and 2 consuls who ran the place.16
170444946PatriarchsLand owning noblemen17
170444947PlebiansFree men who were not slaves, but didn't own land18
17044494812 Tables of RomeThe law/code of Rome19
170444949Alexander the Great + HellenismHellenism: A combination of Greek and Roman Culture Alex the Great created Hellenism and started expanding it throughout all of the areas that he was in control of.20
170444950Peloponnesian WarsWars between Sparta and Athens. Sparta won but didn't destroy Athens due to respect for Athens.21
170444951Why Athens lost the Peloponnesian WarsAthens lost due to: Plague + weak navy22
170444952Golden Age of PericlesPericles was a ruler in Athens, who encouraged the spread of culture . Athens became a cultural powerhouse and during this time there was : Homer, Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates. Occurred after the Persian War23
170444953Persian WarsGreek City-States got together and held back (but didn't completely defeat) Persia24
170444954MayaDuring the time period of the Han, Roman, and Gupta. They had human sacrifice and war for the sole purpose of getting slaves for the human sacrifice. The government was a bunch of city-states under one king.25
170444955ChavinEarly civilization in the Andes that was completely isolated. It was not an RVC26
170444956Foraging Societies (Hunter-Gatherers)Hunter-gatherers that were at the mercy of nature. Women gather. Men hunt.,27
170444957Pastoral SocietiesThese are nomadic people who herd domesticated animals.28
170444958Egyptian Social Structure1. Pharaoh 2. Priests 3. Merchants and Artisans 4. Peasants 5. Slaves29
170444959OlmecsAmerican isolated civilization in central Mexico. Mastered: irrigation, calender, writing WASN'T AN RVC!!!30
170444960Gupta EmpireChandra Gupta created this Empire. Collapsed due to huns. Arabic Numerals31
170444961Mauryan EmpireFounded by Chandra Gupta Maurya. Prosperous due to trade and powerful military decline due to economic issues32
170444962Qin DynastyVery short. Economy was based on agriculture good army w/ use of iron **created the great wall of china** Extremely centralized and legalist!!33
170444963Han DynastySilk Road trade Buddhism spread Confucian beliefs Started Civil Service Exams Huns attempted to invade, but Wu Ti kicked them out.34
170444964Ashoka MauryaHe was Buddhist, which encouraged the people to convert to Buddhism. He was the emperor when the Mauryan Empire was at its height.35
170444965Neolithic RevolutionDidn't happen all at once it is the revolution where people began settling and farming.36
170444966Food SurplusFood Surplus = specialization of labor37
170444967Bronze AgePeople start using metallurgy to make Bronze weapons and tools. Thank you surplus!!38
170444968River Valley CivilizationPeople started first making civilizations on river valley's because they needed the water for farming and the soil was rich for farming. Examples: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus, China39
170444969MesopotamiaFirst big civilization Between the Tigris and Euphrates40
170444970Jenne-JenoFirst city in Sub-Saharan Africa Bantu Speakers41
170444971Bantu MigrationsSpread Farming Techniques and language in Africa. Went from Sub-Sahara to the South and East42
170444972Zhou DynastyLongest dynasty had a bureaucracy started the Mandate of Heaven Ended due to internal fighting and warfare43
170444973Shang ChinaHuang He River Valley Extremely isolated and thought that they were the most awesome thing ever44
170444974Indus ValleyExtremely advanced cities: Harrapa Mohenjo-Daro45
170444975Khyber PassThe pass between the Kush mountains where the Indus RVC was able to trade with the Mediterranean for food.46
170444976Women in Egypt1st female ruler- Queen Hatsheput Women had a higher status in Egypt than in other societies but they were still viewed as lower to men.47
170444977Three Kingdoms of EgyptOld, Middle, and New. The New was the most prosperous48
170444978HebrewsFirst monotheistic religion49
170444979PhoeniciansCreated the greek alphabet50
170444980Lydiansmade coins51
170444981Great Royal RoadPersian Road for trading52
170444982SumeriansThey developed cuneiform: first form of writing53
170444983Babylonoverran the Akkad. one of the kings was Hammurabi54
170444984Code of HammurabiOne of the first law codes shows the social differences55
170444986Persian EmpireTook over Babylon. Created roads for trade and transport (Great Royal Road)57
170444987HittitesFirst people to use iron in weaponry58
170444988Collapse of Han ChinaOverthrown by people due to external and internal problems59
170444989Collapse of the Gupta EmpireInvaded by the white huns60
170444990Collapse of the Roman EmpireExternal: huns Internal: economy, disease, same old same old The western 1/2 collapsed, but the Eastern 1/2 became the Byzantine Empire61
170444991Similarities Between the Inca and AztecBoth used innovative techniques to dramatically increase agricultural production62
170444992European Community/UnionPost WW2 Europe wants to compete w/ the USA trade and economy so all of Europe unites together for economic reasons. Eased trade restrictions Stopped being protectionist created the Euro63
17044499320th Century ConsumerismMore advertising64
170444994Colombian ExchangeIt is the biological exchange between the Americas and the rest of the world (Eastern + Western Hemisphere). Biological: food (potato) disease (bubonic plague) animals (horse)65
170444995Russian ExplorationCzarist Russia explored N. America, Alaska, and Hawaii in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.66
170444996Sub-Saharan EconomyExported gold to Europe and the Middle East67
170444997Roman + Abbassid DeclineGrowing reliance on mercenary armies68

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