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A.P. World History Flashcards

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130451129Reconquistapushed muslim from Spain0
130451130Manila GalleonsSpanish shipsrunni9ng trade between Philippines and Americas1
130451131Haciendasprivate estates2
130451132PeninsularsSpanish and Portuguese born in Europe3
130451133Ferdinand Megellanfirst to circumnavigate the world4
130451134Chimnampasbuilt up plots of land from lake bottom5
130451135EngenhoBrazilian sugar mill6
130451136AustraliaSouth Pacific penal colony7
130451137TenochtitlanMexica capital8
130451138Francisco pizarroSpanish conquistadorewho defeated Inca Empire9
130451139Zambochild of African and Native10
130451140Smallpoxreduced Aztec population by 95%11
130451141Malukuspice islands12
130451142Mestizochildren of Spanish and native13
130451143Motecuzomaemperor of the Aztec14
130451144Acapulcomexican Pacific costal city, American terminus of the Manila Galleons15
130451145Llamalargest beast of burden in South America16
130451146Sugardominate crop of Brazil17
130451147Iberian PeninsulaSpain and Portugal18
130451148Encomiendasland grants to Spanish settlers with total control of local people19
130451149MuslimTraders who dominated transoceanic trade prior to the "age of exploration"20
130451150Prince Henryestablished sailing school in Protugal21
130451151Vasco da Gamafirst successful voyage from Portugal to Calicut and back, around the southern tip of Africa22
130451152VOCDutch joint- stocktrading company23
130451153QuetzalcoatlMesoamerican god of agriculture24
130451154Potatoesstaple food of the Inca25
130451155Potosisilver city in Peru26
130451156Teraty of Tordesillasdivided territories between Spain and Portugal27
130451157Alfonso Dalboquerquesafe- conduct passes28
130451158Toltecemerging empire following Teotihuacan29
130451159Iroquoisdominate woodland peoples30
130451160Hernan cortesdefeated Aztec31
130451161Repartimientoreplaced encomienda32
130451162Trade windswinds which blows in a consistant pattern33
130451163Melakameeting of South China Sea and the Indian Ocean34
130451164Tainoindigenious peoples of the Caribbean35
130451165TulaToltec Capital36
130451167Captain James CookBritish explorer of Pacific38
130451169Cahokialargest mound in North America40
130451170Volta do Marreturn thorough the sea41
130451171Seven Years Warthe greatest war for empire42
130451172Atahualpafinal king of the Inca43
130451173Bartolomeu Dias1488 rounded the Cape of Good Hope44
130451174Viceroyauthority of Spain in the Americas45
130451175Mulattoechildern of Protuguese and African partens46
130451176Pueble and Navajothe two dominate Native American groups of the United States southwest47
130451177CuzcoInca capital48
130451178Audiencasheard appea;s agaist the Viceroys49
130451179Criollosindividuals born in America od Iberian parentage50
130451182Huitzilopochtlipatron god of the Aztec warrior53
130451183Zacatecassilver town in Mexico54
130451184Coulmbian Exchangeglobal diffusion of plants, crops, animals, human population and diseases55

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