unit 2 vocab
4870924396 | Ancestor veneration | ancestor worship | 0 | |
4870924397 | animism | the doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls | 1 | |
4870924398 | Bodhisattva | Buddhist worthy of nirvana who postpones it to help others | 2 | |
4870924399 | caste system | (Hinduism) a hereditary social class among Hindus | 3 | |
4870924400 | city-state | A small independent state consisting of an urban center and the surrounding agricultural territory. | 4 | |
4870924401 | codification | the act,process,or result of arranging in a systematic form or code. | 5 | |
4870924402 | dao/ tao | the ultimate principle of the universe, The "way" in chinese daoism philosophy. | 6 | |
4870924403 | Diaspora | the dispersion of the Jews outside Israel, EX. from the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 587-86 BC when they were exiled to Babylonia up to the present time | 7 | |
4870924404 | Enlightenment | (Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation EX. characterized by the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness | 8 | |
4870924405 | filial piety | concept that children should obey and honor their parents as well as other superiors and political authorities. | 9 | |
4870924406 | hellenistic | relating to or characteristic of the classical Greek civilization | 10 | |
4870924407 | manifestations | One of the forms in which someone or something, such as a person, a divine being, or an idea, is revealed. | 11 | |
4870924408 | merchants | a businessperson engaged in retail trade | 12 | |
4870924409 | missionaries | someone sent on a mission--especially a religious or charitable mission to a foreign country/ someone who attempts to convert others to a particular doctrine or program | 13 | |
4870924410 | monarchy | an autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority | 14 | |
4870924411 | monastery | the residence of a religious community | 15 | |
4870924412 | monastic | of communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows | 16 | |
4870924413 | monasticism | The monastic life or system, especially as practiced in a monastery. | 17 | |
4870924414 | monsoon winds | giant sea and land breezes produced by seasonal changes in circulation. | 18 | |
4870924415 | rajas | a Hindu prince or king in India | 19 | |
4870924416 | reincarnation | the Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell) depending on the person's own actions | 20 | |
4870924417 | republic | a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them | 21 | |
4870924418 | rituals | the prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies | 22 | |
4870924419 | sanskrit scriptures | (Hinduism) an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism) EX. an official language of India although it is now used only for religious purposes | 23 | |
4870924420 | scriptures | any writing that is regarded as sacred by a religious group | 24 | |
4870924421 | universal truths | A universal truth is something that is true across all cultures and lands. | 25 | |
4870924422 | azhura mazda | The chief deity of Zoroastrianism, the creator of the world, the source of light, and the embodiment of good. Also called Ohrmazd. | 26 | |
4870924423 | alexander the great | received military training in Macedonian army and was a student of Aristotle; great leader; conquered much land in Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, and Mesopotamia; goal was to conquer the known world | 27 | |
4870924424 | aryans | Indo-European nomadic peoples who replaced Harappan civilization; militarized society | 28 | |
4870924425 | ashoka | Third ruler of the Mauryan Empire in India (r. 270-232 B.C.E.). He converted to Buddhism and broadcast his precepts on inscribed stones and pillars, the earliest surviving Indian writing. | 29 | |
4870924426 | athenian democracy | Athenian democracy developed in the Greek city-state of Athens, comprising the central city-state of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica, around 550 BC. Athens is one of the first known democracies | 30 | |
4870924427 | caesar agustus | He established his rule after the death of Julius Caesar and he is considered the first Roman Emperor. | 31 | |
4870924428 | cyrus, the great | king of Persia and founder of the Persian empire (circa 600-529 BC) | 32 | |
4870924429 | darius I | Third ruler of the Persian Empire (r. 521-486 B.C.E.). He crushed the widespread initial resistance to his rule and gave all major government posts to Persians rather than to Medes. most famous for starting the wars against the Greeks (Persian War) | 33 | |
4870924430 | Greco-persian wars | Series of wars between Greek states and Persia, particularly two invasions of Greece by Persia (490, 480-479). | 34 | |
4870924431 | gupta empire | 320-550 CE) The decentralized empire that emerged after the Mauryan Empire, and whose founder is Chandra Gupta. | 35 | |
4870924432 | han dynasty | imperial dynasty that ruled China (most of the time) from 206 BC to 221 and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy and focused on Confucianism and education instead of Legalim. | 36 | |
4870924433 | hoplite | Heavily armored Greek infantryman of the Archaic and Classical periods who fought in the close-packed phalanx formation. Hoplite armies-militias composed of middle- and upper-class citizens supplying their own equipment. Famously defeated superior numbers of opponents by fighting as a unit. | 37 | |
4870924434 | ionia | An ancient region of western Asia Minor along the coast of the Aegean Sea. Greek settlers established colonies here before 1000 b.c. The seaports of Ionia flourished from c. 8th century b.c. until the Turkish conquest of the 15th century a.d. | 38 | |
4870924435 | mandate of heaven | Chinese religious and political ideology developed by the Zhou, was the prerogative of Heaven, the chief deity, to grant power to the ruler of China. | 39 | |
4870924436 | battle of marathon | a battle in 490 BC in which the Athenians and their allies defeated the Persians | 40 | |
4870924437 | Mauryan empire | (321-185 BCE) This was the first centralized empire of India whose founder was Chandragupta Maurya. | 41 | |
4870924438 | Olympic games | Greek athletic competitions to celebrate the Gods and feed city-state rivalries | 42 | |
4870924439 | partiacians | The land-owning noblemen in Ancient Rome | 43 | |
4870924440 | Plebian | All non-land-owning, free men in Ancient Rome | 44 | |
4870924441 | pax ramona | State of prevailing peace within Roman Empire and promoted safe trade (27 BCE to 180 CE) | 45 | |
4870924442 | peloponnesian war | (431-404 BCE) The war between Athens and Sparta that in which Sparta won, but left Greece as a whole weak and ready to fall to its neighbors to the north. | 46 | |
4870924443 | persepolis | A complex of palaces, reception halls, and treasury buildings erected by the Persian kings Darius I and Xerxes in the Persian homeland | 47 | |
4870924444 | persian empire | Mesopotamian empire that conquered the existing Median, Lydian, and Babylonian empires, as well as Egypt and many others. Also known as the Achaemenid Empire. | 48 | |
4870924445 | punic wars | Wars between the Romans and Carthaginians that marked Rome as the preeminent power in the eastern as well as the western Mediterranean. | 49 | |
4870924446 | qin dynasty | (221-207 BCE) The first centralized dynasty of China that used Legalism as its base of belief. | 50 | |
4870924447 | shi huangdi | Founder of the short-lived Qin dynasty and creator of the Chinese Empire (r. 221-210 B.C.E.). He is remembered for his ruthless conquests of rival states and standardization. | 51 | |
4870924448 | solon | Early Greek leader who brought democratic reforms such as his formation of the Council of Four Hundred | 52 | |
4870924449 | wudi | emperor under the Han Dynasty that wanted to create a stronger central government by taking land from the lords, raising taxes and places the supply of grain under the government's control | 53 | |
4870924450 | xiongnu | were ancient nomadic-based people that formed a state or confederation | 54 | |
4870924451 | yellow turban rebellion | A 184 C.E. peasant revolt against emperor Ling of Han. Led by Daoists who proclaimed that a new era would be3ing with the fall of the Han. Although this specific revolt was suppressed, it triggered a continuous string of additional outbreaks. | 55 | |
4870924452 | aristotle | Unlike his teacher Plato, he believe that philosophers could rely on their senses to provide accurate information about the world. | 56 | |
4870924453 | atman | the spiritual life principle of the universe, esp. when regarded as inherent in the real self of the individual. (hinduism) | 57 | |
4870924454 | Bhagavad- gita gita | The most important work of Indian sacred literature, a dialogue between the great warrior Arjuna and the god Krishna on duty and the fate of the spirit. | 58 | |
4870924455 | Brahmen | The term for The Univeral Soul in Hinduism./ The priest varna of the caste system. | 59 | |
4870924456 | Confucius | (551-479 BCE) A Chinese philosopher known also as Kong Fuzi and created one of the most influential philosophies in Chinese history. | 60 | |
4870924457 | constantine | Roman emperor (r. 312-337). After reuniting the Roman Empire, he moved the capital to Constantinople and made Christianity a tolerated/favored religion. | 61 | |
4870924458 | greek nationalism | refers to the nationalism of Greeks and Greek culture.[1] Greek nationalism became a major political movement beginning in the 1820s resulting in the Greek War of Independence (1821-1829) against the Ottoman Empire. | 62 | |
4870924459 | hippocrates | "Father of Medicine" Hippocratic Oath= Deny NO medical attention. | 63 | |
4870924460 | karma | The belief that actions in this life, whether good or bad, will decide your place in the next life. | 64 | |
4870924461 | laozi | the "Old Master" who encouraged people to give up worldly desires in favor of nature; he founded Taoism (Daoism) | 65 | |
4870924462 | Mahayanna | Also known as popular Buddhism, is allows people more ways to reach enlightenment and boddhisatvas can help you reach enlightenment. This one originated in India in the 400s CE and gradually found its way north to the Silk road and into Central and East Asia. | 66 | |
4870924463 | moksha | The Hindu concept of the spirit's 'liberation' from the endless cycle of rebirths. | 67 | |
4870924464 | nirvana | The state of englightenment for Buddhists. | 68 | |
4870924465 | plato | (430-347 BCE) Was a disciple of Socrates whose cornerstone of thought was his theory of Forms, in which there was another world of perfection. Socrates' most well known pupil. Founded an academy in Athens. | 69 | |
4870924466 | pythagoras | was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism. | 70 | |
4870924467 | socrates | (470-399 BCE) An Athenian philosopher who thought that human beings could lead honest lives and that honor was far more important than wealth, fame, or other superficial attributes. | 71 | |
4870924468 | warring states period | time of warfare between regional lords following the decline of the Zhou dynasty in the 8th century B.C.E. | 72 | |
4870924469 | zarathustra | Persian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism (circa 628-551 BC) | 73 | |
4870924470 | zoroastrianism | A monotheistic religion originating in ancient Iran. It centered on a single benevolent deity-Ahuramazda, Emphasizing truth-telling, purity, and reverence for nature, the religion demanded that humans choose sides between good and evil, eventually the forces of good would prevail. | 74 | |
4870924471 | greek slavery | a common practice during ancient greece history | 75 | |
4870924472 | roman slavery | Slavery in ancient Rome played an important role in society and the economy. Besides manual labor, slaves performed many domestic services, and might be employed at highly skilled jobs and professions. Teachers, accountants, and physicians were often slaves | 76 | |
4870924473 | helots | A spartan peasant who works on farms | 77 | |
4870924474 | pericles | Aristocratic leader who guided the Athenian state through the transformation to full participatory democracy for all male citizens. | 78 | |
4870924475 | Scholar-gentry class | Chinese class created by the marital linkage of the local land-holding aristocracy with the office-holding shi; superseded shi as governors of China. | 79 | |
4870924476 | empress wu | the only woman to rule China in her own name, expanded the empire and supported Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty. | 80 |