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AP world history Flashcards

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2424591134Whom did Europeans turn to in order to support European administrators in governing their African and Asian coloniesThey frequently relied on local elites0
2424604853What did the British use in India to bring order to the immenesly complex Indian social hierarchy?They drew in part on the classical Indian texts which desceibed an idealized description of the caste system1
2424627884What could local elites who did not openly rebel against European overlords hope for?The could hope to maintain much of their social status and privileges by serving as an intermediary between their community and the colonial power.2
2424638535Which of the following was a significant outcome of the Indian rebellion against British rule in 1857 and 1858?The British goverment assumed direct rule over India3
2424645618By the end of the 19th century what position could a member of a colonial society hope to aspire to with a western education?He could become a teacher himself4
2424651416What was a distinctive feature of the 19th century European colonial empires?European empires penetrated the societies the governened to an unprecedented extent.5
2424696897Cultural reactions of indigenous peoples to European rule included?Cooperation with the imperial power by the many members of the indigenous ruiling classes6
2424716710Over time on whom did the Europeans increasingly depend to rule their colonies often at the expense of traditional elites?They depended on Western-educated members of the local society7
2424723888What was a distinctive feature of 19th century European colonial empires?Europeans displayed an unprecedented interest in classifying their subject peoples.8
2424731486Which of the following best characterizes the response of most Asian and African societies to European conquestes in the 19th century?The responses covered a wide range from active resistance to accommodation9
2424746265How were such small numbers of Europeans able to govern such huge and populous territories?By reinforcing the power of local rulers and thus earning their loyalty10
2424754036What about the European colonial empires of the 19th century reflected earlier European imperial creations of the 16th and 17th century?They enlisted the cooperation of subject peoples.11
2424758245How did European powers govern at the local level?The frequently relied on local elites12
2424763376What role did gender play in European imperialism during the 19th century?Traditional European ideas about the inferiority of women were assicated with male people of color13
2424776657Which of the following statements is true about gender attitudes with regard to 19th century imperialism?European colonizers took pride in their äctive masculinity" and defined subject peoples as soft and effeminate14
2424797103Which of the following reflects a European colonial policy in the late 19th century that ran counter to their practices at home?European reluctance to encourage urban growth industrialization individual values and religous skeptcism in their colonies15
2424807348In what way was the 19th century European notion of empire distinctive from earlier empires in world history?It included much greater penetration into the daily lives of subject peoples16
2424816646Which of the following statements accurately describes the realationship between European colonial policies and core political values at home?Europeans did not spread their political values in any meaningful way to their colonies17
2424828325What short term trigger rather than long standing grievance helped spark the Indian rebellion (1857-1858) against the british colonial presence?The use of animal fat on ammunition cartridges18
2424843576With whom did British forces fight the Boer War a bitter 3 year struggle to secure South Africa?White descendats of Dutch settlers19
2424846062The european takover of most of Africa is known asthe scramble for Africa20
2424853465Which of the following regions was integrated into European colonial empires in the 2nd half of the 19th century?Much of Africa21
2424858325Which of the following is a good example of a settler colony in the 19th century?Australia22
2424862217Who was the African political leader whose empire took the French 16 years to conquer?Samori Toure23
2424866498What role did Spain and Portugal play in the 2nd wave of European imperialism in the 19th century?They continued to possess colonies but were relatively minor players in the new imperial enterprise24
2424872255How did European imperialism from 1750 to 1914 differ from earlier European overseas expansion?Germany and Belgium played more prominet roles25
2424878745Which East Adian country joined the imperialist club in the 19th century by seizing control of colonies?Japan26
2424881532Which of the following occured in the late 19th century as imperialist colonial regimes expanded?Ethiopia considerably expanded its empire and defeated an Italian invasion force.27
2424890411Which of the folwing occured in the late 19th century as imperalist colonial regimes expanded?Japan took over Taiwan and Korea28
2424893959What was the Boer war (1899-1902)A South African war between Britian and the descendants of Dutch settlers29
2424898462What is a Maxim gun?Automatic machine gun30
2424904941Which of the following was a development during the western expansion of the US?Native American children were remoced to boarding schools where they could be civilized31
2424910721What was a critical feature of European military superiority in 1750?The chief European military advantage lay n organization32
2424916338What was generally the preferred way for European powers to control colonial regions?European preferred informal control which operated through economic penetration and occasional military intervention but without a wholesale colonial takeover33
2424931042What facilitated the Dutch acquisition of Indonesia?The fact that Indonesia was made up of many small states34
2424937765Which of the following regions was integrated into European colonial empires on the 2nd half of the 19th century?The Pacific Islands35
2424946148Which of the following regions experienced a takeover that was most similar to the Britians earlier colonization of North America?Australia36
2424949908Which of the following states made important gains in the 2nd wave of European conquests?Belgium37
2424952272What was the long term plan of the British for taking over contral of India?There was no long term plan38
2424955725Which of the following was a development during the western expansion of the US?The US went to war with Mexico39
2424961257Why did Australia New Zealand and Hawaii become settler colonies in which Europeans became the cast majority of the population?The native population in these places had been largely destroyed by European disease.40
2424975196When European imperialists attacked what was the fate of decentralized societies that did not have a strong ruler or government such as the small kingdoms and chiefdoms of West Africa?They faced prtracted brutal warfare and mass destruction village by village41
2424985184Which of the following was a feature of the cultivation system imposed in the Netherlands East Indies during the 19th century?It enriched and strengthened the position of traditional local authorities that worked for the Dutch42
2424992120Who presided over the cruel forced labor system in the Congo Free State at the opening of the 20th century?King Leopold II43
2425001101Which colony can be described as suffering from a reign of terror in which millions of natives were killed and mutilated to force them to produce for a European market?Congo Free State44
2425008326Which of the following is true of Chinese wage laborers in the 19th century?They were unwelcome in European colonial possessions in Southeast Asia because they were seen as subversive45
2425023711What was a distinctive feature of cash crop cocoa production in West Africa under European colonial rule?Africian farmers not their colonial rulers took the initiative to develop cocoa production46
2425041966Where did local opposition to the forced cultivation of cash crops succeed in bringing an end to the system by the early 20th century?Cotton production in East Africa47
2425050790Which of the following was a development that shaped the lives of women in West Africa during the 19th century?Many women sought closer relation with their famalies of birth48
2425054564How were the lives of African women altered by colonial economies?Women were forced to take on traditionally male tasks in addition to their normal responsibilities49
2425063809Which of the following is a valid comparison of rice production in Burma and Vietnam under colonial rule?In both Burma and Vietnam dikes and irrigation canals built for rice production ultimatley depleted the sold by inhibiting the deposit of upstream silt in deltas50
2425079258Which of the following was a distinguishing characteristic of wage labor in Africa as compared to Asia?More so than in Asia Africans migrated to European farms or plantations for work51
2425084759What effect did 19th century imperialism have on migration in colonized lands?Imperialism led to the migration of millions of indigenous workers to work in mines or on European financed plantations52
2425091299In what way did colonial rule change the working lives of subject peoples?Artisans suffered as they were unable to compete with cheaper merchandise peoduced in mechanized factories53
2425101486By the end of the 19th century in the African and Asian colonies of European powersfar more land and labor were devoted to production for the global market that before54
2425107547What was an important outcome in terms of development for the colonies of European empires during the 19th century?Elements of the European modernizing process were conveyed to their colonies55
2425126306How were the lives of African women altered by colonial economies?Colonial economies sometimes offered women a measure of oppotunity particularly in small scale trade and marketing that could on occasion give them considerable economic autonomy56
2425142982How did colonial economies in Africa change the role of women?New colonial economies led to a great increase in women workload in providing subsistence for their famalies57
2425154922How were the lives of African women altered by colonial economies?Women were forced to take on traditionally male tasks but were able to drop many of their traditional responsibilities58
2425164205Which is true of cash crop agriculture in European colonial empires during the 19th century?Cash crop agriculture sometimes led to environmental problems59
2425172818How did nationalism drive imperialism in the last quarter to the 19th century?Colonial spheres of influence conferred Great Power status on a nation60
2425176851What new developments facilitated overseas expansion in the late 19th century?Inderwater telegraph cables and steam driven ships significantly improved communication61
2425183712What made European racism in the 19th century distinct from earlier periods?It was expressed in terms of modern science62
2425187235Which innovation in 1869 made it much easier and quicker for Europeans to reach Asia?Completion of Suez Canal63
2425200068What made imperialism so broadly popular in Europe in the last quarter of the 19th century?Europeans often found it more profitable to invest their capital abroad than in Europe64
2425204987Which of the following is true of Social Darwinism?Social Darwinism suggested that European dominance inevitably involved the displacement or destruction of unfil races65
2425213259What made imperialism so broadly popular in Europe in the last quarter of the 19th century?Europe needed the raw material of its colonies to fuel its factories66
2425218345What contributed to changing European views of Africans and Asians in the 19th century?Europenas developed a new secual arrogance based on their economic accomplishments associated with industrialization67
2425229764What made imperialism so broadly popular in the last quarter of the 19th century?Imperialism promised to solve the clss conflicts of an industrializing society68
2425235388Which of the follwing were used to underpin European racism in the 19th century?Scientific methods that appeared to prove that European brains are larger than those of people in other parts of the world69
2425245199How did nationalism drive imperialism in the last quarter of the 19th century?Colonial spheres of influence conferred Great Power status on a nation70
2425250320What did ordinary Europeans come to care whether their country gained new territories around the globe?Many Europeans became swept up in the mass nationalism71
2425264314In what was could imperialism solve class conflicts within industrializing Europe?Class conflicts could be solved by providing markets for European manufactured goods and thus keeping workers withing Europe fully employed72
2425272813What made imperialism so broadly popular in Europe in the last quarter of the 19th century?The growth of nationalism in Europe made the acquistion of empires popular73
2425278940Which of the following was a reason for Europes colonial expansion in the long 19th century?The need for markets to sell European manufactured products74
2425284823What made imperialism so broadly popular in Europe in the last quarter of the 19th century?Europe needed markets for its industrial goods75
2425289405Which of the following statements is true about European imperialism?It led European secular arrogance as Europeans grew to despise the peoples they dominated76
2425299616What made imperialism so broadly popular in Europe in the last quarter of the 19th century?Europeans often found it more profitable to invest their capital abroad that in Europe77
2428587681What was an advantage that those colonial subjects who secured a Western education enjoyed?They had access to better paying positions in European mission organization.78

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