Vocab words for midterm review
2127392146 | Paleolithic age | Old Stone age; Ended 20,000 BCE: Humans Applied Simple tool use (Rocks and Sticks) | 0 | |
2127392147 | Neolithic Age | New Stone Age; Between 8000 and 5000 BCE; innovation leads up to agriculture: Agriculture is single most important thing for society | 1 | |
2127392148 | Sumerians | people who migrated into mesopotamia c. 4000 BCE: developed cuneiform alphabet (first form of writing) | 2 | |
2127392149 | Phoenicians | seafaring civilization that was located on the shores of the E. Mediterranean Sea. Developed 22 character writing system (basis of Greek Alphabet) | 3 | |
2127392150 | Lydians | A regional group like the Phoenicians: First to introduce coined money | 4 | |
2127392151 | Catal Huyuk | Bridge civilization, abnormally large: founded in 7000 BCE, studied exclusively | 5 | |
2127392152 | Hammurabi | the most important ruler of the babylonian empire. his law regulated courts of law and property rights | 6 | |
2127392153 | Shang | first chinese dynasty for which Archeological evidence is known: Shang were War like nomads, conquer N. China by 1500 BCE | 7 | |
2127392154 | Pastoralism | agriculture based on animal husbandry: Animal husbandry began in the Mesolithic stone age with sheep and goats | 8 | |
2127392155 | Zhou | First Classical Dynasty, descendants of the Shang(Overthrown 1029) | 9 | |
2127392156 | Mean People | People at lowest status; unskilled jobs | 10 | |
2127392157 | Lao-Zi | Stressed Daoism. | 11 | |
2127392158 | Middle Kingdom | a place where Ahao directed nomads to settle near the Yangzi River: Very fertile area | 12 | |
2127392159 | the Art of War | ancient chinese treatise, everything in it is about war: Written by SunTzu; military tactics and skills | 13 | |
2127392160 | Aryans | Indo-European nomadic pastoralists who replaced Harappan civs. they used iron tools to remove heavy vegitation | 14 | |
2127392161 | Mahabharata | Indian epic; love honor and social duty. Known as India's greatest epic poem | 15 | |
2127392162 | Ramayana | One of the great epic tales from classical India. Reflects better agricultural society in which they could aim for | 16 | |
2127392163 | Upanishads | later books of the vedas; contained sophisticated ideas. Collection of religiously based epics | 17 | |
2127392164 | vedas | Aryan Hymns originally transmitted orally but written down in sacred books from the sixth century BCE | 18 | |
2127392165 | Chandragupta Maurya | founder of Mauryan Dynasty, first to unify sub continent | 19 | |
2127392166 | Mauryan | dynasty established in indian Sub continent in fourth century BCE. | 20 | |
2127392167 | Ashoka | Grandson of Chandragupta: He gained control of all of the tip of india through fierce battle: later converted to buddhism | 21 | |
2127392168 | Gupta | Dynasty after kushans: Two centuries of them provided best political stability | 22 | |
2127392169 | Gurus | originally referred to as Brahmans who served as teachers; taught about gods like Vishnu to help Hinduism expand | 23 | |
2127392170 | Stupa | a shrine to buddha: pressured out of all of indian art | 24 | |
2127392171 | Vedic/Epic Ages | the time when the vedas were written; does not have a single founder | 25 | |
2127392172 | Tamil | language spoken by tamil people of S. India and Sri Lanka. tamils were one of the only ones not to be controlled by Mauryan | 26 | |
2127392173 | Moksha | In Indian Philosophy moksha means emancipation. Equivalent to Nirvana | 27 | |
2127392174 | Zoroastrianism | Animist Religion that saw material existence as battle between good and evil: Persian, rid of animal sacrifice, monotheistic | 28 | |
2127392175 | pericles | athenian political leader in fifth century BCE. relied more on wisdom and negotiation to rule vs his position | 29 | |
2127392176 | Philip II | Philip ruled macedon from 359-336 BCE, Conquered all of greece. Father of Alexander the Great | 30 | |
2127392177 | direct democracy | people participate directly in assemblies that make laws and select leaders: assemblies were every 10 days rules say that anyone can serve | 31 | |
2127392178 | Stoics | stoics were hellenistic group of philosopher that emphasized inner moral independence cultivated by strict discipline of the body and personal bravery. blended with christianity | 32 | |
2127392179 | Persian wars | the period when persia was trying to expand: never conquered greece. fell when alexander the great toppled them | 33 | |
2127392180 | Euclid | Euclid was a greek mathematician; lived in alexandria: euclid known as the father of Geometry | 34 | |
2127392181 | Macedonia | region ruled by alexander the great: Ally of Sparta. | 35 | |
2127392182 | Republic | Form of Gov't in which power reside in the people and the Gov't is ruled by elected officials. Comparable to a direct democracy; city-states were republics | 36 | |
2127392183 | Twelve Tables | Formed the Roman Constitution. benefited everyone except for peasants | 37 | |
2127392184 | punic wars | fought between rome and carthage. romans win after three different disputes | 38 | |
2127392185 | pax romana | latin for Roman Peace; very little conflict. The Two hundred years after Augustus' rule | 39 | |
2127392186 | Axum | kingdom located in Ethiopian highlands. Took out the Kushites(rivals0 | 40 | |
2127392187 | Olmec | arose in mexico 1200 BCE: domesticated dogs, guinea pigs, and turkey | 41 | |
2127392188 | Yellow turbans | Daoist Leader who led a revolt against the bureaucats and Emperor of china (Failed attempt) | 42 | |
2127392189 | bodhisattas | buddhist holy men: thought you could reach nirvana and keep a mind to the physical world | 43 | |
2127392190 | Paul | first christian missionary. During his movement people broke away from Judaism and classified an new religion | 44 | |
2127392191 | kush | kingdom that was located in NW Africa. when the Kushans invaded Egypt, their kings served as Pharaohs. | 45 | |
2127392192 | Constantine | ruled from 312-337 BCE Succeeded Augustus Caesar. Converted to Christianity, made it the national religon | 46 | |
2127392193 | Kingdom of Ghana | Islamic state in Africa. Flourished due to trade of gold and Salt. | 47 | |
2127392194 | land Bridge | a giant bridge believed moved people from asia to the americas. First used by bison then people followed and developed civs around the Americas | 48 | |
2127392195 | Anasazi | AKA pueblo people because they lived in pueblos. built houses under cliffs and didn't have a form of writing | 49 | |
2127392196 | Celt | lived in Europe; Iron age of medieval europe. A group of different civs that often went to war with eachother. | 50 | |
2127392197 | moche | pre columbian civ based on agriculture. extravagant artistic skills in ceramics and gold work AKF complex irrigation skills | 51 | |
2127392198 | Chavin | Predecessors of the moche. also good at gold working and created a drain system for the flood season. | 52 | |
2127392199 | manioc | Shrub in S.A.; edible starchy root: major source of carbs | 53 | |
2127392200 | doctrine of the Trinity | statement that God is three separate beings: The father, the Son, The Holy spirit. earliest dipiction 350 BCE | 54 | |
2127392201 | Crusade | series of military adventures initially launched by W. Christians to free holy land from Muslims. | 55 | |
2127392202 | Sufism | concept of Islam. a philosophy that came way before religion | 56 | |
2127392203 | Ulama | orthodox religious scholars within islam. went against what the crusaders wanted | 57 | |
2127392204 | bhaktic cults | Hindu Cult. result to challenge of islam | 58 | |
2127392205 | mameluk | muslim warriors. defeated by the mongols | 59 | |
2127392206 | saladin | Muslim leader in the last decades of the 12th century. quickly regained land lost in the crusades. | 60 | |
2127392207 | Ivn Khaldun | muslim historian. wrote a universal history of muslim culture | 61 | |
2127392208 | kabin | district in thailand. part of the islamic empire when they expanded to the west | 62 | |
2127392209 | Shrivigayn | trading empire centered on malacca. open widespread opportunities for islam. | 63 | |
2127392210 | Malacca (Chapter 7) | next powerful trade city on the N. Coast of Java. | 64 | |
2127392211 | buyids | regional splinter dynasty of the mid 10th century. controlled the caliph and court but couldn't prevent the fall of the empire | 65 | |
2127392212 | al-mahadi | third of the abbasid caliphs: his time, politics of islam were showing decline | 66 | |
2127392213 | Harun-al-Rashid | one of the greatest islamic ruler of the abbasid era. all possible because al-mahadi's son was poisoned | 67 | |
2127392214 | Chinggis Khan | 1170's born following the death of Kabul Khan. Led the mongols to conquer the Turkish empire | 68 | |
2127392215 | Seljuk Turks | Nomadic invaders from central Asia via Persia. after the buyids failed, they came in and took over. | 69 | |
2127392216 | Maghrib | arabic word for NW Africa. area that didnt includ tunisia | 70 | |
2127392217 | almohadis | reformist movement among islamic berbers of N. africa. followed same pattern as almoravids | 71 | |
2127392218 | almoravids | reformist group of followers. expanded islam into S. Africa and to spain to purify the faith | 72 | |
2127392219 | Sundiata | lion prince; keita clan. beginning of the malinike expansion | 73 | |
2127392220 | griot | professional oral historian. | 74 | |
2127392221 | Ibn batuta | arab traveler; recorded his adventures. traveled all over africa, got different view of different people | 75 | |
2127392222 | Sharia | Islamic law | 76 | |
2127392223 | zenj | arabic word for east coast of africa | 77 | |
2127392224 | the sahel | transition zone between sahara and sudanese savanna | 78 | |
2127392225 | mansa musa | tenth king of the mali empire. devout muslim famous for his Hajj (threw gold out the windows of his chariot) | 79 | |
2127392226 | yoruba | City States that developed in N. Nigeria. Mainly agricultural | 80 | |
2127392227 | nok | culture that flourished highly developed art style between 500 BCE and 200 BCE. used terracotta so we know what kind of tools they had. | 81 | |
2127392228 | icon | an artistic representation. spread culture | 82 | |
2127392229 | cyril and metodius | missionaries from the byzantine. christian missionaries; less successful than the catholics | 83 | |
2127392230 | rurik | scandinavian founded the first kingdom of russia. gov't set up so trade routes went through Kiev | 84 | |
2127392231 | vladimir I | ruler of russian/king of kiev 980-1015. ancestor of rurik, converted kingdom to christianity | 85 | |
2127392232 | yarolav | last of the great kievan monarchs. built many churches; translated greek religious texts to slavic. | 86 | |
2127392233 | tartar | mongols. turkish derivation. | 87 | |
2127392234 | iconoclasm | two periods of byzantine when icons were opposed by religion. art flourished at this time | 88 | |
2127392235 | nestorian | religion. derives from the patriarch of constantine | 89 | |
2127392236 | coptic christianity | church recognized in mostly egypt. | 90 | |
2127392237 | Middle ages | period that documents the decline of europe in the 15th century. influence recover of the fall of the roman empire | 91 | |
2127392238 | serfs | peasant agriculture laborers within the manorial system. common folke | 92 | |
2127392239 | mold board | heavy plow introduced in northern europe. aided agriculturists in digging deeper, faster, limited productivity | 93 | |
2127392240 | clovis | early frankish king. converted to christianity to gain power within his kingdom | 94 | |
2127392241 | carolingians | the most royal of franks after 8th century. family took over france | 95 | |
2127392242 | charles martel | carolingian monarch of france. stopped muslim expansion in France | 96 | |
2127392243 | Charlemange | charles the great. expanded out to the roman empire | 97 | |
2127392244 | holy roman empire | emperors in germany and italy after the split of charlamange's empire. power began to swindle; no monarch development | 98 | |
2127392245 | vassals | elite militants who got land in exchange for war. barter system | 99 | |
2127392246 | william the conqueror | invaded england from normandy in 1066. duke of normandy and descendant of vikings | 100 | |
2127392247 | magna carta | great character issued by ring john of england in 1215. | 101 | |
2127392248 | three estates of france | three social groups considered most powerful in W. Countries. not elected but were officials | 102 | |
2127392249 | Hundred years war | conflict between france and england, 1337-1453 | 103 | |
2127392250 | pope urban II | first to call a crusade in 1095. attack islamic empire | 104 | |
2127392251 | pope gregory VII | attempted to free the church away from feudalists. excommunicated a lot of people | 105 | |
2127392252 | investiture | practice of state appointment of bishops. gregory tried to fight this | 106 | |
2127392253 | peter abelard | author of "Yes and No". book of logical solutions to problems | 107 | |
2127392254 | St. Bernard of Clairvaux | emphasized importance of faith over logic. challenged peter abelard's ideas on social philosophy | 108 | |
2127392255 | thomas equinas | great synthesis of medieval learning. respected faith but valued logic and reason | 109 | |
2127392256 | scholasticism | dominant medieval philosophical approach. used in schools | 110 | |
2127392257 | gothic vs Romanesque architechture | Gothics built tall churches and focused on cathedrals, romanesque was based off of art. | 111 | |
2127392258 | hanseatic league | organization of cities in N germany and S scandinavia. formed state alliances | 112 | |
2127392259 | toltec | succeeded teotihuacan, culture in central mexico. developed strong military | 113 | |
2127392260 | quetzalcoaltl | aztec deity, feather serpent | 114 | |
2127392261 | chichen itza | large city built by the maya. most diverse population in the mayan world | 115 | |
2127392262 | mississippian | mound building native americans. lived in the mississippi river valley; built pyramid mounds | 116 | |
2127392263 | calpulli | clans in aztec culture. 7 calpulli, served as job purposes and placement | 117 | |
2127392264 | quipu | knotted string system used by inca. recorded numerical data | 118 | |
2127392265 | curacas | official of incan empire who was a magistrate. tax exemption and polygamy rights | 119 | |
2127392266 | nahualt | language of the aztecs | 120 | |
2127392267 | huitzilopochtli | aztec tribal patron god. cult, one of their gods | 121 | |
2127392268 | incas | native americans, settled in south america. largest empire in pre-columbian times | 122 | |
2127392269 | inca socialism | socialism was the term used by the spanish to describe their gov't as a utopia. | 123 | |
2127392270 | split inheritance | incan practice of decent. power goes to an heir, possessions going through male lineage. protection of their mummy | 124 | |
2127392271 | mita | laborers extracted for lands assigned to the state and the religion. essential for incan culture, what regulated jobs | 125 | |
2127392272 | mitmaq | part of the inca empire. empire divided up into four sections | 126 | |
2127392273 | tambos | way stations used by inca as inns and store houses. like inns that the indians used to increase trade | 127 | |
2127392274 | yanas | people within inca society removed from their ayllus to serve permanently | 128 | |
2127392275 | ayllus | households in andean society that recognize some form of kinship. AKA quechaspeaking clans that defeated their rivals | 129 | |
2127392276 | orejones | language of peru spoken by trearoans. spoken by ministers | 130 | |
2127392277 | temple of the sun | was an incan religious center located in cuzco. holds mumies of past incas | 131 | |
2127392278 | Wendi | chinese for literary leader. yang jian took title, expanded rule north. reunited a lot of china | 132 | |
2127392279 | li yuan | aka duke of tang. nomadic and chinese descent. rescued yangdi from turks | 133 | |
2127392280 | ministry of rites. | administered examinations to students from chinese gov't school. standardization of tested skills | 134 | |
2127392281 | pure land buddhism | emphasized salvation. provided refuge from war and turmoil, prefered by the lower classes | 135 | |
2127392282 | chan buddhism | equivalent to zen buddhism in japan. stressed meditation and appreciation of nature. preferred by upper class. | 136 | |
2127392283 | empress wu | tange ruler in 690 to 705. leader that supported buddhism and feminism in china | 137 | |
2127392284 | wuzong | emperor who persecuted buddhists. upset that buddhism was getting political. mass destruction of monasteries | 138 | |
2127392285 | yang gvifei | royal concubine during reign of Xuanzong. she was a romantic interest of the emperor. | 139 | |
2127392286 | zhou kuangyin | founder of the song. Rap of being most honest and able generals of all time | 140 | |
2127392287 | Zhu Xi | most prominent of neo confucianists in china during the song. believed philosophical principle could be applicable to everyday life. | 141 | |
2127392288 | neo confucian | song dynasty confucianist. believe that cultivating personal morality was the biggest. | 142 | |
2127392289 | wang anashi | confucian scholar, chief minister in the 1070's song. used cheap loan to pay for governmental irrigation to produce more agriculture | 143 | |
2127392290 | jurchins | founders of the qin kingdom that succeeded that liao. overthrew the qin and established the Jin | 144 | |
2127392291 | age of division | period of five dynasties. buddhism influence became popular | 145 | |
2127392292 | kurilta | meeting of all the mongol cheiftans at which the supreme ruler of all tribes was elected. | 146 | |
2127392293 | tumens | basic fighting forces of the mongol army. bowmen, scouts, warriors | 147 | |
2127392294 | karakorum | capital of the mongol empire when chinggis khan in 1162-1227. met the wisest of all the lands and chilled with his wives | 148 | |
2127392295 | batu | ruler of the golden horse. one of kahn's grandsons, one of his heirs. | 149 | |
2127392296 | ogedei | third son of chinggis khan. Chinggis khan wrote his will personally that ogedei become the kaga | 150 | |
2127392297 | golden horse | 1/4 subdivisions of the mongol empire after chinggis khan's death. | 151 | |
2127392298 | khanates | four regional mongol kingdoms; arose after death of chinggis khan. comparable to the period of division in china | 152 | |
2127392299 | john prestor | mythical christian monarch, kingdom cut off by muslims. european/christian equivalent to william wallace | 153 | |
2127392300 | kublai khan | grandson of chinggis khan, commander of mongol forces against china. captured most of northern china | 154 | |
2127392301 | white lotus society | secret religious society dedicated to the overthrow of the yuan dynasty. claimed they had magical powers | 155 | |
2127392302 | chinggis khan | mongol conqueror; born as temujin. conquered mass amounts of china and russia. | 156 | |
2127392303 | zhu yuanzhang | emperor hongwu; founded the ming. born as a peasant, ming dynasty ruled for 300 years | 157 | |
2127392304 | timuri-lang | leader of turkic nomads. Oddball; cultured and appreciative of the arts; indifferent towards human suffering | 158 | |
2127392305 | metropolitan | kievan rus | 159 | |
2127392306 | mohammad shah II | shah of kwarezmian empire form 1200-1220. he said no to the mongols | 160 | |
2127392307 | tatu | capital of the yuan dynasty, present day beijing. part of the mongol empire in 1290 | 161 | |
2127392308 | wendi | emperor of the song dynasty. started foot binding tradition | 162 | |
2127392309 | zhenghe | chinese muslim admiral, commanded series of trade expeditions under ming dynasty. Eunuch from W. China, related to muslims | 163 | |
2127392310 | secularization | movement of values that are religious in a society to those that aren't. the renaissance is an example of this. | 164 | |
2127392311 | ethnocentrism | judging foreign people or groups based on standards or practices of one's own culture. | 165 | |
2127392312 | castille and aragon | regional kingdoms of the iberian peninsula. united by royal marriage in 1469 | 166 | |
2127392313 | henry the navigator | portuguese prince responsible direction of series of expeditions along african coast. | 167 | |
2127392314 | ibn-rushd(averroes) | spanish muslim teacher; ideas very unorthodox. 20000 page book covered a variety of topics geared towards islam | 168 | |
2127392315 | maoris | polynesians who settled in new zealand. | 169 | |
2127392316 | inquisition | small group of institutions within the judical system of the catholic church. response to growing "threat" of the protestant church | 170 | |
2127392317 | giotto | sculpter and painter credited for triggering the artistic side of the renaissance. great break in byzantine art, represented today | 171 | |
2127392318 | gempei wars | 5 year war that conflicted between taira and minamoto. destroyed peasant land and resulted in a minamoto victory. | 172 | |
2127392319 | tribute states | network of trade between china's tributaries. | 173 | |
2127392320 | nguyen | rival vietnamese dynasty of S vietnam. | 174 | |
2127392321 | onin wars | civil wars that lasted 10 years in japan | 175 | |
2127392322 | ashikaga shogunate | shogunate replaced the kamakura regime in japan. | 176 | |
2127392323 | chams | indianized rivals of the vietnamese. | 177 | |
2127392324 | ferdinand magellan | spanish captain in asia; initiated the first circumnavigation of the globe. Pass the Southern tip of SA and sail the pacific to the philippines | 178 | |
2127392325 | East india companies | dutch-joint stock company that obtained gov't monopoly over trade in asia. British- same thing except they traded in india. | 179 | |
2127392326 | core nations | european nations that enjoyed profit from world economy. | 180 | |
2127392327 | mercantilism | limitation of imports from other nations and internal economics in order to improve tax revenues | 181 | |
2127392328 | seven years war | fought in continetnal europe and overseas colonies between 1756-1763 | 182 | |
2127392329 | boers | literally farmer, they were the settlers in in cape coloney | 183 | |
2127392330 | dependent economic zones | terions within the world economy that produced raw materials. relied on cheap labor. | 184 | |
2127392331 | machiavelli | author of the prince, emphasized realistic discussions on how to seize power. | 185 | |
2127392332 | edict of nantes | granted tolerance to the protestants in france. | 186 | |
2127392333 | thirty years war | war within holy roman empire between german protestants and their allies vs the emperor and his ally. | 187 | |
2127392334 | treaty of wesphalia | ended the thirty years war in 1648 | 188 | |
2127392335 | louis XIV | french monarch, personified absolute monarchy | 189 | |
2127392336 | adam smith | established liberal economics and argued that gov't should avoid reulation of economy in form of the operation of market forces | 190 | |
2127392337 | proletariat | class of working people w/o access to producing property | 191 | |
2127392338 | deism | concept of god current during the scientific revolution. gave reason to why natural laws existed | 192 | |
2127392339 | john locke | english philosopher who argued that people would learn everything through senses and reason | 193 | |
2127392340 | glorious revolution | english overthrow of james II in 1688. | 194 | |
2127392341 | frederick the great | prussian king of the 18th century. encouraged agricultural developments like the potato | 195 | |
2127392342 | enlightenment | intellectual movement centered in france during the 18th century. no specific breakthroughs were made, new understandings of elements and biology were made | 196 | |
2127392343 | anglican church | form of protestantism set up in england after 1534. set up by the king because he wanted a divorce | 197 | |
2127392344 | comercial revolution | period of expansion of all types in the 13th-18th century. | 198 | |
2127392345 | ivan the great | ivan III; prince of dutchy of moscow. emphasis on military and used religion to gain support | 199 | |
2127392346 | ivan the terrible | ivan IV; onfirmed power of tsarist autocracy by attacking authority of boyars. killed many boyars because he thought they were corrupt | 200 | |
2127392347 | time of troubles | period of time due to Ivan IV for not having an heir. many boyars claimed power, causing conflict | 201 | |
2127392348 | old believers | refused to accept the ecclesiastical reforms of alexis romanov. exiled to siberia where they could maintain their religion | 202 | |
2127392349 | parition of poland | division of poland between russia, prusia, and austria in 1771, 1793, 1795 | 203 | |
2127392350 | obrok | term for serfdom in russia. | 204 | |
2127392351 | pugachev rebellion | during catherine's reign and was due to a coassack emelian pugachev claiming he was a legit tsar. | 205 | |
2129321750 | Ferdinand and Isabella | Leaders of the largest Christian monarchs in Iberia: Married and brought unity to Iberia; eliminate religious and ethnic division in kingdom | 206 | |
2129321751 | ecomiendas | grants of indian laborers made to spanish conquerors and settlers in mesu and S. America | 207 | |
2129321752 | Jose de Gavez | spanish minister of the W Indies and chief architect of colonial reform: 6 years in mexico before becoming the minister in W Indies | 208 | |
2129321753 | bartolme de las casas | dominican friar; supported peaceful conversion of Native american pop of spanish colonies. originally conquistador;initiated plea for human rights | 209 | |
2129321754 | hernan cortes | led expedition to the coast of mexico in 1519. conquered subjects of the aztecs; joined forces to attack tenochtilan | 210 | |
2129321755 | Francisco pizarro | conquistador; conquered Incan empire. illegitimate son; cousin of cortes; told to abandon mission, drew a line for his men to cross if they were with him, Famous 13 | 211 | |
2129321756 | Juan Gines de Sepulueda | Spanish humanist, philosopher, theologian: opposed las casas and believed the conquest of the natives | 212 | |
2129321757 | casa de coatratacion | spanish gov't agency; tried to control all spanish exploration and colonization. tax on casa was 20% on all goods entering spain, others could go as high as 40% | 213 | |
2129321758 | treaty of Tordesillas | signed in 1494 between castile and portugal; clarified spheres of influence and rights of possession in the new world: imaginary line drawn by the pope, reason brazil belonged to portugal | 214 | |
2129321759 | council of the indes | body within castilian gov't; issued all laws; advised king on matters involving the new world. set vice royalties to enforce his wishes | 215 | |
2129321760 | recopilacion | body laws collected in 1681 for spanish possessions in the new world. basis of laws in the colonies because the laws became contradictory at times. | 216 | |
2129321761 | galleons | large, heavily armed ships; carried silver from new world to spain: 2 galleons a year would sail from manila to mexico w/ chinese silk, porcelain and lacquer. | 217 | |
2129321762 | viceroyalties | two major division of spanish colonies in the new world; mexico and lima. run by viceroys; high ranking nobles and direct representatives of the king | 218 | |
2129321763 | miscengenation | mix breeding of different ethnic groups. | 219 | |
2129321764 | peninsulares | those living in colonies but born in spain | 220 | |
2129321765 | creoles | born in the colonies, living in the colonies | 221 | |
2129321766 | tupac amaru | mestizo leader of indian revolt in peru. revolted against the gov't; viceroyalties in turmoil for three years; 70,000 indians and creoles rebelled against colonial abuse. | 222 | |
2133365811 | Nzinga mvemba | King of Kongo: converted kingdom to Christianity. | 223 | |
2133372709 | Luanda | Portuguese factory; basis of colony of Angola | 224 | |
2133377202 | Royal African company | Chartered in 1660 to establish dominance over the slave trade | 225 | |
2133382492 | Indies piece | Value of healthy adult male(slaves) | 226 | |
2133391176 | Asante empire | Est. Gold Coast among akan people. Traded gold and kohla nuts | 227 | |
2133410530 | Osei tutu | Member of clan of alan people's in Gold Coast. Created leader position and unified many states | 228 | |
2133424855 | Dahomey | Kingdom developed among aja people's in the 7th century. Hated European presence; shot up town that traded with them | 229 | |
2133447254 | Luo | People who migrated from the upper Nile valley: est. Dynasty among Bantu people | 230 | |
2133468834 | Fulani | Pastoral people of Sudan | 231 | |
2133492636 | Great trek | Movement of boer settlers in cape colony of S africa; escape british colonial gov't | 232 | |
2133501423 | Swazi | New African state formed on model of Zulu cheifdom | 233 | |
2133536845 | Lesotho | S. African state that survived mfecane | 234 | |
2133546385 | Obeah | African religious ideas in the english/french Caribbean | 235 | |
2133555766 | Candomble | African religious ideas and practices in Brazil | 236 | |
2133564830 | Vondun | African religious practices in Haiti | 237 |