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AP World History Flashcards

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163595814National Socialist (Nazi) PartyFascist party of Adolf Hitler in Germany.0
163595815BlitzkriegFast-moving "lightning war" used by Germany to invade its neighbors in World War II. Use of tanks and aircraft in coordination in an attack1
163595816Winston ChurchillInspirational Prime MInister of Britain in World War II.2
163595817Battle of BritainFailed German attempt to bomb Britain into submission in World War II. Britain's Royal Air Force (RAF) outlasted Hitler.3
163595818HolocaustName given to the genocide of as many as 12 million people by the Nazi regime; 6 million of these were Jews. The Holocaust was notable for its especially brutal, systematic, and premeditated nature.4
163595819Battle of the BulgeLast German offensive on the Western Front in World War II. Its failure hastened German defeat.5
163595820Pearl HarborAmerican naval base in Hawaii that was surprise-attacked by the Japanese; triggered the official U.S. involvement in World War II.6
163595821Battle of the Coral Sea; Midway IslandTurning point naval battles of the Pacific theater in World War II. Japanese advances halted after these defeats.7
163595822United NationsSuccessor to the League of Nations, this U.S.-backed international organization had more success in all ways than its predecessor.8
163595823Tehran ConferenceAllied war conference in Iran where later Cold War tensions first appeared.9
163595824Yalta ConferenceMost significant of the Allied war conferences; divided post-Nazi Europe and set the stage for Soviet-U.S. tensions for the next 45 years. Yalta is in the Crimea.10
163595825Potsdam ConferenceFinal Allied war conference in Germany in which the Soviet Union pledged to enter the war against Japan.11
163595826Total WarConcept in warfare in which all the industrial and civilian might of a nation is linked to strategy and tactics on the battlefield.12
163595827Atlantic CharterAlliance between the U.S. and Britain in 1941 that pledged mutual defense and the "right of all people to choose the form of government under which they live."13
163595828Quit India MovementMass civil disobedience campaigns in India against British rule in 1942.14
163595829Muslim LeagueSupported the partitioning of India into secular and Muslim states. The result of this political group's goal was the creation of Pakistan.15
163595830Muhammad Ali JinnahLeader of the Muslim League and first president of Pakistan.16
163595831Convention Peoples Party (CPP)Founded by Nkrumah in Ghana to support independence from Britain. He organized mass rallies, strikes, and boycotts.17
163595832Jomo Kenyatta; Kenya African UnionLeader of independence movement in Kenya; supported nonviolent protest.18
163595833Land Freedom ArmyMore radical independence group in Kenya that conducted terrorism and guerilla warfare against the colonizers.19
163595834Secret Army OrganizationReactionary settler military group that directed its aim at Arabs and Berbers in Algeria.20
163595835Afrikaner National PartyMajority party in the all-white South African legislature, it won complete independence from Britain and maintained minority domination over the black majority.21
163595836ApartheidRigid system of racial segregation in South Africa; established after 1948 and lasting until majority rule began there in the 1990s.22
163595837HaganahZionist military force that spearheaded Jewish resistance to the British presence in Palestine.23
163595838VichyFrench collaborationist government established in 1940 in southern France following defeat of French armies by the Germans.24
163595839Kenya African Union (KAU)Leading nationalist part in Kenya; adopted nonviolent approach to ending British control in the 1950s.25
163595840National Liberation Front (FLN)Radical nationalist movement in Algeria; launched sustained guerilla war against France in the 1950s; success led to independence of Algeria in 195826
163595841Eastern BlocSoviet allies in eastern Europe, including Bulgaria, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Hungary.27
163595842Harry TrumanU.S. president after Franklin Roosevelt in the early years of the cold war. His foreign policy was to contain Communism through diplomacy and military strength.28
163595843Iron CurtainTerm coined by British P.M. Churchill to describe the political division of Europe between free (western Europe) and repressed (eastern Europe) during the cold war.29
163595844Marshall PlanU.S. aid to western Europe after World War II helped it recover and concurrently staved off Communist inroads made in the interim.30
163595845NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization. U.S.-led alliance including western Europe, Canada, and Turkey against Soviet aggression there; now includes some former communist countries of eastern Europe31
163595846Warsaw PactSoviet response to NATO.32
163595847Welfare stateState-run "cradle to grave" care that developed in western Europe and spread in varying forms to the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.33
163595848TechnocratA type of bureaucrat in this era who often had training in engineering or economics, hired to support the welfare state bureaucracy.34
163595849Green MovementPolitical movement and party that arose in several western European nations in the 1970s that opposed unfettered free market economies and unchecked industrial pollution.35
163595850European UnionFinal name of the Common Market; an economic and, later, political movement in Europe that supported free markets to compete with the U.S. and eventually, the goal of forming a common government in much of Europe.36
163595851New FeminismA wave of women's rights agitation reappeared in the 1960s promoting job opportunities and other civil rights issues for women. Two early leaders were Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan.37
163595852Berlin WallBarrier built by the U.S.S.R. in 1961 in East Germany to keep that nation's subjects from fleeing to liberty in West Berlin. Major cold war symbol until it was torn down in 1989.38
163595853SolidarityTrade union movement in Poland that developed into a political pressure group that supported reforms from the Communist leadership.39
163595854Aleksandr SolzhentsynSoviet writer of anti-Communist expose The Gulag Archipelago, who was exiled to the West; he later returned to Russia after the fall of the U.S.S.R.40
163595855Nikita KhrushchevLeader of U.S.S.R. after Stalin's death. Criticized his predecessor's abuses, signaling a bit of a thaw in the cold war. After backing down in the Cuban Missile Crisis, he was removed from power and exiled within the U.S.S.R.41
163595856ZapatistasGuerilla movement named in honor of Emiliano Zapata; originated in 1994 in Mexico's southern state of Chiapas; government responded with a combination of repression and negotiation.42
163595857Third WorldAlso known as developing nations; nations outside the capitalist industrial nations of the first world and the industrialized communist nations of the second world; generally less economically powerful, but with varied economies.43
163595858PRIParty of the Industrialized Revolution. Dominated Mexico in 20th century.44
163595859ZapatistasArmed guerrilla movement in Mexico in the 1990s.45
163595860NAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement. Non-tariff policy between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico that began in the 1990s.46
163595861Juan José ArevaloElected president of Guatemala in the 1940s. His attempts at reform brought him into conflict with the United Fruit Company.47
163595862United Fruit CompanyU.S. corporation that controlled the banana trade in much of Latin America. Largest foreign-based corporation in that region48
163595863Fulgencio BatistaAuthoritarian ruler of Cuba until overthrown by Castro.49
163595864Fidel CastroCommunist dictator of Cuba since 1959 who recently retired and turned control over to his brother, Raul. Once heavily supported by Soviet regime. The Cuban Revolution he led inspired similar attempts in Latin America.50
163595865"Che" GuevaraMilitant Argentine revolutionary who assisted Castro in Cuba and was killed attempting a similar revolt in Bolivia.51
163595866Liberation TheologyA combination of Catholic theology and socialism, promoted (but not employed) in Latin America by some clergy and fewer politicians.52
163595867Salvador AllendeSocialist leader of Chile; overthrown by military junta in 1973.53
163595868Sandinista partyLeftist political group in Nicaragua backed by the U.S.S.R. Ousted in elections in 1990.54
163595869Banana republicsTerm used to describe Latin American nations with corrupt governments.55
163595870Good Neighbor PolicyU.S. policy toward Latin America, begun in the 1930s, that promised less intervention.56
163595871Alliance for ProgressU.S. policy toward Latin America, begun in the 1960s, that promised economic aid.57
163595872Gabriel García Marqueza Latin American writer rejecting traditional form as unsuitable for representing reality; turned to "magical realism." Wrote One Hundred Years of Solitude58

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