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AP World History Flashcards

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4375241898Indian Ocean Commercial Networkinterconnected web of commerce in premodern times between the lands that bordered on the Indian Ocean; badly disrupted by Portuguese intrusion beginning around 1500; for many centuries, Eastern goods had trickled into the Mediterranean through the Middle East0
4375241899Trading Post Empirecreated by Portuguese in Indian Ocean; aimed to control the commerce, not large territories or populations, and to do so by force of arms rather than by economic competition. in seek of the monopolization of the space trade that the Portuguese king grandly entitled; form of imperial dominance based on control of trade rather than on control of subject peoples1
4375241900Philippines (spanish)archipelago of Pacific islands colonized by Spain in a relatively bloodless process that extended for the century or so after 1565, a process accompanied by a major effort at evangelization; the Spanish named them the Philippine Islands in honor of King Philip II of Spain. beyond missionary enterprise, other features of Spanish colonial practice in the Americas found expression2
4375241901British/Dutch East Indies Companiesprivate trading companies chartered by the governments of England and the Netherlands around 1600. given monopolies on Indian Ocean trade, including the right to make war and to rule conquered peoples; received charters from their respective governments granting them trading monopolies and the power to make war and to govern conquered people3
4375241902Tokugawamilitary rulers of Japan who successfully unified Japan by the early seventeenth century and established a "closed door" policy toward European encroachments; largely closed their country off from the emerging world of European commerce, although maintained trading ties to China and Korea4
4375241903"Silver drain"siphoning of money from europe to pay for luxury products of the east. Eventually the bulk of the world's silver supply make its way to china; demand set silver in motion around the world, w/ bulk of the world's silver supply winding up in China and much of the rest elsewhere in Asia5
4375241904African diasporaname given to the spread of African peoples across the Atlantic via the slave trade; transatlantic spread of African peoples injected into these new societies issues of race that endure still in the twenty-first century6
4375241905Soft goldnickname used in the early modern period for animal furs, highly valued for their warmth and as symbols of elite status; in several regions, the fur trade generated massive wealth for those engaged in it7
4375241906Potosicity that developed high in the Andes (In present-day Bolivia) at the site of the world's largest silver mine and that became the largest city in the Americas, w/ population of some 160,000 in the 1570's; city arose from a barren landscape, high in the Andes a ten-week mule trip away from Lima; size is now equivalent to that of London, Amsterdam or Seville8
4375241907Benin/Dahomeywest-African kingdom ( in what is now Nigeria) whose strong kinds sharply limited engagement w/ the slave trade. A West African kingdom that became strong through its rulers' exploitation of the slave trade9
4375241908Protestant Reformationreligious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches10
4375241909Catholic counter reformationreligious reform movement within the Latin Christian Church, begun in response to the Protestant Reformation. It clarified Catholic theology and reformed clerical training and discipline11
4375241910Taki onqoy"dancing sickness" a religious revival movement in central Peru in the 1560's whose members preached the imminent destruction of Christianity and of the Europeans in favor of a renewed Andean golden age12
4375241911Jesuits in Chinaseries of Jesuit missionaries in the late 16th and 17th centuries which, inspired by the work of Matteo Ricci, made extraordinary efforts to understand and become a part of the Chinese culture in their efforts to convert the Chinese elites, although w/ limited success.; recorded the court life and successes of Qing government13
4375241912Wahabi Islammajor Islamic movement led by the Muslim theologian Abd al Wahhab (1703 — 1792) that advocated an austere lifestyle and strict adherence to the sharia or Islamic law14
4375241913Wang Yangmingprominent Chinese philosopher (1472 — 1529) who argued that it was possible to achieve a virtuous life by introspection w/out the extensive education of traditional Confucianism15
4375241914Kaozhengresearch based on evidence" Chinese intellectual movement whose practioners emphasized the importance of evidence and analysis, applied especially towards historical documents16
4375241915Mirabai16th century bhakti poet, devotee of Krishna. legend says she drank poison prasad from her in-laws, but was saved by Krishna; more devoted to god than husband, family-destroying female figure, helped break down barriers of caste17
4375241916Sikhismthe doctrines of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by Guru Nanak and combining elements of Hinduism and Islam18
4375241917Copernicuspolish mathematician and astronomer, 1473 — 1543; offered that the sun is at the center of the solar system, earth rotates on its axis, and earth and planets revolve around the sun19
4375241918NewtonEnglish, 1642 — 1727; synthesized earlier findings around concept of universal gravitation; invented calculus, formulated concept of inertia and laws of motion20
4375241919European EnlightenmentEuropean intellectual movement of the eighteenth century that applied the lessons of the Scientific Revolution to human affairs and was noted for its commitment to open-mindedness and inquiry and the belief that knowledge could transform human society.21
4375241920VoltaireFrench writer, 1694 — 1778; works epitomize the Age of Enlightenment, often attacking injustice and intolerance, deist22
4375241921The Great Dyingmassive epidemic caused by old world diseases after Columbian exchange.; killed ninety percent of natives. long isolation from the Afro-Eurasian world and lack of most domesticated animals meant absence of acquired immunities to Old World diseases, such as smallpox, measles, typhus, influenza, malaria and yellow fever23
4375241922Columbian exchangeexchange of plants, animals, culture and diseases between Europe and the Americans from the first contact through exploration and colonization24
4375241923Peninsularesdescendants of the original conquistadores sought to protect their privileges against immigrant newcomers; these people came to Latin America and were of the highest social class25
4375241924Mestizothe new colonial societies in Mexico. were a mixed race population, initially the product of unions between Spanish men and Indian women26
4375241925Mulattosproduct of Portuguese-African union's predominated, but as many as forty separate and named groups, each indicating a different racial mixture, emerged in colonial Brazil27
4375241926Plantation complexcolonies, such as those in south Africa, new Zealand, Algeria, Kenya and Hawaii where minority European populations lived among a majority of indigenous people; slaves used to grow cash crops28
4375241927Settler complexcolonies in which the colonizing people settled in large numbers, rather than spending relatively small numbers to exploit the region29
4375241928Siberiaregion of central and eastern Russia stretching from rural mountains to the pacific ocean30
4375241929Yasakknown as a tribute paid in cash or in kind that Russian rulers demanded from the Native peoples of Siberia mainly for pelts31
4375241930Qing dynasty empireruling dynasty of China throughout 1644 to 1912; dynasty that helped expand the empire North by enlarging the territorial size of the country32
4375241931Mughal empireMuslim state ruling from India in 1529 through 1857; Muslim minority ruling over a Hindu majority; helped increase spread of arts, culture, religious tolerance33
4375241932AkbarMughal India's most famous emperor, acted deliberately to accommodate the Hindu majority; reigned 1556 — 1605 He consolidated power over Northern India and is religiously tolerant.34
4375241933Aurangzebemperor who reversed Akbar's policy of accommodation and sought to impose Islamic supremacy, under whom the empire reached its greatest extent, only to collapse after his death.35
4375241934Ottoman Empirethe Islamic state was founded by Osman in Northwest Anatolia; encompassed lands in the middle east, North Africa and Balkans w/ eastern Europe.36
4375241935ConstantinopleOttomans came in 1453 to conquer the city, and w/ it the Byzantine empire; marked the end of the Byzantine Empire37
4375241936Devshirme"the collecting" or the "gathering" was the Ottoman policy of taking boys from conquered Christian people to be trained as Muslim soldiers38
4375241937Paleolithic"old stone age", hunter-gatherer society that used stone tools; most likely started off in Africa and immigrated to different parts of the world (Middle East first, Pacific last); typically small, nomadic kinship groups w/ egalitarian treatment; low life expectancy although they only worked a few hours39
4375241938Neolithicused deliberate cultivation of particular plants and breeding of animals; less nomadic w/ exploitation of natural resources; high population growth; weather patterns at one points optimal for agriculture40
4375241939Egalitarianequality of all people; paleolithic period41
4375241940Nomadicmoving around for food; associated w/ Paleolithic Period42
4375241941Secondary Product Revolutionuse of animals or plants for other purposes than food43
4375241942Pastoralsimple, rural society44
4375241943Civilizationcomplex society w/ urban development, social and economic stratification; organized and controlled which compelled obedience; emergence of cultural traditions45
4375241944City-stateconsists of city and dependent territories46
4375241945Monumental architecturelarge man-made architecture made of stone and earth that represent a civilization's power47
4375241946Patriarchymale-dominated social system48
4375241947Social stratificationcategorization of people into socioeconomic classes49
4375241948Mandate of heavenif a ruler doesn't fulfill his obligations as an emperor, he loses the mandate of heaven; associated w/ China50
4375241949Theocracyreligious government51
4375241950Aristocracypower in a small, privileged class52
4375241951Ancestor venerationveneration/respect of the dead53
4375241952Polytheisticbelief in more than one god54
4375241953Hierarchypeople grouped into different statuses55
4375241954Cunieformwriting of Mesopotamia56
4375241955Hieroglyphicswriting of Egypt57
4375241956Empireterritory under control of a ruler, often consists of many separate states/territories; state that encompasses a wide variety of peoples and cultures58
4375241957Democracysystem of government in which power is vested in the people who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives59
4375241958Greco-Persian warsGreek settlements in Anatolia/Ionia come under Persian control; Greek/Ionian cities revolt w/ Athenian support; Persia launches offensives against Athenians; Greeks defeat the Persians60
4375241959Plebianscommon people or poor people61
4375241960Legalismprocess of setting up harsh rules that must be followed62
4375241961AshokaIndian emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty; best known due to edicts63
4375241962Sacredrevered due to religious beliefs64
4375241963Old/New Testamentsacred text of Judaism, New Testament includes Christian additions65
4375241964Bantu Migrationslow expansion of the Bantu-speaking peoples during the classical era; agricultural Bantus replaced hunter-gatherer Bantus; have cultural changes and adapt through cultural interactions; venerate ancestors, beliefs in evil spirits, had rituals around nature66
4375241965Athens/Spartatwo city-states in Greece67
4375241966Hinduismmain religion in India68
4375241967Absolute rulerruler has absolute power among his people69
4375241968Sortitionact of selecting/determining something by the casting/drawing of lots70
4375241969Phillip of Macedoniafather of Alexander the Great who found success as a military tactician w/ an eye towards expanding Macedonia71
4375241970Patriciansaristocrat/nobleman od Ancient Rome72
4375241971Assimilationabsorb/integrate ideas and culture into used legalism to accomplish unification73
4375241972Qin Shinhuangdiruler of Qin (221—210 BCE) who used legalism to accomplish unification74
4375241973Monotheisticdoctrine/belief that there is only one god75
4375241974Animismspirit in nature76
4375241975Shamanperson regarded having access to and influence in the world of benevolent/malevolent spirits using hallucinogens77
4375241976Social mobilitymovement of individuals b/w social strata78
4375241977Confucianismcultural tradition founded by Confucius in 6th century BCE that incorporated filial piety and appealed to the upper classes79
4375241978Buddismcultural tradition founded by Siddhartha Gautama in the 6th century that incorporated Nirvana and appealed to the lower classes80
4375241979Satrapancient governor in the ancient Persian empire81
4375241980Dariusthird king of Persian empire82
4375241981Alexander the Greatking of ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon83
4375241982Punic warsseries of three wars b/w Rome and Carthage84
4375241983Bureaucracybody of non-elected government officials85
4375241984Julius CaesarRoman statesman who played critical role that led to demise of Roman empire86
4375241985Vedaslarge body of texts of Nubian civilization87
4375241986Meroëcity at the heart of Nubian civilization88
4375241987Chavinreligious movement in the Andean area89
4375241988Phoeniciansancient Semitic thalassocratic civilization situated on the coastal part of the Fertile Cresent90
4375241989Daoismreligious tradition founded by Laozi in 6th century BCE which incorporated retreat into nature and simple living and appealed to lower and upper classes91
4375241990Christianitysmall Jewish sect founded by Jesus which was based on life and death of Jesus92
4375241991Infrastructurebasic physical and organic structures needed for the operation of society93
4375241992SolonAthenian statesman who revised code of law established by Draco94
4375241993Hellenistic Eratime when Greece flourished95
4375241994Dichotomydistinction b/w good and evil96
4375241995Civil serviceservice to society97
4375241996Secularnot subject/bound to religious rule98
4375241997Upanishadseach of a series of Hindu sacred treaties99
4375241998AxumAfrican civilization w/ plow-based agriculture100
4375241999MocheMesoamerican civilization in Andes w/ complete irrigation system101
4375242000Qanat systemirrigation system102
4375242001Judaismreligious tradition founded by Hebrews in 6th century BCE that believed in 10 commandments103
4375242002Zoroastrianismreligious tradition founded by Zarathustra in 6th century BCE and incorporated good/evil dichotomy, one god — Ahura Mazda104
4375242003Silk roadsoverland trading network throughout Eurasia that linked pastoral and agricultural people105
4375242004Relay tradegoods being traded multiple times across the Silk road106
4375242005Oasis citiesrest stops for traders107
4375242006Bubonic plaguedisease spread along the Silk road that killed a lot of people108
4375242007Black Deathperiod of 4 years b/w 1346—1350 of bubonic plague that killed a third of Europe109
4375242008Sea roadssea-based trade routes linked people across the eastern hemisphere110
4375242009Sand roadstrade routes across the Sahara linked North America and the Mediterranean w/ West Africa111
4375242011Mansa Musaleader of Mali who believed he was the richest man in the world113
4375242012Ibn Battutaexplorer who visited most of the known Islamic world114
4375242013Caliphatecreated the division of Sunni and Shia Muslims; eventually became absolute monarch115
4375242014Xiongnunomadic groups that were dealt w/ as equals and China ended up paying tribute to116
4375242015Neo-Confucianismmovement in religious philosophy derived from Confucianism in China117
4375242016Song Economic Revolution118
4375242017Tribute systemnetwork of trade and foreign relations b/w China and its tributaries that helped shape much of East Asian affairs119
4375242018Trung Sisters Rebellionarmy in attack on Chinese forces occupying land led by sisters120
4375242019Seventeen Article Constitution121
4375242020Champa ricequick-drying, drought resistant rice122
4375242021Xenophobiaintense, irrational dislike of fear of people from other countries123
4375242022Constantinecapital of the Roman province of Numidia124
4375242024Caeseropapismidea of combing the power of secular government w/ the religious power126
4375242025Eastern Orthodox Churchsecond largest church in world; oldest religious institutions127
4375242026Iconographyvisual images/symbols used in a work of art or the study/interpretation of the images128
4375242027Iconoclasmaction of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs, institutions, or established values/practices129
4375242028Crusadesmedieval military expidition130
4375242029Urbanizationa population shift from rural to urban areas131
4375242030Muhammadprophet/founder of Islam132
4375242031Mecca/Medinacity in western Saudi Arabia133
4375242032Five Pillars of Islamfive basic acts in Islam considered mandatory by believers; foundation for Islam134
4375242033Sharia lawbody of moral and religious law derived from religious prophecy, as a opposed to human legislation135
4375242034Sufisgroup less concerned about Sharia law; mystical, rejection of legislative tendencies of Sharia136
4375242035Umayyad dynastyfirst of major Islamic dynasties established after Muhammad's death137
4375242036Abbasid dynastydynasty that moved capital to Baghdad and was conquered by Mongols in 1258; veiling/seclusion and dictated treatment of women became normal138
4375242038Pastoral nomadsthose who raise livestock and move about established territory to find animal pastures (i.e. the Mongols and Xiongnu)140
4375242039Genghis Khanman who was able to unite a fractious group of tribes/clans behind his charismatic leadership and military power141
4375242040Khublai Khanconquered China and and became the first emperor of the Mongol dynasty142
4375242041Cultural diffusionspread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another143
4375242042Emperor Yonglefirst emperor of Ming Dynasty144
4375242043Ming Dynastyera of international trade and the growth of union economic centers145
4375242044Zheng Heeunuch, mariner, explorer, diplomat, and fleet dominal during early Ming Dynasty146
4375242045Hundred Years Warseries of conflicts from 1337-1453 for control of France147
4375242046Centralizationprocess by which the activities of an organization become concentrated with a particular group w/ all power148
4375242047Feudalismdominant social system in medival Europe which nobility held lands from crown in exchange for military service Japan: peasants not lowest class, respected, land rights Europe: peasants lowest class, not respected, land ownership149
4375242048Primogeniturestate of being first-born child150
4375242049Renaissance"rebirth" or rediscovery of classical tests contained to elites151
4375242050Humanismliberal arts curriculum152
4375242051SafavidsPersian lands emerge out of Sufi religious order that forcibly imposes Shia Islam153
4375242052Chivalryhonor system; woman theoretically respected154
4375242053Code of Bushidocode of conduct for Samurai that emphasized loyalty, courage, and honor155
4375242054Hanseatic Leaguecollection of city states in Baltic and North Sea regions of Europe156
4375242055Gender parallelismboth genders are separate but equal spheres, enjoying autonomy in its own sphere157

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