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AP World History Flashcards

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4435351219Hyksos1570-1075 BCE (brougut bronze to Egypt)0
4435351220Hindush16th CE1
4435351221Bantu Migration2000 BCE-1000 CE2
4435351222Hammurabi's Code1750 BCE3
4435351223Olmec1200-400 BCE4
4435351224Chavinflourished 900-200 BCE5
4435351225Mesopotamian Civilizations (Tigris and Euphrates)5000-3000 BCE6
4435351226Sargon the Greatconquered Sumer in 2331 BCE7
4435351227Akhenaten1307-1350 BCE8
4435351228Old Kingdom of Egypt3100-2600 BCE, unified various towns, built pyramids9
4435351229Intermediate Kingdom2180-2010 BCE10
4435351230Middle Kingdom2080-1640 BCE, recovery and political stability11
4435351231Second Intermediate1640-1570 BCE, Hyksos invasion12
4435351232New Kingdom1570-1075 BCE, creatiok of Egyptian empire, Akhenaten's religious policy13
4435351233Third Intermediate1100-1653 BCE, political fragmentation14
4435351234Shang16-11 BCE15
4435351235Warring States Period6-3 BCE16
4435351236Zhou11-6 BCE17
4435351237Aryan Invastion1500 BCE, beginning of Vedic Age (1500-500 BCE)18
4435351238Mauryan Empire4th-2nd BCE, founded by Chandragupta Maurya (4th c), grandson Ashoka took empire to greatest heights (4-3 c)19
4435351239Twelve Tables1449 BCE20
4435351240Axial Age700-200 BCE21
4435351241Phoenicians1550-300 BCE, Phoenician alphabet22
4435351242Book of Documents and Book of SongsZhou Dynasty23
4435351243Cyrus the Great6th BCE, freed the Jews24
4435351244Classic Period600 BCE-600 CE25
4435351245Babylonian Captivity598-537 BCE26
4435351246Tiglath-Pilesar774-727 BCE27
4435351247Sargon II721-705 BCE, conquered Syria, Palestine, and two Jewish kingdoms28
4435351248Buddhism500s BCE29
4435351249Euclid435-365 BCE30
4435351250Hippocrates460-370 BCE31
4435351251Socrates470 BCE32
4435351252Aristotle384 BCE33
4435351253Greece3500-146 BCE, Athens (political, commercial, cultural center), Sparta (agricultural and militaristic)34
4435351254Peloponnesian Wars431-404 BCE35
4435351255Sassanid224-651 CE36
4435351256Parthian247-224 CE37
4435351257Gupta4th-6th CE, after Ashoka's death, Mauryan Empire declined, revival under Chandra Gupta III (Chandra Gupta the Great), more decentralized and smaller than Mauryan, but did have Golden Age, decline due to invasion of White Huns38
4435351258Moche100-700 CE39
4435351259Mayans300 BCE-800s CE collapsed40
4435351261Toltecs10th-12th CE42
4435351262Roman Golden Age96-180 BCE, under Five Good Emperors43
4435351263Hellenistic Period323-31 BCE (death of Alexander the Great to emergence of Rome)44
4435351264Age of Division3-6 CE45
4435351265White Hunsattacked India in 455 CE46
4435351266Xiongnuraided during Han47
4435351267Vandalssacked Rome 455 CE48
4436665953Indian Ocean trade600 CE49
4436665954Song7-10 CE50
4436665957Umayyad632-750, increased conflict with Byzantine and Persian empires, capital moved to Damascus, Syria, tolerant (jitza), was Sunni53
4436665958Abbasid750-1258, capital at Baghdad, Sunni, preserved Greek and Roman culture, 11th appointed Turkish governor54
4436665959Mongols1162 (birth of genghis), 1206= Khan being great khan, Shamanism, animism, pagan polytheism55
4436665960The Great Schism150456
4436665961Vikings9th c, invaded Charlemagne's empire57
4436665962Magyars9th c, invaded Spain, Italy, settled in Hungary58
4436665964Zheng He15th c60
4436665965Prince Henry (the Navigator)15th c61
4436665966Catherine the Great1762-179662
4436665967Fred the GreatPrussian, 1740-178663
4436665968ManchusKangxi (1661-1722), Qianlong (1736-95)64
4436665971Industrial Revolution1750s (spinning jenny in 65) (steam engine 1705)67
4436665972Meiji Restoration19th-20th68
4436665973Suez Canal186969
4436665974Adam Smith18th70
4440368792Neolithic Revolution/Agricultural Revolution8000 BCE-3000 BCE71
4440371666Ur, Erech, Kish3000 BCE, major city-states of first major civilization of Sumer72
4440375110Sumer4500-1700 BCE73
4440376104Akkad(ians)dominated Mesopotamia after Sumer, first code of laws, overrun by Babylon in 1700 BCE74
4440379658Babylonoverran Akkad, fell to invasions of Kassites and Hittites75
4440381530Hittitesdominated by 1500 BCE, overran Babylon, brought knowledge of iron --> dominated because of iron weaponry being advanced76
4440383123Assyriansoverran Hittites, defeated by Medes and Chaldeans77
4440385064Persian Empiredeveloped after second Babylon (under Nevuchadnezzar --> Chaldean King), peak in 500 BCE, conquered in 330 BCE by Alexander the Great, built Great Royal Road78
4440388085Height of Egyptian civilization1400 BCE --> declined in 1100, parts conquered by Assyrian Empire and Persian Empire, and later by Greeks, then absorbed by Rome79
4440394201Indus River Valley Civilizations2500-1500 BCE, Harappa, Mohenjo-daro80
4440399400Alexander the Great4th c, 330 BCE conquered Persian Empire,81
4440407000Qin3rd c BCE82
4440407001Han3rd BCE-3rd CE83
4440408698Lydianscoined money84
4440411822Persian Wars5th-4th BCE, Greek vs. Persia, ended in stalemate, Greece entered into Golden Age of Pericles85
4440420688Macedonians4th BCE: Philip III (invaded Athens, conquered entire region), Alexander the Great (conquered Persian Empire)86
4440422588Rome6th BCE-5th CE, patricians vs. plebeians, twelve tables of Rome --> civil laws to protect individual rights87
4440427021Punic Wars3rd-2nd BCE, First was fought to gain control of Sicily, won by Rome, Second began with attack by Carthaginian general Hannibal, Third was started by Rome, invaded Carthage and destroyed it --> led for first triumvirate: Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar88
4440430430Julius Caesar1st CE, after death led to second triumvirate of Octavius, Marc Antony, and Lipidus89
4440434531AugustusOctavius --> Augustus, became emperor, signaled end of Roman Republic, established rule of law, Pax Romana,90
4440438731Diocletian3rd CE, divided empire into two regions, civil war after retirement91
4440442170Constantine306 CE, assumed control of empire in 322, built Constantinople, 340 became capital of united empire, after his death empire was divided into two pieces again (Byzantine and Western Rome)92
4440444312Sassanid Persiatook over in Iran in 224 CE93
4440445499Islam600 CE94
4440448919Four Rightly Guided CaliphsAbu Bakr (632), Umar, Uthman, Ali95
4440450170Byzantine Empire330-1453 CE, Orthodox Christianity,96
4440464664Justinian6th CE, Justinianic Code, codification of Roman law97
4440465797Frankslate 5th CE, King Clovis, Charles Martel stopped Muslim armies in 732, Merovingian and Carolingian Dynasties98
4440471752Holy Roman EmpireCharlemagne crowned in 800 CE, became HRP with coronation of Otto the Great in 962, empire divided with Treaty of Verdun99
4440475013Hanseatic League13th-15th CE100
4440475526Crusades11th-14th CE101
4440477118Thomas Aquinas13th CE, faith and reason not in conflict102
4440481535Magna Carta1215, reinstated feudal rights of nobles, extended rule of law to other people in the country, laid foundation of Parliament, signed by King John of England103
4440485434Ivan the Terrible15th, centralized power over entire Russian sphere104
4443611335Tatars1242, Russians succumbed to Tatars, group of Mongols105
4443611336Tang tribute systemKorea, Vietnam, Tibet106
4443611337Yoritomo Minamoto1192 became shogun107
4443611338Islam in North India1206108
4443611339Delhi Sultanate1206-1526, Mamluk is first109
4443611340Kublai Khanruled yuan, and kangxi110
4443611341Timur (Tamerlane)Mongol ruler in India111
4443611342Kushdeveloped around same time as Egypt, conquered in 750 BCE, decline in 200 CE112
4443611343Axumrose to greatness after Kush113
4443611344Ghana800-1000 CE114
4443611345Mali1200-1450, Sundiata, Mansa Musa (1300s)115
4443611346TenochitlanAztecs, 1200s116
4443611347First CrusadePope Urban, 1096,117
4443611348Christianity1300s had been in Europe for a century118
4443611349Black Death1300s119
4443611350Martin Luther1517, Pope Leo X ordered him to recant, he refused (Worms 1521)120
4443611351CalvinismCame to France in 1530s, developed in Scotland, in France with growth of Huguenots121
4443611352Henry VIIIChurch of England, renounced Rome bc wanted to divorce husband122
4443611353Catholic Reformation16th, counter reformation against Protestants123
4443611354Council of Trent16th, defined Catholic interpretation of religious doctrines124
4443611355Scientific Revolution1550-1700125
4444005373Golden HordeEast Europe and Russia127
4444005374The Il-Khanateconquered Muslim land in Middle East128
4444005375Khanate of Central asiaTamerlane, attempts to conquer India, is repelled by Delhi sultanate129
4444005376Khanate of Great KhanChina130
4444005377Safavids politicsweakest of three Muslim land empires (Ottoman, Mughal), in Iran, Persian Dynasty, least religiously flexible, Ismael enforces Shi'ism, eliminates Sunni and Sufi, dated 1400-1750, declined due to decreased trade (Euro industrializing), Russia expands into south under Cath the great, lose land to Ottomans (triple threat, Russia, ottomans against Shi'ite, British imperialism), capital at Isfahan (carpets), Shah Abbas,131
4444005378Red Turbans (China)Sui and tang132
4444005379Red Turbans (Persia)qizlbash (redheads) Ismael133
4444005381Philippinesvery Catholic, Spanish control 1600s to 1898 (Spanish American War), already rebelling, they use it to store silver for trade w China, McKinley promised U.S. would support independence movement, after Spain falls, offers them money to control Phil, 1902-06, fight for independence from U.S., partial colony (1910-1945) until Aquino became first president, nonviolent overthrow 1950s --> Marcos. US wanted for commercial ties, military base,135
4444005382Mingcollapsed due to silver inflation, barbarian invasion, eunuchs, collapsed 1644136
4444005383Spanish economywrecked by Hapsburg spending (declare bankruptcy)137
4444005384Greater East Asia Co Prosperity SphereJapan after WWII 1946138
4444565843Montesquieu17th-18th, government should contain checks and balances, Spirit Of The Laws139
4444565844Voltaire17th-18th, religion crushes human spirit140
4444565845David Hume18th, lack of empirical evidence casts doubt on religion141
4444565846Rousseau18th, one finds freedom by sacrificing individual rights for common good142
4444565847Adam Smith18th, capitalism, free market, Wealth of Nations143
4444565848Beccaria18th, cruel and unusual punishment144
4444565849Kant18th, knowledge exists beyond what is deduced145
4444565850Wollstonecraftwomen should have political rights, voting, hold office146
4444565851Hobbes16th, human nature is bad, advocated all powerful ruler (Leviathan)147
4444565852Locke17th-18th, natural rights148
4443278031Non-alignment movement1945-67 Egypt (Nasser), Hungary (Nagy), India (Nehru), Ghana (Nkrumah), Indonesia (Sukarno)149
4445066274Treaty of Tordesillasline of demarcation, east of line belonged to Portugal, west of line belonged to Spain, in New World150
4445089032Asian colonization19th CE151
4445108349Elizabethan Age16th-17th152
4445120924Hundred Years' War14th-15th, England driven from france, france began to unify and centralize authority,153
4445130287Glorious RevolutionJames II driven from power by Parliament, bloodlessly, fled to France, replaced in 1688 by William and Mary, ensured that the future monarchs would be Anglican154
4445141307English Bill of Rights1689155
4445146649Edict of Nantescreated environment of toleration, 1598, Henry IV156
4445150622Richeliu17th CE, chief advisor to the Bourbons, strengthened political French crown157
4445163650Colbertmercantilist, wanted to increase size of the French empire158
4445166665War of Spanish Succession1701-1714,159
4445182496Louis XIVterritorial invasions were costly and ineffective (with Colbert), never summoned Estates-General, patronized arts, divine right160
4445194683Peace of Augsburg1555, supposed to bring conflicts between Catholics and Prostestants161
4445197787Thirty Year's War1618, Prostestant territories in Bohemia challenged authority of HRC emperor162
4445209098Fall of ByzantineTurks conquered Constantinople 1453163
4445213491Peace of Westphalia1648 independence of small German states affirmed, Prussia became strongest164
4445224758Time of Troubles1604-1613, conflict over who should be emperor in Russia after Ivan IV died in 1584165

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