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AP world history Flashcards

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82003213Bedouinnomadic cultures who herded camels and goats and lived in kin-related clan groups who moved around in tent emcampments0
82003214shaykha leader of a bedouin tribe/ clan1
82003215main reason for Bedouin rivalriescontrol of pasture land and watering places2
82003216Meccalocated in the Arabian peninsula in a mountainous region near the coast of the Red Sea3
82003217Qurayshthe Bedouin tribe to which the Umayyads clan belongs4
82003218UmayyadThe clan, belonging to the larger Quraysh tribe, that founded Mecca5
82003219Ka'baa religious shrine built by Abraham from the pre-Islamic era located in Mecca which attracted traders/ tourists and its presence called for a truce of interclan rivals during certain times of the year6
82003220Medinaan oasis town northeast of Mecca that was contested by two bedouin tribes and three Jewish tribes until Muhammad, who was related to the people there on his mother's side, brought order to the territory and it became know to be the city of the prophet (present day Abyssinia)7
82003221Bedouin religionblend of animism and polytheism; it didn't have much to do with ethics (that was taken care of in the unwritten codes of honor and tribal customs)8
82003222Muhammadfounder of Islam; born in 570 C.E. into the Qurayish tribe (specifically into the Banu Hashim clan). He was raised by his uncle and worked as a merchant.9
82003223KhadijahA woman for whom Muhammad worked when he lived in Mecca ( and whom he eventually married)10
82003224Allahthe God of Islam who was revealed to Muhammad in approx 610 by the angel Gabriel11
82003225HijiraMuhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina in 622`12
82003226Muslims"those who surrender to God"13
82003227Muhammad defeats mecca630 C.E. with the help of many allies whom he had acquired throughout the years ( a couple years earlier in 628 the Quraysh had offered a truce allowing Muhammad to visit the Ka'ba in Mecca)14
82064093Ummacommunity of the faithful15
82064094zakata tax for charity16
820640955 pillars of Islam1) There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. 2) pray towards the holy city of Mecca 3) Fast during the month of Ramadan 4) Zakat (alms for the poor) 5) Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)17
82064096Muhammad's death63218
82064097Shariadrawn from the Quran and is the Islamic holy law which sets guidelines for daily life19
82064098Egalitarian societyall people are seen as equals20
82064099MadrasasSchools established throughout the Muslim empire to promote Islamic values (12th century)21
82064100Caliphthe political and religious successor to Muhammad22
82064101Muhammad Alithe cousin and son in law to Muhammad23
82064102Abu Bakrthe first Caliph, reigned from 632 to 634 and he wasn't super powerful24
82064103Ridda Warsa military campaign by Abu Bakr against rival prophets/ clans--> raids to the north of Arabia into Iraq, Egypt, and SYria (started probing around outside of the Arabian peninsula; it gave warriors a common enemy so they wouldnt turn on eachother) - the people werent really interested in converting people, they just wanted booty25
82064104jihadholy wars to forcefully spread Islam (doesn't apply to the early Muslim expansion seen in the Ridda Wars)26
82064105Sansanian EmpireThe Persian empire that fought for power in the fertile crescent area ((along with the Byzantine empire)) that was defeated by the Muslims in 651 (they were relatively easy to defeat)27
82064106Byzantine EmpireThe tougher opponent empire in the fertile crescent area who controlled not only Syria and western Iraq, bu Egypt as well ( by 640, the Muslims had a pretty good hold on them and were probing into egypt but it was never fully conquered)28
82064107Battle of toursWho fought the moors at the battle of tours in 732? It was Charles Martel and her fought like hell, and what it is it to you? Well it is the westernmost border for the Muslim empire!29
82064108Uthmanthe 3rd Caliph and the 1st to be chosen from the Umayyad clan, who was murdered in 656 as a political statement to promote Ali as the rightful caliph--> rift between Shi'ite and Sunnis30
82064109Battle of the Camela battle in late 656 that was won by Ali, and won many supporters for him against the Umayyads31
82064110Battle of Siffina battle in 657 in which Ali almost defeated the Umayyads but Ali halted the battle because of a plea of mediation from the opposer (this action drove many of Ali's supporters away from him)32
82064111Mu'awiyathe leader of the Umayyads in 660 who was proclaimed caliph in Jerusalem while Ali was still alive (challenging his position)33
82064112Sunnisthe half of the Muslims that backed the Umayyads34
82064113Shi'isthe supporters of Ali and his son (Hasan)35
82064114Umayyad Dynasty661-760-its claim to power revived the muslim conquests and forces went to India, spain, north africa the Mediterranean, (only blocked to the west by charles martel) - they wanted to separate themselves from these conquered people as an elite (FULLY SUPPORTED BY ARAB PEOPLE- during this time Islam was the religion of a small warrior elite)36
82064115DamascusA town in Syria that became the capitol of the Muslim empire under the Umayyads37
82064116Dome of the Rockmosque in Jerusalem that was built during the Umayyad dynasty38
82064117MawaliConquered people who converted to Islam during the Umayyad dynasty (the umayyads didnt really want them to convert because they wanted to keep on taxing them) but the were taxed anyway for being non- Arab muslims39
82064118JIzyathe head tax that the Umayyad dynasty called for on nonbelievers (and non-arab converts)40
82064119dimmis"people of the book"- or conquered people who worshipped other major religions such as judaism and christianity (book reffering to bible) and these people's religions were tolerated41
82064120hadithstraditions of the prophet that were recorded by women42
82066070harema secluded room in the back of houses and palaces where woman stayed (it was guarded by a eunuch)43
82068588Abu al-Abbasa distant relative of Muhammad who allied with the Shi'ites (though when they got power, they sided with the sunnis) and the Mawli to defeat the Umayyad dynasty44
82068589Abbisad Dynastyruled from 750-1258 (defeated by the Mongols) - they fully intigrated mawli/ new converts into Muslim society -they were into spreading Islam (persians especially took advantage of this)45
82068590Battle on the River Zabthe battle near the Tigris river 750 that was th turning point for the Abbisads to defeat the Umayyad dynasty46
82073795BaghdadThe city in Iraq that the Abbisads built as their capitol of the Muslim empire47
82073796wazirthe chief administrator of the Abbasid court (who doubled as an exocutioner)48
82073797Harum al-rashid (the upright)a contempory of Charlemagne. He was the 5th Caliph of the Abbasid dynasty. He made bagdad a powerful center for trade and banking. The arts were thriving (he beilieved in them).49
82073798Tang and Song dynastiesthe Powers in china during the Abbasid dynsasty with whom the Abbasids traded50
82073799dhowssailing vessels with lateen (triangular) sails51

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