Terms and definitions of all of the bolded words in the 2009 AP World History Exam Review Book (By: The Princeton Review).
14504295409 | cultural diffusion | change in a society pased on interaction with another culture | 0 | |
14504295410 | foraging societies | hunter-gatherer clans; small groups of people who traveled based on plants, animals, and weather | 1 | |
14504295411 | pastoral societies | known for domestication of animals; used small agriculture to supplement diet; extended family; women had few rights; social class based on size of herd; didn't settle | 2 | |
14504295412 | Neolithic Revolution | 8000 BCE to 3000 BCE; move from nomadic lifestyles to agricultural lifestyles and town and city life; small communities; specialization of labor | 3 | |
14504295413 | Bronze Age | latter Neolithic Era; bronze used in tools and weapons; created from copper and tin; stronger metal | 4 | |
14504295414 | city-state | urban center and agricultural land around it under its control; loosely connected with others by cultural characteristics, but was independent and competed | 5 | |
14504295415 | Mesopotamia | "land between the rivers" (Tigris and Euphrates); sight of many ancient civilizations | 6 | |
14504295416 | Sumerian Civilization | southern Mesopotamia; calendar, math, geometry; polytheistic; city-states (Ur, Erech, Kish); overthrown in 1700 BCE | 7 | |
14504295417 | Cuneiform | Sumerian form of writing; used in laws, treaties, and social/religious documents; spread through trade | 8 | |
14504295418 | polytheism | worship of more than one god | 9 | |
14504295419 | Ziggurats | Sumerian temples; used to appease gods | 10 | |
14504295420 | Akkad | city north of Sumer; rose to dominate the region; first known code of laws; 1700 BCE overthrown by Babylon | 11 | |
14504295421 | Babylon | replaced Akkad in 1700 BCE; King Hammurabi; Code of Hammurabi | 12 | |
14504295422 | Code of Hammurabi | by King Hammurabi of Babylon; code of laws that dealt with every part of life; distinguished between major and minor offenses; applied laws to nearly everyone; "rule of law" | 13 | |
14504295423 | Hittites | invaded and destroyed Babylon by 1500 BCE; used iron in weapons; military superpower | 14 | |
14504295424 | Assyrians | learned to use iron from Hittites within 100 years; empire covered Fertile Crescent; uprisings resolved by exiles; cruel army; defeated by Medes and Chaldeans | 15 | |
14504295425 | Nineveh | Assyrian capital | 16 | |
14504295426 | Nebuchadnezzar | Chaldean king; rebuilt Babylon for architecture and culture; empire covered Fertile Crescent; new Babylon fell to Persian Empire | 17 | |
14504295427 | Persian Empire | defeated new Babylon; huge empire (Egypt to Afghanistan) | 18 | |
14504295428 | Great Royal Road | longest Persian road; 600 miles; from Persian Gulf to Aegean Sea | 19 | |
14504295429 | Lydians | came of with concept of coined money (instead of barter system) so that people could save money | 20 | |
14504295430 | Phoenicians | powerful naval city-states along the Mediterranean; 22 letter alphabet that morphed into English alphabet (through Greeks) | 21 | |
14504295431 | Hebrews | first Jews; monotheistic; established Israel in Palestine (1000 BCE); believed they were God's chosen people | 22 | |
14504295432 | Egyptian | Nile River; good agriculture/soil; Nile floods predictably; three kingdoms (Old, Middle, New); polytheistic; women had many rights | 23 | |
14504295433 | King Menes | unified Nile river valley; built capital at Memphis; managed floodwaters; built drainage and irrigation systems | 24 | |
14504295434 | Pharaohs | Egyptian rulers; directed construction of obelists and pyramids, enormous tombs for their afterlife | 25 | |
14504295435 | Hieroglyphics | Egyptian writing system; system of pictures that represented letters and words | 26 | |
14504295436 | Queen Hatshepsut | first female ruler in history; Egyptian ruler for 22 years during New Kingdom; expanded trade; gave women many rights | 27 | |
14504295437 | Indus Valley | Indus River Valley from 2500 to 1500 BCE; cut off from world by northwest mountains; northwest India; strong central government led by priest-king; polytheistic; made COTTON | 28 | |
14504295438 | Khyber Pass | through Hindu Kush Mountains; used by Indus Valley merchants for trade; allowed invading forces into the land | 29 | |
14504295439 | Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro | two major Indus Valley cities; more than 100,000 people; master-planned, uniformly constructed, and had wastewater systems | 30 | |
14504295440 | Aryans | nomadic tribes from north of Caucasus Mountains; horses and weapons; defeated and settled in Indus Valley; polytheists who believed in reincarnation (led to Hinduism) | 31 | |
14504295441 | Hinduism | evolved from early Aryan beliefs of polytheism and reincarnation | 32 | |
14504295442 | Caste System | Hindu social structure based on Aryan social structure | 33 | |
14504295443 | Zhou Dynasty | led by Wu Wang and replaced Shang in 1100 BCE; longer dynasty (900 years); feudal system; ended in 256 BCE | 34 | |
14504295444 | Mandate of Heaven | heaven would grant the Zhou Dynasty power only as long as its rulers governed justly and wisely | 35 | |
14504295445 | Bureaucracy | way of organizing government tasks by department or bureau | 36 | |
14504295446 | Bantu | languages from Niger and Benue River Valleys in Africa | 37 | |
14504295447 | Bantu migrations | migrations of farmers from Niger and Benue River Valleys in north Africa to south and east; started in 1500 BCE and continued for 2000 years; due to weather | 38 | |
14504295448 | Brahmans | upper class in India; priests; considered closer to the gods | 39 | |
14504295449 | Jenne-Jeno | first city in sub-Saharan Africa; upper Niger River valley; started in 280 BCE; urban, but not hierarchically organized; collection of individual communities | 40 | |
14504295450 | Olmec | Mexico; from 1400 to 1200 BCE; corn, beans, squash, irrigation, and large buildings; polytheistic; writing and calendar systems | 41 | |
14504295451 | Chavin | Andes; from 900 to 300 BCE; polytheistic; agricultural with access to the coast; llamas; metals in tools and weapons | 42 | |
14504295452 | Patriarchal | led by the eldest male (ex. Shang China) | 43 | |
14504295453 | Shang China | in Hwang Ho (Yellow) River Valley; 1600 to 1100 BCE; strong military; walls around towns; limited outside contract; ethnocentric; bronze, horse-drawn chariots, spoked wheel, pottery, and silk; decimal system, calendar | 44 | |
14504295454 | Tikal | most important Mayan political center; more than 100,000 people | 45 | |
14504295455 | Chichen Itza | Mayan tiered temple | 46 | |
14504295456 | Mauryan Empire | India; 321 to 180 BCE; largest empire in India; powerful and wealthy from trade (of elephants, cotton, and silk); strong military | 47 | |
14504295457 | Chandragupta Maurya | founded Mauryan Empire by unifying small Aryan kingdoms | 48 | |
14504295458 | Ashoka Maurya | grandson of Chandragupta; converted to Buddhism; preached nonviolence and moderation | 49 | |
14504295459 | Rock and Pillar Edicts | by Ashoka to remind Mauryans to be generous and righteous | 50 | |
14504295460 | Chandra Gupta | revived Mauryan Empire between 375 and 415 CE as the Gupta Empire | 51 | |
14504295461 | Gupta Empire | replaced Mauryan Empire in India from 320 to 550 CE; decentralized and smaller; peaceful; advances in arts and science (pi and zero); Hindu; defeated by the White Huns | 52 | |
14504295462 | Arabic Numerals | decimal system of numerals 1 through 9 created by Gupta Empire and diffused to the Arabs | 53 | |
14504295463 | Qin Dynasty | China; 221 to 200 BCE; organized, centralized, and territorial; patriarchal; legalism; overthrown by peasants | 54 | |
14504295464 | Great Wall of China | connection of separate fortification walls under the Qin Dynasty | 55 | |
14504295465 | Qin Shihuangdi | first emperor of Qin Dynasty; recentralized feudal kingdoms; standardized writing, laws, currencies, weights, etc.; refused to tolerate dissent | 56 | |
14504295466 | Legalism | dominant belief system of the Qin rulers | 57 | |
14504295467 | Han Dynasty | China; 200 BCE to 200 CE; created civil service system based on Confucian teachings; invented paper, sundials, calendars, and use of metals | 58 | |
14504295468 | Huns | large nomadic group from northen Asia that invaded areas from China to Eastern Europe | 59 | |
14504295469 | Wu Ti | "Warrior Emperor"; enlarged the Han Empire to central Asia | 60 | |
14504295470 | Ancient Greece | peninsula between Aegean and Mediterranean Seas; mountainous; not much land for agricultural developments; trade was popular, exchanged wine and olive products for grain; polytheistic, gods had human failings | 61 | |
14504295471 | Polis | Greek city-state; people comprised of citizens (adult males), free people with no political rights, and noncitizens (slaves) | 62 | |
14504295472 | Athens | main Greek city-state; political, commercial, and cultural center | 63 | |
14504295473 | Sparta | main Greek city-state; agricultural and highly militaristic; all boys (and some girls) received military training | 64 | |
14504295474 | Draco and Solon | aristocrats who worked to create the democracy in Athens to ensure fair, equal, and open participation | 65 | |
14504295475 | Persian Wars | unietd all Greek city-states against their mutural enemy, Persia | 66 | |
14504295476 | Golden Age of Pericles | age of peace and prosperity in Greece after Persian Wars | 67 | |
14504295477 | Pericles | leader who made Atherns a cultural powerhouse; established a democracy for all adult males; established Delian League | 68 | |
14504295478 | Delian League | alliance between Athens and other city-states against aggression from its common enemies | 69 | |
14504295479 | Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle | three great Greek philosophers; truth discerned through rational thought; virtue and quest for goodness leads to internal peace and happiness | 70 | |
14504295480 | Homer | Greek writer; wrote the epic poems The Illiad and The Odyssey | 71 | |
14504295481 | Peloponnesian War | 431 BCE; started by trade dispute over Corinth between Athens and Sparta; Sparta won; Athens greatly weakened by the war and vulnerable to outside aggression | 72 | |
14504295482 | Mecedonians | conquered Athens under rule of Philip of Macedon (359 to 336 BCE); restored Greek culture | 73 | |
14504295483 | Alexander the Great | grandson of Philip of Macedon; taught by Aristotle; created largest empire of the time by conquering Persian Empire and moving into India; divided it into three empires- Antigonid (Greece and Macedon), Ptolemaic (Egypt, and Seleucid (Bactria and Anatolia) | 74 | |
14504295484 | Hellenism | culture, ideals, and pattern of life of Classica Greece | 75 | |
14504295485 | Patricians | Roman land-owning noblemen | 76 | |
14504295486 | Plebeians | all other free men in Rome (not Patricians) | 77 | |
14504295487 | Twelve Tables of Rome | codified Roman laws; included concept of "innocent until proven guilty" | 78 | |
14504295488 | Carthage | city-state in North Africa; first enemy of Rome | 79 | |
14504295489 | Punic Wars | wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 to 146 BCE | 80 | |
14504295490 | Hannibal | Carthagian general who led second Punic War (218 BCE); great military genius; nearly destroyed Rome | 81 | |
14504295491 | First Triumvirate | Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar; received the power of the Senate in Rome | 82 | |
14504295492 | Caesar | "emperor for life"; given power over southern Gaul (France) and other parts of Europe; took power away from Pompey and Crassus; assassinated by fellow senators in 44 BCE | 83 | |
14504295493 | Second Triumvirate | Octavius, Marc Anthony, and Lepidus; made upon death of Julius Caesar | 84 | |
14504295494 | Octavius | rose to power in Rome; "Augustus Caesar"; ended Roman Republic (became Empire); period of Pax Romana | 85 | |
14504295495 | Paganism | state religion of early Roman Republic and Empire; required to make sacrifices to tradtional Roman gods | 86 | |
14504295496 | Constantine | Roman emperor; issued Edict of Milan | 87 | |
14504295497 | Edict of Milan | issued by Constantine in 313 CE to end persecution of Christians in Rome | 88 | |
14504295498 | Diocletian | Roman Emperor in 284 CE; divided empire into two regions run by co-emperors | 89 | |
14504295499 | Constantine | Roman Emperor in 322 CE; built Constantinople | 90 | |
14504295500 | Constantinople | city built by Constantine at the site of the Greek city of Byzantium; part of eastern Rome (which thrived) | 91 | |
14504295501 | Visigoths | Germanic peoples placed by Roman authorities on the borders; sacked Rome in 410 CE | 92 | |
14504295502 | Attila | led Huns in invasion of Rome in the early fifth century | 93 | |
14504295503 | Silk Road | land trade route from China to the Roman Empire | 94 | |
14504295504 | Islam | monotheistic; based in the Middle East | 95 | |
14504295505 | Muslims | followers of Islam | 96 | |
14504295506 | Mohammad | prophet who transmits Allah's (God) words to the faithful | 97 | |
14504295507 | Qu'ran | book in which followers recorded Allah's words through Mohammad | 98 | |
14504295508 | Five Pillars of Islam | ways to win salvation through submission to the will of God; include confession of faith, prayer five times per day, charity to the needy, fasting during the month-long Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during one's lifetime | 99 | |
14504295509 | jihad | "to struggle"; Islamic concept; the struggle to be a better Muslim and the struggle against non-believers | 100 | |
14504295510 | Medina | city where Mohammad and his followers fled in 622 CE | 101 | |
14504295511 | hijra | 622 CE; the year Mohammad and his followers fled to Medina; year 1 on the Muslim calendar | 102 | |
14504295512 | Abu Bakr | became caliph in 632 when Mohammad died; head of state and religious leader | 103 | |
14504295513 | caliph | head of state, military commander, chief judge, and religious leader in the Islamic empire | 104 | |
14504295514 | theocracy | a government ruled by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as being divinely guided | 105 | |
14504295515 | Umayyad Dynasty | expanded the Islamic Empire; intensified conflict with the Byzantine and Persian Empires; capital at Damascus; non-Muslims forced to pay a tax | 106 | |
14504295516 | Charles Martel | (688-741 CE) Frankish leader; stopped the Muslim advance towards Paris | 107 | |
14504295517 | Dome of the Rock | built on Temple Mount in Jerusalem under the Umayyad Dynasty | 108 | |
14504295518 | Shiite (Shia) Islam | holds that Mohammad's son-in-law, Ali, was the rightful heir to the empire | 109 | |
14504295519 | Sunnis | held Ali in high esteem, but do not believe that he and his hereditary line are the chosen successors; believe that the leaders of the empire should be drawn from a broad base of the people | 110 | |
14504295520 | Abbasid Dynasty | 750 to 1258 (until the Islamic Empire was defeated by the Mongols); merchants introduced the ideas of credit, receipts, and bills; steel produced; learned how to make paper from the Chinese | 111 | |
14504295521 | Baghdad | Abbasid capital known as a cultural center | 112 | |
14504295522 | Mohammad al-Razi | published a medical encyclopedia (during the Abbasid Dynasty) | 113 | |
14504295523 | Levant | present-day Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon; battled for control of it by Christians and Muslims | 114 | |
14504295524 | Sufis | Islamic mystics; most effective missionaries; stressed a personal relationship with Allah | 115 | |
14504295525 | mamluks | Turkish slaves; revolted against the Islamic Caliphate; established a new capital at Samarra | 116 | |
14504295526 | Mongols | defeated the Abbasid Dynasty in 1258; destroyed Baghdad | 117 | |
14504295527 | Ottoman Turks | reunited Egypt, Syria, and Arabia in a new Islamic state until 1918 | 118 | |
14504295528 | Middle Ages | the period after the fall of the Roman Empire and before the Renaissance | 119 | |
14504295529 | Orthodox Christianity | separate branch of Christianity practiced in the Byzantine Empire | 120 | |
14504295530 | Justinian | (527 to 565); ruler of the Byzantine Empire; restored glory and unity of the Roman Empire in Constantinople | 121 | |
14504295531 | Justinian Code | codification of Roman law that kept ancient Roman legal principles alive under Justinian of the Byzantine Empire | 122 | |
14504295532 | Hagia Sophia | cathedral built under Justinian of the Byzantine Empire | 123 | |
14504295533 | Pope | regarded by the Roman Catholics emperors of the West as the leader of Byzantium's church | 124 | |
14504295534 | St. Cyril | Orthodox Christian who used the Greek alphabet to create a Slavic alphabet; converted Slavic peoples of southeastern Europre and Russia to Christianity | 125 | |
14504295535 | Vladimir | a Russian prince from Kiev; converted to Christianity | 126 | |
14504295536 | Franks | a Germanic tribe | 127 | |
14504295537 | King Clovis | united the Franks in the late fifth century; built an empire from Germany to France; capital at Paris; empire divided among his sons after his death | 128 | |
14504295538 | Charles Martel | led the revolt against the advancing Muslim armies and in 732 defeated them at the Battle of Tours; founded the Carolingian Dynasty | 129 | |
14504295539 | Battle of Tours | battle (near Paris) where Charles Martel defeated advancing Muslim armies in 732 | 130 | |
14504295540 | Carolingian Dynasty | founded by Charles Martel | 131 | |
14504295541 | Pepin | son of Charles Martel; had his succession certified by the pope | 132 | |
14504295542 | Charlemagne | (747-814 CE) "Charles the Great"; son of Pepin; crowned by the pope in 800; emphasized the arts and education with a religious bent | 133 | |
14504295543 | Holy Roman Empire | empire built by Charlemagne; feudalism | 134 | |
14504295544 | Otto the Great | gave the Holy Roman Empire its name upson his coronation in 962 | 135 | |
14504295545 | Treaty of Verdun | 843 CE; treaty in which the Holy Roman Empire was split up among the grandsons of Charlemagne | 136 | |
14504295546 | Vikings | group of people from Scandinavia who invaded western Europe | 137 | |
14504295547 | Magyars | group of people from Hungary who invaded western Europe | 138 | |
14504295548 | Feudalism | the European social, economic, and political system of the Middle Ages that had a strict hierarchy | 139 | |
14504295549 | Nobles | people who were granted power over sections of the kingdom in exchange for military service and loyalty to the king | 140 | |
14504295550 | Vassals | lesser lords under nobles; controlled small sections of land | 141 | |
14504295551 | Peasants | people below the vassals who worked the land | 142 | |
14504295552 | fiefs | the estates that were granted to the vassals | 143 | |
14504295553 | manors | later term for fiefs (estates granted to the vassals) | 144 | |
14504295554 | three-field system | the rotation of three fields: one for the fall harvest, one for the spring harvest, and one not-seeded fallow harvest (allowing the land to replenish its nutrients) | 145 | |
14504295555 | code of chivalry | honor system among feudal lords that strongly condemned betrayal and promoted mutual respect | 146 | |
14504295556 | primogeniture | system in which land was passed down to the eldest son | 147 | |
14504295557 | serfs | peasants in the feudal system | 148 | |
14504295558 | burghers | middle-class merchants | 149 | |
14504295559 | Hanseatic League | an alliance that controlled trade throughout much of northern Europe | 150 | |
14504295560 | Crusades | military campaigns undertaken by European Christians of the eleventh through fourteenth centuries to take over the Holy Land and convert Muslims and other non-Christians to Christianity | 151 | |
14504295561 | heresies | religious practices or beliefs that do not conform to the traditional church doctrine | 152 | |
14504295562 | scholasticism | relying on reason rather than faith; introduced through the scientific ideas of Ancient Greeks through contacts with the Islamic and Byzantine Empires | 153 | |
14504295563 | Pope Innocent III | pope who persecuted heretics and Jews and attempted a fourth unsuccessful Crusade | 154 | |
14504295564 | Inquisition | a formalized interrogation and persecution process of heretics; led by Pope Gregory IX | 155 | |
14504295565 | Universal Church (Church Militant) | the name given to the Church during the Inquisition due to its pervasiveness and its ultimate power | 156 | |
14504295566 | Thomas Aquinas | (1225-1274 CE) famous Christian realist; wrote Summa Theologica; thought that faith and reason are not in conflict, but both are gifts from God and each can be used to enhance the other | 157 | |
14504295567 | interregnum | a time between the kings | 158 | |
14504295568 | William the Conqueror | led England in a tradition of a strong monarchy | 159 | |
14504295569 | Magna Carta | (1215 CE) King John of England was forced to sign it by nobles; reinstated the feudal rights of the nobles and extended the rule of law to other people in the country, such as the burgher class; helped establish the Parliament | 160 | |
14504295570 | King Hugh Capet | in 987, he ruled only a small area around Paris | 161 | |
14504295571 | Joan of Arc | farm girl; claimed to have heard voices that told her to liberate France from the hands of the English; forced the British to retreat from Orleans; captured by the French, tried by the English, and burned at the stake by the French | 162 | |
14504295572 | Hundred Years' War | (1337-1453); war between England and France which resulted in England's withdrawal from France | 163 | |
14504295573 | Bourbons | series of French monarchs who unified France after the Hundred Years' War | 164 | |
14504295574 | Queen Isabella | ruler of Castille; united Spain by marrying Ferdinand (king of Aragon) in 1469 | 165 | |
14504295575 | Spanish Inquisition | the event which non-Christians were forced to convert to Christianity or leave the country (Spain) marked the beginning of | 166 | |
14504295576 | Tatars | a group of Mongols from the east; took over Russia in 1242 | 167 | |
14504295577 | czar | the Russian word for emperor or Caesar | 168 | |
14504295578 | Ivan the Terrible | "House of Rurik"; had centralized power over the entire Russian sphere by the mid-1500s | 169 | |
14504295579 | T'ang Dynasty | Chinese dynasty (618-907 CE); collapsed as local warlords gained power | 170 | |
14504295580 | Emperor Xuanzong | emperor during the T'ang Dynasty in China; expanded Chinese territory into parts of Manchuria, Mongolia, TIbet, and Korea | 171 | |
14504295581 | Song Dynasty | Chinese dynasty (960-1279 CE); fell to the Jurchens and then to the Mongols until the Yuan Dynasty was extavlioshed | 172 | |
14504295582 | moveable type | invented in China; resulted in an increase in literacy and bureaucrats among the lower classes | 173 | |
14504295583 | Wu Zhao | first and only empress of China at the death of her husband, Emperor Gaozong, during the T'ang Dynasty | 174 | |
14504295584 | foot binding | method use in China during the Song Dynasty to keep women's feet small | 175 | |
14504295585 | Shinto | "the way of the gods"; Japanese religion; goal is to become part of the kami (forces of nature) through following certain rituals and customs | 176 | |
14504295586 | Yamato clan | emerged as the rulers of Japan in the fifth century; first and only dynasty to rule it | 177 | |
14504295587 | Taika Reforms | (645 CE); reforms by Prince Shotoku modeled on the successes of the T'ang Dynasty | 178 | |
14504295588 | Prince Shotoku | Japanese prince who created the Taika Reforms | 179 | |
14504295589 | Fujiwara | powerful Japanese family that intermarried with the emperor's family and began to run the affairs of the country | 180 | |
14504295590 | shogun | Japanese title of chief general | 181 | |
14504295591 | daimyo | huge landowners in Japan | 182 | |
14504295592 | Code of Bushido | code followed by the samurai; similar to the code of chivalry in Europe | 183 | |
14504295593 | Delhi Sultanate | Islamic kingdom in Delhi under the rule of the sultan | 184 | |
14504295594 | Genghis Khan | unified the Mongol tribes and later created the largest empire the world has seen | 185 | |
14504295595 | The Mongol Empire | empire that spanned from the Pacific Ocean to Eastern Europe | 186 | |
14504295596 | hordes | small, independent empires | 187 | |
14504295597 | Golden Horde | horde of the Mongol Empire that conquered most of modern-day Russia | 188 | |
14504295598 | Kublai Khan | Mongol ruler in China | 189 | |
14504295599 | Timur Lang (Tamerlane) | Mongol leader who conquered India, killed thousands, and destroyed the sultanate | 190 | |
14504295600 | Axum | African empire in modern-day Ethiopia that converted to Christianity in the fourth century and to Islam in the seventh century | 191 | |
14504295601 | Mansa Musa | Mali ruler that built a capital at Timbuktu and expanded the kingdom beyond Ghana; 1307, made a world-famous pilgrimage to Mecca | 192 | |
14504295602 | Benin | culture near present-day Nigeria that mastered a bronze sculpting technique | 193 | |
14504295603 | Tenochtitlan | Aztec capital at modern-day Mexico city | 194 | |
14504295604 | quipu | Incan set of knotted strings used to keep records and for accounting | 195 | |
14504295605 | Temple of the Sun | Incan temple in Cuzco | 196 | |
14504295606 | Machu Picchu | Incan temples | 197 | |
14504295607 | Bubonic Plague (Black Death) | started in Asia in the fourteenth century and killed nearly one-third of Europe's population | 198 | |
14504295608 | First Crusade | initiated by Pope Urban in 1096 CE in response to the success of the Seljuk Turks, who took control of the Holy Land; done in an attempt to gain Jerusalem and to unite the Roman Catholic Church with the Eastern Orthodox Church | 199 | |
14504295609 | humanism | the focus on human endeavors | 200 | |
14504295610 | Medici | family in Florence that ruled the city and turned it into a showcase of architecture and art | 201 | |
14504295611 | Machiavelli | published The Prince in 1517; suggested that a monarchy should be distinct from the church and that a leader should act purely in self-interest of the state rather that morally | 202 | |
14504295612 | Erasmus | counceled kings and popes; wrote In Praise of Folly | 203 | |
14504295613 | Sir Thomas More | English; wrote Utopia about an ideal society | 204 | |
14504295614 | William Shakespeare | considered one of the most famous European writers from this time; his works exemplified humanism and classicism | 205 | |
14504295615 | indulgence | a piece of paper the faithful could purchase to reduce time in purgatory | 206 | |
14504295616 | Martin Luther | a German monk that nailed 95 theses to a church door in 1517, outlining his frustrations with the current Church practices | 207 | |
14504295617 | Pope Leo X | pope who ordered Luther to recant his theses | 208 | |
14504295618 | Lutherans | Luther's followers who began to separate themselves from the Catholic Church | 209 | |
14504295619 | John Calvin | from France; led a Protestant group by preaching an ideology of predestination | 210 | |
14504295620 | King Henry VIII | declared himself the head of religious affairs in England when the pope denied an annulment of his marriage | 211 | |
14504295621 | Church of England (Anglican Church) | church founded by Henry VIIi | 212 | |
14504295622 | Catholic Reformation (couter-reformation) | reformation of the Catholic church against the Protestant Reformation | 213 | |
14504295623 | Ignatius Loyola | Spanish soldier and intellectual who founded the society of Jesuits | 214 | |
14504295624 | Jesuits | practiced self-control and moderation, believing that prayer and good works led to salvation | 215 | |
14504295625 | Council of Trent | a group of church officials that presided over the counter-reformation, dictating and defining the Catholic interpretation of religious doctrine | 216 | |
14504295626 | Nicolaus Copernicus | developed a mathematical theory that asserted that the Earth and other celestial bodies revolved around the sun | 217 | |
14504295627 | The Index | a list of banned heretical works | 218 | |
14504295628 | Galileo | asserted that the Earth revolved around the sun | 219 |