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AP World History Flashcards

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14345889107SaharaDesert running across northern Africa; separates the Mediterranean coast from southern Africa0
14345891048ShintoReligion of early Japanese culture; devotees worshipped numerous gods and spirits associated with the natural world; offers of food and prayers made to gods and nature spirits1
14345891522Olmec CultureCultural tradition that arose in Mexico c. 1200 b.c.e.; featured irrigated agriculture, urbanism, elaborate religion, and beginnings of calendrical and writing systems2
14345893111TeotihuacanSite of classic culture in central Mexico; urban center with important religious functions; supported by intensive agriculture in surrounding regions; population of as much as 200,0003
14345893776MayaClassic culture emerging in southern Mexico and Central America contemporary with Teotihuacan; extended over broad region; featured monumental architecture, written language, calendrical and mathematical systems, highly developed religion4
14345894819IncaGroup of clans centered at Cuzco that were able to create empire incorporating various Andean cultures; term also used for leader of empire5
14345912287PolynesiaIslands contained in a rough triangle whose points lie in Hawaii, New Zealand, and Easter Island6
14345912801Yellow TurbansChinese Daoists who launched a revolt in 184 CE in China promising a golden age to be brought about by divine magic7
14345914441SuiDynasty that succeeded the Han in China; emerged from strong rulers in northern China; united all of northern China and reconquered southern China.8
14345914900TangDynasty that succeeded the Sui in 618 C.E.; more stable than previous dynasty.9
14345915454RajputRegional princes in western India; emphasized military control of their regions10
14345916472DeviMother goddess within Hinduism; widely spread following collapse of Guptas; encouraged new emotionalism in religious ritual11
14345916846IslamMajor world religion having its origins in 610 C.E. in the Arabian peninsula; meaning literally submission; based on prophecy of Muhammad.12
14345917908AllahSupreme God in strictly monotheistic Islam13
14345919734Byzantine EmpireEastern half of the Roman Empire that survived the fall of the Western half. Retained Mediterranean culture, particularly Greek; later lost Palestine, Syria, and Egypt to Islam; capital at Constantinople.14
14345922540JustinianEarly Byzantine emperor, responsible for major building in Constantinople and a codification of Roman law; his efforts to recapture some additional previously Roman territory ended in failure.15
14345925470Saint AugustineInfluential church father and theologian (354-430 C.E.); born in Africa and ultimately bishop of Hippo in Africa; champion of Christian doctrine against various heresies and very important in the long-term development of Christian thought on such issues as predestination.16
14345926263CopticChristian sect in Egypt, later tolerated after Islamic takeover17
14345927594BodhisattvasBuddhist holy men who accumulated spiritual merits during their lifetime; Buddhists prayed to them in order to receive some of their holiness18
14345928295MahayanaChinese version of Buddhism; placed considerable emphasis on Buddha as god or savior19
14345931812Benedict of NursiaFounder of monasticism in what had been the western half of the Roman Empire; established Benedictine Rule in the 6th century; paralleled development of Basil's rules in Byzantine Empire.20
14345932774AnimismA religious outlook that sees gods in many aspects of nature and propitiates them to help control and explain nature; typical of Mesopotamian religions21
14345934918FeudalismA political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land22
14345953050Paleolithic ageThe Old Stone Age ending in 12,000 B.C.E.; typified by use of crude stone tools and hunting and gathering for subsistence.23
14345954991Neolithic ageThe New Stone Age between 8000 and 5000 B.C.E.; period in which adaptation of sedentary agriculture occurred; domestication of plants and animals accomplished24
14345961068Neolithic revolutionThe succession of technological innovations and changes in human organization that led to the development of agriculture, 8500-3500 B.C.E.25
14345963473Bronze AgeFrom about 4000 B.C.E., when bronze tools were first introduced in the Middle East, to about 1500 B.C.E., when iron began to replace it.26
14345965659Banda level of social organization normally consisting of 20 to 30 people; nomadic hunters and gatherers; labor divided on a gender basis27
14345966322Catal HuyukEarly urban culture based on sedentary agriculture; located in modern southern Turkey; was larger in population than Jericho, had greater degree of social stratification.28
14345970853civilizationSocieties distinguished by reliance on sedentary agriculture, ability to produce food surpluses, and existence of non-farming elites, as well as merchant and manufacturing groups.29
14345972050CuneiformA form of writing developed by the Sumerians using a wedge shaped stylus and clay tablets.30
14345974325ZigguratsMassive towers usually associated with Mesopotamian temple complexes.31
14345976499city-stateA form of political organization typical of Mesopotamian civilizations; consisted of agricultural hinterlands ruled by an urban-based king.32
14345977851Babylonian EmpireUnified all of Mesopotamia circa 1800 B.C.E.; collapsed due to foreign invasion circa 1600 B.C.E.33
14345981591HammurabiThe most important ruler of the Babylonian empire; responsible for codification of law.34
14345986190KushAn African state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile c. 100 B.C.E.; conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries.35
14345987375HarrapaAlong with Mohenjodaro, major urban complex of the Harappan civilization; laid out on planned grid pattern.36
14345987622Mohenjo-DaroAlong with Harappa, major urban complex of the Harappan civilization; laid out on planned grid pattern.37
14345989148Yellow RiverAlso known as the Huang-He. The second longest river in China. The majority of ancient Chinese civilizations originated in its valley.38
14345990026ShangFirst Chinese dynasty for which archeological evidence exists; capital located in Ordos bulge of the Huanghe; flourished 1600 to 1046 B.C.E.39
14345992030OraclesShamans or priests in Chinese society who foretold the future through interpreting animal bones cracked by heat; inscriptions on bones led to Chinese writing40
14345993188IdeographsPictographic characters grouped together to create new concepts; typical of Chinese writing41
14345994906PhoneciansSeafaring civilization located on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean; established colonies throughout the Mediterranean42
14345998172Shi HuangdiFounder of the short-lived Qin dynasty43
14345998663Qin DynastyEstablished in 221 B.C.E. at the end of the Warring States period following the decline of the Zhou dynasty; fell in 207 B.C.E.44
14345999030Han DynastyChinese dynasty that succeeded the Qin in 202 BCE; ruled for next 400 years45
14346001409ZhouOriginally a vassal family of Shang China; possibly Turkic in origin; overthrew the Shang and established second historical Chinese dynasty that flourished 1122 to 256 B.C.E.46
14346005327Scholar-gentryChinese class created by marital approach/linkage47
14346009881JesuitA member of a roman catholic religious order.48
14346036412Brahmana member of the highest Hindu caste, that of the priesthood.49
14346038243Buddahcreator of a major Indian and Asian religion; born in the 6th century B.C.E.; taught that enlightenment could be achieved only by abandoning desires for earthly things.50
14346039310Alexander the GreatSuccessor of Philip II; successfully conquered Persian Empire prior to his death in 323 BCE; attempted to combine Greek and Persian cultures51
14346040411HimalayasMountain region marking the northern border of the Indian subcontinent; site of the Aryan settlements that formed small kingdoms or warrior republics52
14346041178AryansIndo-European nomadic pastoralists who replaced Harappan civilization; militarized society53
14346041179SanskirtThe sacred and classical Indian language54
14346041841VedasAryan hymns originally transmitted orally but written down in sacred books from the 6th century B.C.E.55
14346042222MahabharataIndian epic of war, princely honor, love, and social duty; written down in the last centuries BCE; previously handed down in oral form56
14346043552RamayanaOne of the great epic tales from classical India; traces adventures of King Rama and his wife, Sita; written 4th to 2nd centuries B.C.E.57
14346044125UpanishadsLater books of the Vedas; contained sophisticated and sublime philosophical ideas; utilized by Brahmans to restore religious authority58
14346044990Varnasclusters of caste groups in Aryan society; four social castes- Brahmans (priests), warriors, merchants, and peasants; beneath four Aryan castes was group of socially untouchable Dasas59
14346047028UntouchablesLow social caste in Hindu culture; performed tasks that were considered polluting- street sweeping, removal of human waste, and tanning60
14346048852IndraCheif deity of the Aryans; depicted as a colossal, hard-drinking warrior.61
14346051500Chandragupta Mauryafounder of Maurya dynasty; established first empire in Indian subcontinent; first centralized government since Harappan civilization62
14346051935MauryanDynasty established in Indian subcontinent in 4th century BCE following invasion by Alexander the Great63
14346052328AshokaGrandson of Chandragupta Maurya; completed conquests of Indian subcontinent; converted to Buddhism and sponsored spread of new religion throughout his empire.64
14346052930DharmaThe caste position and career determined by a person's birth; Hindu culture required that one accept one's social position and perform occupation to the best of one's ability in order to have a better situation in the next life.65
14346053425GuptasDynasty that succeeded the Kushans in the 3rd century C.E.; built empire that extended to all but the southern regions of Indian sub-continent; less centralized than Mauryan Empire.66
14346054092KautilyaPolitical advisor to Chandragupta Maurya; one of the authors of Arthashastra; believed in scientific application of warfare.67
14346055240GurusOriginally referred to as Brahmans who served as teachers for the princes of the imperial court of the Guptas68
14346056058VishnuThe Brahman, later Hindu, god of sacrifice; widely worshipped69
14346058139ShivaHindu, god of destruction and reproduction; worshipped as the personification of cosmic forces of change70
14346059406ReincarnationThe successive attachment of the soul to some animate form according to merits earned in previous lives.71
14346062184NirvanaThe Buddhist state of enlightenment, a state of tranquility72
14346063327KamasutraWritten by Vatsayana during Gupta era; offered instructions on all aspects of life for higher-caste males, including grooming, hygiene, etiquette, selection of wives, and lovemaking73
14346063749StupasStone shrines built to house pieces of bone or hair and personal possessions said to be relics of the Buddha; preserved Buddhist architectural forms74
14346066628HittiteAncient people who established a powerful empire in Asia minor and Syria.75
14346067646Zoroastrianismsystem of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster76
14346068479Cyrus the GreatEstablished massive Persian Empire by 550 B.C.E.; successor state to Mesopotamian empires.77
14346069604PericlesAthenian political leader during 5th century BCE; guided development of Athenian Empire; died during early stages of Peloponnesian War78
14346070419Peloponnesian WarsWars from 431 to 404 BCE between Athens and Sparta for dominance in southern Greece; resulted in Spartan victory but failure to achieve political unification of Greece79
14346071309Phillip IIRuled Macedon from 359 to 336 BCE; founder of centralized kingdom; later conquered rest of Greece, which was subjected to Macedonian authority80
14346072104Hellenistic Periodthat culture associated with the spread of Greek influence as a result of Macedonian conquests; often seen as the combination of Greek culture with eastern political forms81
14346073120Alexandria, EgyptOne of the cities founded by and named for Alexander the Great; site of ancient Mediterranean's greatest library; center of literary studies82
14346073988Roman RepublicThe balanced constitution of Rome from c. 510 to 47 B.C.E.; featured an aristocratic Senate, a panel of magistrates, and several popular assemblies.83
14346074589Punic WarsFought between Rome and Carthage to establish dominance in the western Mediterranean; won by Rome after three separate conflicts84
14346077100CarthageOriginally a Phoenician colony in northern Africa; became a major port and commercial power in the western Mediterranean; fought the Punic Wars with Rome for dominance of the western Mediterranean.85
14346077465HannibalGreat Carthaginian general during Second Punic War; successfully invaded Italy but failed to conquer Rome; finally defeated at Battle of Zama86
14346077956Julius CaesarRoman general responsible for conquest of Gaul; brought army back to Rome and overthrew republic; assassinated in 44 BCE by conservative senators87
14346079569Augustus CaesarName given to Octavian following his defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra; first emperor of Rome.88
14346081503DiocletianRoman emperor from 284 to 305 C.E.; restored later empire by improved administration and tax collection.89
14346082306ConstantineRoman emperor from 312 to 337 C.E.; established second capital at Constantinople; attempted to use religious force of Christianity to unify empire spiritually.90
14346083489PolisA city-state in ancient Greece.91

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