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AP World History Flashcards

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15066315546View of women under Confucianism"A woman's great duty is to produce a son"0
15066337660History of Angkor Wat-The largest religious monument- 400 acres - Went from Hindu temple to Buddhist temple in late 12th due to spread of Buddhism1
15066414060Confucianism Constant RelationshipsFellial Piety- Respect to everyone who is older/ related to you2
15066457175How did Mongol's control benefit surroundings?-Introduced gunpowder & rice -'Created' Russia and Korea3
15066496531Religious symbols of Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism...Buddhists-Dharma Wheel/ Lottus flower Taoism- Yin Yang Hinduism- Aum (represents Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu)4
15066563779Why did the Mongol empire split after Genghis Khan died?Genghis did not create a signal political unit, so not all of Mongolia got along well during his rule, leading to the split.5
15066610643Song Dynasty AdvancementsPrinting Paper $ Gunpowder The compass6
15066625789Define AdherentSomeone who supports a certain set of ideas/ a certain party7
15066817046Effects of the Mongols on Afro-Eurasia (before & after)China had heavy taxes/ruined cultures Russia had lower taxes which slowly grew larger !!!Gained from Song Dynasty8
15066909060Mongol impact on trade-Created 1st free trade zone -Used silk roads>> could tax trade -YAM system -introduced rice to the new world9
15067015499Fillial Piety- which religion's belief?Confucianism10
15067028583What effects did agricultural inventions have in China?Chompa rice could survive the winter and helped sustain a healthy population11
15067058774What are Buddhist beliefs centered around-Karma -Reincarnation12
15067319455What is Taoism?Philosophy based on nature and harmony13
15067355879Buddhism/ Confucianism: Similarities & Differences (2)B: Do not worship their founder/ God H: Worship Brahma B: Obtaining Nirvana is the only escape from permanent suffering H: Ancestors/ heritage is important, but not crucial14
15067479977Spread of Buddhism impactsSmall communities of munks/ nuns sprung up>> Slowly pushed out Hinduism15
15067506328Nomadic vs. SedentaryN: Migrates based on climate// live near settlements for food & trading S: Stayed in 1 place16

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