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10439723243AbsolutismDictionary definition-The acceptance of or belief in absolute principles in political, philosophical, ethical, or theological matters. My Definition-The Ideology that a strong and powerful government is necessary to a society Modern Day Example- Turkmenistan, North Korea.0
10439731979AgricultureDictionary Definition-The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products .My Definition- Farming and domesticating animals Modern Day Example- Pig Slaughterhouses1
10439736774AristocracyDictionary Definition-Group of most wealthy and privileged My Definition-The most Rich and privileged in a society. Modern Day Example- Brahmans in the Indian caste system.2
10439736775BCEDictionary Definition-Before Common Era My Definition- Before Common Era (Its Just how I know it) Modern Day Example- Not Applicible3
10439740664CEDictionary Definition- Common Era My Definition- the time after BCE Modern Day Example- Not applicible4
10439745998BiasDictionary Definition-A particular preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific. My Definition- being one sided in a situation. Modern Day Example- Voters are more biased to vote for their political party, even if they like the policy of the other candidate.5
10439747065BureaucracyDictionary Definition-a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives. My Definition- Diving up tasks to make things more efficient Modern Day Example- Amazon or google6
10439747066CapitalismDictionary Definition- economic system based on private property and free enterprise. My Definition- you can have your own business with very little government interference. Modern Day Example- USA.7
10439747645City-StateDictionary Definition-A city with political and economic control over the surrounding countryside My Definition- A city that has enough land and makes its own independent state. Modern Day Example- Sparta, Corinth8
10439747644ChiefdomDictionary Definition- A societal grouping governed by a chief who typically relies on generosity, ritual status, or charisma rather than force to win obedience from the people. My Definition- A good Man or Woman that has given power by just being a good person. Modern Day Example- Uganda9
10439749380CivilizationDictionary Definition-a form of culture characterized by cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology My Definition- society with highly developed government. Modern Day Example- USA10
10439749382Classical EraDictionary Definition-1750-1820 My Definition- An ancient era in Rome and Greece when people achieved new heights in art, architecture and philosophy Modern Day Example- NAN11
10439750094CodifyDictionary Definition-Arrange and set down My Definition- To Make Something Official by writing down.(Usually laws) Modern Day Example- Laws.12
10439750095ColonizationDictionary Definition- System of settling new lands that remain under the government of their native land My Definition- A mother Colonies expanding its territory. Modern Day Example- Colonization of the new world13
10439750492CommercialDictionary Definition- Having to do with Business or trade. My Definition- Serious Business. Modern Day Example- Any modern day businesses14
10439750904Contemporary EraDictionary Definition- 1960-present My Definition- NA Modern Day Example- NA15
10439750905ContextualizationDictionary Definition- Historical Thinking Skill: Situates historical events, developments, or processes within the broader context in which they occurred to draw conclusions for their significance My Definition- The examination of the cultural context of a passage Modern Day Example- We use this tool to understand past events like the roman catholic church.16
10439752112CorroborationDictionary Definition- Conformation My Definition- knowing something is true Modern Day Example- Anything you know for sure17
10439752591DemographyDictionary Definition- population science My Definition-population science Modern Day example- Composition of human population.18
10439769940DynastyDictionary Definition- A series of rulers from the same family My Definition- A series of rulers from the same family Modern Day Example- Business Dynasty19
10439769941Early Modern EraDictionary Definition- 1500-1800 My Definition- 1500-1800 Modern Day Example- NA20
10439770646EmpireDictionary Definition- A group of states or territories controlled by one ruler My Definition- one ruler owning land Modern Day Example- Portuguese Empire21
10439771666EthocentrismDictionary Definition- the practice of judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture My Definition-arrogance to ones culture based on your own Modern Day Example- USA22
10439771667EpidemicDictionary Definition- A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease. My Definition-local outbreak of disease Modern Day example- Spanish flu23
10439772022ForagerDictionary Definition- People who support themselves by hunting wild animals and gathering wild edible plants and insects. My Definition- searching for food Modern Day Example- hunting for food24
10439772023GlobalizationDictionary Definition- Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide in scope. My Definition- coming together as a hole to Modern Day Example- Spanish flu25
10439772512HierarchyDictionary Definition- a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. My Definition- a ranking system of authority Modern Day Example- Indian cast system26
10439772513ImperialsimDictionary Definition- A system in which a state extends its power to directly control territories, resources, and people beyond its borders My Definition- forceful expantion Modern Day Example- China's' economic influence on some parts of Africa.27
10439773352Indentured ServantDictionary Definition- Colonists who received free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for a certain number of years My Definition-contract to make you a slave for some years to get to new land Modern Day Example- NAN28
10439774211InterregionalDictionary Definition- Permanent movement from one region of a country to another. My Definition-immigrate Modern Day Example- people moving to Canada form america forever.29
10439774212KingdomDictionary Definition-taxonomic group of related phyla or divisions My Definition- social structure with kings at top then nobles and then mostly peasant class(landlords also nobles.) Modern Day Example- Swaziland30
10439774213MerchantDictionary Definition- a person or company involved in wholesale trade, especially one dealing with foreign countries or supplying merchandise to a particular trade. My Definition- someone who trades with foreigners. Modern Day Example- Salesmen31
10439774942Modern EraDictionary Definition-1900- today My Definition-1900- today Modern Day Example- NAN32
10439779433MonothiesmDictionary Definition- Belief in one god My Definition- Only thinking there is one god. Modern Day Example- Christianty33
10439779434NationDictionary Definition- a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. My Definition- large area with united people Modern Day Example- North America34
10439780502NeolithicDictionary Definition- New Stone Age My Definition-New Stone Age Modern Day Example- NAN35
10439780503NobilityDictionary Definition- aristocracy My Definition- Higher Social class Modern Day Example- Nobles of swaziland36
10439780504NomadDictionary Definition- a person who moves from place to place My Definition- Somebody that is always on the move Modern Day Example- Huslers37
10439781190PandemicDictionary Definition- Disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a very high proportion of the population. My Definition- widespread global Modern Day Example- That flu strain from 201238
10439781191PapacyDictionary Definition- The central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head. My Definition- The central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head. Modern Day Example- NAN39
10439782330PastoralDictionary Definition- rural My Definition- Rural Modern Day Example- Rural40
10439784267PatriarchalDictionary Definition- relating to a social system in which the father is head of the family My Definition- Male Supremacist society Modern Day Example- Iraq41
10439784834PeriodizationDictionary Definition- Historical Thinking Skill: Explain ways historical events and processes can be organized into discrete, different, and definable historical periods. Evaluate whether a particular event or date could or could not be a turning point between different, definable historical periods, used in particular historical evidence. My Definition- to split history into meaningful periods, jump started by different important events. Modern Day Example-Modern Era42
10439784835PolythiesmDictionary Definition- Belief in many gods My Definition-Belief in many gods Modern Day Example- Hinduism43
10439785597Post-Classical EraDictionary Definition- 600 CE - 1450 CE My Definition- 600 CE - 1450 CE Modern Day Example- NAN44
10439785598Post-Modern EraDictionary Definition- Mid 20th century - today. Values: Celebrating populism, reviving older cultural styles, embracing technology, and embracing the supernatural. My Definition- Mid 20th century Modern Day Example- NAN45
10439786092PrehistoricDictionary Definition-before written history My Definition- Before we knew Modern Day Example- NAN46
10439786093revolutionDictionary Definition- An overthrow and replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. My Definition- go against the "Norm" Modern Day Example- Iranian Revolution47
10439786720RuralDictionary Definition- of or relating to the country and the people who live there My Definition-Country folk Modern Day Example- an hour south from NYC.48
10439786721ScribeDictionary Definition- a person who copies or writes out documents; often a record keeper My Definition- someone that writes stuff Modern Day Example- court reporter that writes everything said.49
10439787351Sedentary AgricultureDictionary Definition- Farming system in which the farmer remains settled in one place My Definition- settling down to wait for your crops to harvest. Modern Day Explanation- a farmer50
10439787352SerfDictionary Definition- an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate. My Definition- an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate. Modern Day Example- NAN51
10439787353SlaveDictionary Definition- a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them. My Definition- labor without pay or consent52
10439788025SocialismDictionary Definition- an economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all My Definition- dependent on government. Modern Day Example- Candada53
10439788981state (not the US states)Dictionary Definition- the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time. My Definition-condition at a certain instant Modern day Example- right now whoever is reading this is probably in a state of Boredom.54
10439788982Stateless societyDictionary Definition- one in which people use lineages, or families whose members are descended from a common ancestor, to govern themselves My Definition- getting power by bloodline. Modern Day example- Some south African countries.55
10439789498SyncretismDictionary Definition- the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought. My Definition- merging too ideas/ languages Modern Day Example- Gnosticism56
10439789735SynthesisDictionary Definition- the combination of parts to make a whole My Definition- 2 parts make a whole Modern Day Example- yin and yang57
10439790279SteppesDictionary Definition- Treeless plains, especially the high, flat expanses of northern Eurasia, which usually have little rain and are covered with coarse grass. They are good lands for nomads and their herds. Good for breeding horses: essential to Mongol military. My Definition- Dry Grasslands Modern Day Example- south america58
10439790280UrbanDictionary Definition- in, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town. My Definition-city Modern Example- NYC59

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