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AP World History- Greece Flashcards

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3098038517Homer-According to tradition, Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey -Scholars know now that people recited both poems before Homer lived -Some convince he was not a real man but a name used for people who wanted to be anonymous -Others believed that a man named Homer had a part in preparing versions of the poems0
3098038518Iliad-Greek perspective on war -Greek warriors against the city of Troy in Anatolia during the 12th century BCE1
3098038519Odyssey-recounted the experiences of the Greek hero Odysseus as he sailed home after the Trojan war -Odyssey and Iliad testify the frequency and normality of travel, communication, and interaction in the Mediterranean Basin2
3098038520Differences from Classical Societies-Greeks lived in independent, autonomous city-states -After late third century BCE prominent roles in large, centralized empire established by neighbors in Macedon3
3098038521Minon Society-Named after Minos, legendary king of ancient Crete -Knossos-enormous palace depicting Minoans at work/play -*Palace officials created script known as Linear A -Written symbols stood for syllables -Used the script to keep detailed records of economic and commercial matters -Archaeologists have discovered pottery vessels used for Minoan wine and olive oil -After 1700 BCE many natural disasters destroyed Minon traditions4
3098038522Mycenaean Society-Adapted Minon Linear A with own language Linear B -After 1450 BCE they also built stone fortesses/palaces -From 1500 to 1100 BCE- expanded influence beyond Greece -Established settlements in Anatolia, Sicily, and South Italy -1200 BCE- Mycenaeans engaged in conflict with Troy in Anatolia -Caused fall of Mycenaean society5
3098038523Polis-Citadel or fortified site that offered refuge for local communities during times of war or emergency -Attracted increasing populations, many became lively commercial centers -Levied taxes and appropriated a portion of agricultural surplus to support urban population -By about 800 BCE many poleis had become bustling cities -Took various political forms6
3098038524Sparta-Fertile land of Peloponnesus -Military society -Helots-servants of spartan society -Could not leave land -Lived austere lives -Men and women trained for military7
3098038525Athenian Society-Government based on democratic principals -Free male adults were allowed to be citizens -Aristocrat solon allowed aristocrats to keep their land and prevented debts -Encouraged participation in government8
3098038526Greek Colonizations-Population pressures forced greeks to find resources in neighboring areas -Did not build centralized imperial state9
3098038527Persian Wars-Began with Cyrus and Darius in Anatolia -Greek cities on coast revolted against Achaemenid10
3098038528Delian League-Alliance between city states of Greece -Meant to protect from Persian invasions -Athens became leader because of fleet11
3098038529Peloponnesian War-Tensions in Delian league- Civil war -431-404 BCE -Supporters of Athens and supporters of Sparta -Sparta was victor12
3098038530Kingdom of Macedon-North of Greece -Made up of cultivators and sheepherders -Clans controlled political affairs -From the 7th century BCE Greek cities traded with Macedon -Political and social elites who controlled trade become well acquainted with Greek merchants13
3098038531Alexander of Macedon-Son of Philip -Brilliant strategist and leader *Troops refused to expand farther once they reached India -Assembled an army of about 37,000 men to invade the Persian Empire14
3098038532Philip of Macedon-359-336 BCE -Strong Military - Took over clans -Wanted to take over Greece and Persia15
3098038533Hellenistic Empires-Spans after Alexander's death to 31 BCE -Rome takes over _Three Regions -Ptolemaic -Selecid -Antigonid16
3098038534Spartan Society-All spartans were equal in status -Did not wear jewelry or elaborate clothes, or pamper themselves -Did not circulate coins made of precious metals but instead used iron bars -Boys left house at age of 7 to live in military barracks -At age 20 they began active military, continued until retirement -By 14th century BCE Aristocratic families began gaining wealth17
3098038535Pericles-Transformed Athens into democratic state -Most popular Athenian leader from 443 BCE until death in 429 BCE -Hundreds of office holder from the common classes -Supported building programs that provided employment for thousands of construction workers and laborers -Athens became most sophisticated of the poleis18
3098038536Greek Colonization-Between mid-eighth and late sixth centuries BCE they founded more than four hundred colonies along the shore of the Mediterranean and Black Sea -Sicily and Southern Italy19

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