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AP World History Important Dates Flashcards

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1692642001954Vietnamese defeat French at Dien Bien Phu0
1692642011956De-Stalinzation/Nationalization of Suez Canal1
1692642021959Cuban Revolution2
1692642041962Cuban Missile Crisis3
16926420619676-Day War/Chinese Cultural Revolution4
1692642081973Yom Kippur War5
1692642091979Iranian Revolution6
16926421119871st Palestinian Intifada7
1692642131989Tiananmen Square/Fall of Berlin Wall8
1692642151991Fall of USSR/1st Gulf War9
1692642161994Rwanda genocide/1st free elections in South Africa10
16926421820019/11 attacks11
1692642201914-1918World War I12
1692642221917Russian Revolution13
1692642231919Treaty of Versailles (End of WWI)14
1692642251929Stock Market Crash15
1692642271931Japanese invasion of Manchuria16
1692642291935Italian invasion of Ethiopia17
1692642301939German blitzkrieg in Poland18
1692642321941Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor19
1692642341945World War 2 Ends20
1692642351947Independence and partition of India21
1692642371948Birth of Israel22
1692642391949Chinese Communist Revolution23
1692642401950-1953Korean War24
1692642421804Haitian Independence25
1692642431815Congress of Vienna26
1692642441820'sIndependence in Latin America27
16926424518391st Opium War in China28
1692642461848European Revolutions/Communist Manifesto written29
1692642471853Commodore Perry opens Japan30
1692642481857Sepoy Mutiny31
1692642491861End of Russian serfdom/Italian unification32
1692642501863Emancipation Proclamation in US33
1692642511871German Unification34
1692642521885Berlin Confrence (division of Africa)35
1692642531898Spanish-American War36
1692642541899Boer War (British control South Africa)37
1692642551905Russo-Japanese War38
1692642561910-1920Mexican Revolution39
1692642571911Chinese Revolution/End of Dynastic China40
1692642581453Ottomans capture Constantinople41
1692642591488Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope42
1692642601492Columbus' First voyage/reconquista of Spain43
1692642611502First slaves to Americas44
1692642621517Martin Luther/95 Theses45
1692642631521Cortez Conquered Aztecs46
1692642641533Pizarro Conquered Incas47
1692642651588British defeat Spanish Armada48
1692642661600Unification of Japan under Tokugawa rule49
1692642671607Foundation of Jamestown50
1692642681618-164830 Years War51
1692642691683Unsuccessful Ottoman siege of Vienna52
1692642701689Glorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights53
1692642711756-17637 Years War (French and Indian War)54
1692642721776American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth of Nations55
1692642731789French Revolution begins56
169264274622Rise of Islam57
169264275732Battle of Tours (end of Muslim move into France)58
169264276800Coronation of Charlemagne59
16926427710541st Schism in Christian Church60
1692642781066Norman conquest of England61
1692642791071Battle of Manzikert (Seljuk Turks over Byzantium)62
1692642801095First Crusade63
1692642811206Mongols united under Genghis Khan64
1692642821271-1295Marco Polo's travels65
1692642831324Mansa Musa's Pilgrimage66
1692642841325-1349Travels of Ibn Battuta67
1692642851347-1348Bubonic Plague in Europe68
1692642861433End Of Zheng He's Voyages69
16926428714th C.Rise of Ottomans70
1692642888000 BCEBeginnings of Agriculture71
1692642893000 BCEBeginnings of Bronze Age and early civilizations72
1692642901300 BCEIron Age73
1692642916th C BCEBeginnings of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism (Daoism)74
1692642925th C BCEGreek Golden Age (philosophers, ect.)75
169264293323 BCEAlexander the Great76
169264294221 BCEQin unified China77
16926429532Beginnings of Christianity78
169264296180End of Pax Romana79
169264297220End of Han Dynasty80
169264298333Roman capital moved to Constantinople81
1692642994th CBeginning of Trans-Saharan trade routes82
169264300476Fall of Rome83
169264301527Justinian Rule of Byzantine Empire84

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