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AP World History important Terms Flashcards

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259274201Cultivation(agriculture) production of food by preparing the land to grow crops0
259274202Pastoralrelating to country life, esp. of shepherds; rustic1
259274203Urban/urbanizationThe physical growth of rural or natural land into larger urban areas as a result of population immigration to an existing area.2
259274204Social stratificationthe division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative power, property, and prestige; applies to both nations and to people within a nation, society, or other group3
259274205Cultural diffusionthe spread of social institutions (and myths and skills) from one society to another4
259274206Bipedalismthe ability to walk upright on two legs5
259274207Egalitarianfavoring social equality6
259274208Sedentarynot migratory; settled7
259274209Scarcitya small and inadequate amount8
259274210Hierarchya series of ordered groupings of people or things within a system9
259274211Imperialrelating to or associated with an empire10
259274212Assimilatedaccepted into the general population of other cultures11
259274213Mercantileprofit oriented12
259274214Autonomypersonal independence13
259274215Incursionsa hostile entrance into or invasion of a place or territory, esp. a sudden one; raid14
259274216Heresy/hereticalthe expression of shocking or unacceptable views15
259274217DecentralizedTo distribute the administrative powers or functions of (a central authority) over a less concentrated area16
259274218Matriarchalrelating to a social system in which the mother is head of the family17
259274219Doctrine(n.) a belief, principle, or teaching; a system of such beliefs or principles; a formulation of such beliefs or principles18
259274220Diplomacythe art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations without arousing hostility19
259274221Bureaucrat/bureaucracyA form of organization that operates through impersonal, uniform rules and procedures.20
259274222Linguisticconsisting of or related to language21
259274223Ideologyan orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation22

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