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AP World History (in progress) Flashcards

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5738488810Preliterate societies transmitted their culture by all of the following except: stone art, cave paintings, oral tradition, detailed genealogies, creation myths.detailed genealogies0
5738491260What is not meant by culture?shared biological characterstics1
5738497372The Neolithic era is associated withthe rise of agriculture2
5738500039Most early human activity centered ongathering food3
5738503034The Agricultural Revolution first occurred in what region?Middle East4
5738506901PaleolithicIdentifies the Stone Age where tools made of stone, bones, and wood were used for everyday tasks. Also, it was a period where most humans were hunters and gatherers.5
5738512678Agricultural RevolutionDifferent regions around the world gradually realized the benefits of food cultivation over food gathering and began to transition into farming as being their primary source of food.6
5738536094Conditions leading to transition from food gathering to food cultivation.The dying off of the megafauna, which was a primary food source for hunting and gathering peoples, initiated the transition. Also, having a steady, reliable food source and being able to settle down in one spot were benefits of food cultivation. Furthermore, being able to make beer from grains was a big motivation to begin farming.7
5738560158Most early agricultural communities had a staple crop based ongrain or rice8
5738563324Scholars feel that earliest domesticated animals weredogs9
5738569237The religions of farming communities tended to focus onan earth mother or female deity10
5738575077Recent discoveries of large stones and burial chambers may indicateceremonial and religious purposes11
5738579153The earliest historically documented people of Mesopotamia were theSumerians12
5738588182The term city-state refers to all of the following except: a small independent state, an urban center surrounded by agricultural hinterlands, an association of mutually dependent cities, self-governing urban centers.an association of mutually dependent cities13
5738601856The first dynastic king, Sargon of Akkad, and his four successors, did all of the following except: organize a system of standardized weights and measures, use cuneiform writing, issue a comprehensive law code, attack Egypt, facilitate trade between all the city-states under his control.attack Egypt14
5738605720What motivated Mesopotamian conquests of far-reaching territories?The need for vital resources15
5738610075Mesopotamian gods were anthropomorphic; that is, theywere imagined to be human-like in form and conduct16
5738616964The abundance of amulets in Mesopotamia suggestswidespread belief in the value of magic17
5738619120The Mesopotamian writing system is calledcuneiform18
5738626593The culture that developed in Egypt was unique largely because ofEgypt's natural isolation and essential self-sufficiency19
5738631004Crucial to Egypt's agriculture wasproximity to the Nile River20
5738634994Fundamental concepts of Egyptian religion were based onthe vision of a cosmic order that the physical environment of the Nile Valley evoked21
5738642026The region of modern Pakistan which gave birth to the earliest known civilization in the Indian subcontinent is centered on which river: Oxus, Ganges, Indus, NileIndus22
5738646347The two main cities of early Indian civilization areHarappa and Mohenjo-Daro23
5738654320city-stateA central, self-governed urban-center including its surrounding agricultural zones that were characteristic of Mesopotamian society. Sumer was one of the first Mesopotamian city-states. City-states were generally surrounded by high-walls and were centers for trade.24
5738934867HammurabiHe was the fierce Amorite king of Babylon who strongly believed in justice and law. he was a warfare strategy genius and conquered many of the Mesopotamian city-states. Hammurabi is famous for his law code inscribed on stone pillars that list crimes and their punishments. He established the idea of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".25
5738945330PapyrusA reed that grew along the Nile River, which the Egyptians used to create a coarse, paper-like writing medium. It encouraged literacy and allowed the Egyptians to record much more information and to make copies of previously recorded information.26
5738962857The Late Bronze Age in the Middle East was a "cosmopolitan era" becauseelements of culture were widely shared27
5738969434The era of the New Kingdom in Egypt is characterized by restoration of Egyptian rule andexpansion north into Syria and south into Nubia28
5738971765The pharaoh Akhenaten is credited by many historians withthe invention of monotheism29
5738976015Transportation in western Asia was revolutionized in the Later Bronze Age by the introduction ofhorses30
5738981627The location of the first European civilization to have complex political and social structures wasthe island of Crete.31
5738985434Writing in Mycenaean Greece is done in what form?Linear B32
5738994067The epic poem of Homer, The Iliad, related the story of a war between the Greeks and the Hittites, based on the ten year siege and eventual destruction of the city ofTroy33
5738998979The collapse of the Mycenaean civilization was caused byThe disappearance of Linear B writing, destruction of palaces, competition for resources, and disruption of trade routes.34
5739006920The Assyrian ruler wasa king and a priest35
5739010967The homeland of the Assyrian Empire was innorthern Mesopotamia36
5739022319The chief tactic that the Assyrians used to maintain tranquility in their empire wasforce and terror37
5739024074One important and peaceful legacy of Assyrian rule wasThe Library of Ashurbanipal38
5739027668The basic tenets of Jewish belief and practice prohibitmurder, adultery, theft and lying39
5739032693The basic Israelite political structure before King Saul wasrule by chieftains of the twelve tribes (descendants of Joseph and Jacob)40
5739043238The rise of a centralized monarchy in Israel is typically attributed toDavid41
5739048084Women in Israelite society were respected because they provided goods and services that sustained the family andgave birth42
5739098796After Solomon's death, the kingdom of Israel was split intoJudah and Israel43
5739102334The exile of Hebrews to Babylon in 587 BC occurred underNebuchadnezzar44
5739106299What made certain Phoenician textiles unique?purple dye45
5739109440Carthage's influence in the Mediterranean Sea rested in thenavy46
5739118990How did the Hittites become the foremost power in Anatolia from 1700 to 1200 BC?They had horse-drawn war chariots and iron tools and weapons. This allowed them to dominate in battle.47
5739124790The Phoenicians developed a system of writing based onan alphabet, in which each symbol represented a sound48
5739133411Carthage was founded by peoples migrating fromPhoenicia49
5739136345The foreign policy of the Carthaginian statereflected an interest in protecting the sea trade50
5739141889In the time of King Solomon, the commercial wealth of Israel was derived from trade withPhoenicia, Arabia, and East Africa51
5739145074The Israelites became devoted to their stern an warlike god, Yahweh, duringforty years of wandering in the desert52
5739148348Which of the following poses a problem for interpreting the history of the early Israelites from the Bible?They were pastoralists who did not write down their history for nearly 1,000 years, the Bible was written for religious, not historical purposes, the Hebrew Bible was written in several phases by different people and the Hebrew civilization was interrupted by conquest several times.53
5739152999Israel is important partly becauseit is a crossroads to the Near East, Egypt, and Arabia54
5739155539The Assyrian government used mass deportation tobreak the spirit of rebellious peoples55
5739164824Although Minoan writing is undeciphered, Minoan artifacts indicate thatthey had widespread trade connections56
5739170131The Hyksos were able to conquer Egypt because they hadhorse-drawn chariots carrying archers with composite bows57
5739174277The language of diplomacy and government correspondence in the Mesopotamian regions wasAkkadian58
5739177778The foremost power in Anatolia from 1700 - 1200 BCE was theHittites59
5739180557Why was Chavin de Huantar's location pivotal in it's success?It was located at the intersection of trade routes between the mountain valleys and the coastal lowlands60
5739184265The makers of the "Giant Head" carvings in Mesoamerica were part of which civilization?Olmec61
5739188224By 300 BCE, Celtic people were found in what regions?Hungary, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Britain, France, Spain, and Ireland62
5739190637Celtic Womencould inherit their husbands' estates63
5739192985Druids wereCeltic priests in Gaul and Britain64
5739196783The political organization of the Celts wasnon existent; each Celtic group was regional and followed no one ruler65
5739201929Why was the Nubian offer to aid Palestine a mistake?The Assyrians invaded Egypt in retaliation, driving the Nubians southward66
5739205636The concept of Yin and Yang represented the complementary nature ofmale and female roles in the natural order67
5739207747The fundamental idea of Daoism can be summarized asaccepting the world as you find it, avoiding useless struggles, and adhering to the "path" of nature68
5739212448The Chinese political system that relied primarily on strict laws and punishments to compel people to behave is calledLegalism69
5739216362Confucius most admired which political figure for maintaining harmony in his rule and for being a dutiful servant of the state?Duke Zhou70
5739216363Significant insight into the Zhou period is available to scholars because ofThe Book of Documents71
5739220680Compared with the Shang dynasty god, Di, the Zhou main god Tian wasmuch more demanding and harsh72
5739223192The Mandate of Heaven meant that the ruler retained the right to rule as long ashe remained a wise and principled guardian of his people73
5739226191Other than oracle bones, one of the main sources of information on Shang China isroyal and elite tombs74
5739226192The Shang elite were what part of society?warriors75
5739231691Loess wasa rich dust blown in from Central Asia76
5739262390Describe the nature and extent of Phoenician expansion in the MediterraneanThe Phoenicians expanded and planted down new merchant communities that served as trade outposts for them. Phoenicia indirectly ruled the majority of these outposts and their conquered lands, except for Spain and Sardinia. They extended as far as Israel and Tunisia, to the west shore of the Mediterranean, and ruled most of Europe surrounding the Mediterranean.77
5739274576First group to develop iron making?Hittites78
5739280371Oldest pottery found in Mediterranean region wasmade by the Minoans79
5739293111Akhnaton's revolutionHe forced everyone in Egypt to worship him, while the royal family exclusively worshiped the single god Aten. Also, he established a new capital at Amarna, destroyed temples of all gods besides Aten, and created a new style of art that depicted humans as feminine and with elongated figures.80
5739328389What does the practice of feng shui accomplish?It orients buildings in harmony with the terrain and the forces of nature.81
5739335963During the Shang period, ancestor worship became important becauseancestors had special influence with the gods82
5739346061Which early Zhou writing is attributed to SunziThe Art of War83
5739350782Confucius's writings compiled asAnalects84
5739359282Kush, the Egyptian name for Nubia, flourished in trade by usingletting trade-seekers come to them85
5739371235How did Nubia become a "corridor" for long-distance trade before 3000BC?It connected sub-Sahara Africa with North Africa86
5739517129Importance of Mandate of Heaven in transition from Shang to Zhou period?Mandate of Heaven gave the rulers of the Zhou Period a legitimate reason and justification for their rule. In the Shang period. when a ruler came to power, they were just seen as a basic ruler and could not give their subjects a true reason for being in control. In the Zhou period. rulers could justify their power as being the will of Heaven, as they believed that it was the duty of the Supreme deity to essentially choose the ruler.87
5739536016Pastoral nomadismIt relied heavily on the domestication of animals. Pastoralists utilized the open grasslands of the steppes to herd their flocks, and used the wide open areas a defensive advantage. Pastoralists could see their flocks from miles away and see incoming enemies. Furthermore, pastoralists relied heavily on fast means of transportation. They rode horses and camels to travel from temporary settlement to temporary settlement, and ideas spread quickly. Pastoralists traded with agricultural towns and settlements for crops, weapons, and tools. Eventually, groups of raider nomads arose, and they frequently attacked villages or charged them a fee not to attack. These nomads became a signifcant nuisance to settled civilizations overtime.88
5739569608Confucianismteaches about duty, public service, and importance of family89
5739571707Daoismteaches a withdrawal from society and to look to the nature of the world90
5739581373The Vedic Age was a new historical period in India marked bythe dominance of Indo-Europeans over India91
5739584923The varna system developed in order to createsocial order between groups92
5739591041The reincarnation of a person's immortal essence - their atman - into a given class depends onkarma or deeds in life93
5739596000The underlying message of the cycle of reincarnation is that you are where you deserve to be, and the only way to improve you lot in the next cycle of existence is toaccept your current situation and its attendant duties94
5739601224Jainism adherents believed in extreme nonviolence, to the extent theywould not inhale bugs, would not wear silk, would not practice agriculture, practiced extreme asceticism95
5739611853Siddhartha Gautama articulated the "Four Noble Truths", which taught that life is suffering, that suffering is caused by desire, that the solution to suffering is curing one's desires, and that:desire can be curbed by following the Eightfold Path96
5739618901The ultimate spiritual reward in Buddhism isnirvana97
5739623249Hinduism can be described as an evolution of the Vedic religions because it had roots in Buddhism and south Indian religious practices, and:it combined Aryan and Dravidian elements98
5739631489What has not been a factor in India's habitual political fragmentation?repeated interference by China in Indian affairs99
5739812521The Mauryan Empire was the first government to unite much of India afterthe death of Alexander the Great100
5739817519The Mauryan leader Ashoka converted to Buddhism and became a unique leader becausehe was overwhelmed by the brutality of his early conquests101
5739825715What was the greatest advantage of the Gupta Empire army?a well armed cavalry102
5739832619Gupta kings were patrons of which of the following endeavorsHindu103
5739836943Southeast Asia is described as a "geologically active zone" meaning thatthe islands are the tops of a chain of volcanoes104
5739852365Giant Olmec heads sculpted from basalt and sometimes standing 11 feet tall, are believed to representrulers, warriors, and ballplayers105
5739863159What caused the collapse of Teotihuacan in 650 AD?We don't know106
5739867109QuetzalcoatlGod of agriculture + the arts107
5739869897Urban architecture of Teotihuacan dominated byreligious architecture108
5739871974ChavinPeruvian coastal plain + Andean foothills109
5739877809beast of burden in Mesoamerica?llama110
5739877810Religion in Teotihuacan waspolytheistic111
5739881843Mesoamerican group that practiced human sacrifice in the region of the Yucatan peninsula?Maya112
5740458908What natural resource provided the incentive to trade for southern Saharan dwellers?Salt113
5740462147The decline of the Umayyad dynasty was due togrowing unrest among non-Arab Muslims, who demanded access to political power114

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