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AP World History Jargon (A-C) Flashcards

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230120206abolitionthe legal prohibition and ending of slavery, especially of slavery of blacks in the U.S.; the act of abolishing0
230120207absolutismthe principle or the exercise of complete and unrestricted power in government.1
230120208administerto manage (affairs, a government, etc.); to have executive charge of2
230120209administrationa body of administrators, especially in government.3
230120210afro-a combining form of Africa: Afro-American; Afro-Asiatic.4
230120211agrarianrelating to land, land tenure, or the division of landed property: agrarian laws.5
230120212amer-a combining form of American6
230120213analyzeto examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.7
230120214analysisa presentation, usually in writing, of the resultof this process: The paper published an analysis of the political situation.8
230120215anarchisma doctrine urging the abolition of government or governmental restraint as the indispensable condition for full social and political liberty.9
230120216anarchyfreedom from external or foreign rule; independence.10
230120217ancientof or in time long past, especially before the end of the Western Roman Empire a.d. 476: ancient history.11
230120218anti-semitismdiscrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews.12
230120219appeasementto yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.) in a conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or other principles.13
230120220arablecapable of producing crops; suitable for farming14
230120221archaeologythe scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments, and other such remains, especially those that have been excavated.15
230120222archaicmarked by the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated: an archaic manner; an archaic notion.16
230120223architecturethe character or style of building: the architecture of Paris; Romanesque architecture.17
230120224-archya combining form meaning "rule," "government,", monarchy18
230120225aristocracyany class or group considered to be superior, as through education, ability, wealth, or social prestige.19
230120226atheismthe doctrine or belief that there is no God.20
230120227asceticismrigorous self-denial; extreme abstinence; austerity.21
230120228authoritarianfavoring complete obedience or subjection to authority as opposed to individual freedom: authoritarian principles; authoritarian attitudes.22
230120229authoritarianismof or pertaining to a governmental or political system, principle, or practice in which individual freedom is held as completely subordinate to the power or authority of the state, centered either in one person or a small group that is not constitutionally accountable to the people.23
230120230balance of powera distribution and opposition of forces among nations such that no single nation is strong enough to assert its will or dominate all the others.24
230120231balance of tradethe difference between the values of exports and imports of a country, said to be favorable or unfavorable as exports are greater or less than imports.25
230120232barbariana person without culture, refinement, or education; non-Greek, non-Roman, non-Christian, depending on the time in history26
230120233bureaucracygovernment by many bureaus, administrators, and petty officials.27
230120234border (national)the line that separates one country, state, province, etc., from another; frontier line28
230120235bourgeoisie(in Marxist theory) the class that, in contrast to the proletariat or wage-earning class, is primarily concerned with property values; the middle class29
230120236capitalthe wealth, whether in money or property, owned or employed in business by an individual, firm, corporation,etc.30
230120237capitalisman economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.31
230120238capitola building occupied by a state legislature. The building in Washington, DC used by Congress.32
230120239capitulateto surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms.33
230120240cartelan international syndicate, combine, or trust formedespecially to regulate prices and output in some field ofbusiness.34
230120241casualtya member of the armed forces lost to service through death, wounds, sickness, capture, or because his or her whereabouts or condition cannot be determined.35
230120242causationthe action of causing or producing.36
230120243celibacyabstention from sexual relations.37
230120244celibatea person who remains unmarried, especially for religious reasons.38
230120245centralin, at, or near the center: a central position.39
230120246-centrica combining form with the meanings "having a center or centers" of the specified number or kind40
230120247circa (c. ca.)about: (used especially in) approximate dates41
230120248city-statea sovereign state consisting of an autonomous city with its dependencies.42
230120249citizena native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection43
230120250civilizationan advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.44
230120251chauvinismbiased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause.45
230120252chivalrythe sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.46
230120253class struggleAlso called class conflict. Conflict between different classes in a community resulting from different social or economic positions and reflecting opposed interests.47
230120254classicalof, pertaining to, or characteristic of Greek and Roman antiquity: classical literature; classical languages.48
230120255coerceto dominate or control, especially by exploiting fear, anxiety, etc.49
230120256coerciveserving or tending to coerce.50
230120257coincidencea striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance:51
230120258colonyany people or territory separated from but subject to a ruling power.52
230120259colonialof, concerning, or pertaining to a colony or colonies: the colonial policies of France.53
230120260Columbian Exchangea dramatically widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations (including slaves), communicable disease, and ideas between the Eastern and Westernhemispheres (Old World and New World).54
230120261communalof, by, or belonging to the people of a community; shared or participated in by the public: communal land;55
230120262communisma theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership beingascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.56
230120263conjuncturea combination of circumstances; a particular state of affairs.57
230120264conscriptto compel into service.58
230120265conscriptiona compulsory contribution of money or service to a government during a time of war.59
230120266conservativedisposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.60
230120267constitutionalismthe principles of constitutional government or adherence to them.61
230120268consumerEconomics . a person or organization that uses a commodity or service.62
230120269consumerismthe concept that an ever-expanding consumption of goods is advantageous to the economy.63
230120270conflateto fuse into one entity; merge: to conflate dissenting voices into one protest.64
230120271contextthe set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.65
230120272continentone of the main landmasses of the globe, usually reckoned as seven in number (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica).66
230120273contingencydependence on chance or on the fulfillment of a condition; uncertainty67
230120274conventiona meeting or formal assembly, as of representatives ordelegates, for discussion of and action on particular mattersof common concern.68
230120275conventionalconforming or adhering to accepted standards, as of conductor taste. Non-nuclear weapons (conventional weapons).69
230120276convergeto tend to a common result, conclusion, etc.70
230120277coporationan association of individuals, created by law or underauthority of law, having a continuous existenceindependent of the existences of its members, and powersand liabilities distinct from those of its members.71
230120278corporatepertaining to a united group, as of persons; having to do with a corporation72
230120279corollaryan immediate consequence, result or easily drawn conclusion.73
230120280correlationmutual relation of two or more things, parts; similarity, interconnection74
230120281cosmopolitanfree from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, orattachments; at home all over the world.75
230120282coup d'etata sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resultingin a change of government illegally or by force.76
230120283-cracyDenoting a particular form of government, rule, or influence: "democracy"77
230120284craft ( n & v)Noun: an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, especially manual skill: the craft of a mason. Verb: to make or manufacture (an object, objects, product, etc.) with skill and careful attention to detail.78
230120285creditconfidence in a purchaser's ability and intention to pay,displayed by entrusting the buyer with goods or serviceswithout immediate payment.79
230120286currencysomething that is used as a medium of exchange; money.80

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