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AP World History Jargon Flashcards

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4262721320AbolitionThe ending of slavery0
4262721321AbsolutismComplete and unrestricted power in government1
4262721322AdministerTo manage affairs and have executive charge2
4262721323AdministrationThe management of any business or organization3
4262721324Admonishto caution against something or to remind4
4262721325-Archymeaning Rule or Government5
4262721326Arguea discussion involving different points of view: a debate6
4262721327AsceticismThe practice of self denial7
4262721328AuthoritarianComplete obedience to government8
4262721329Balance of PowerNo single nation is strong enough to dominate another because of this kind of distribution9
4262721330CommunismThe system of communal property and all the economic activity is controlled by the state10
4262721331Conjuncturea critical combination of events or circumstances11
4262721332Conscriptto force someone to join the military12
4262721333Conservativeholding to traditional values and is cautious about changes13
4262721334Constitutionalismwhen an established set of principles governs a state14
4262721335Consumera person that uses a commodity or service15
4262721336ConsumerismThe concept that an ever expanding consumption of goods is really beneficial for the economy16
4262721337ConflateTo combine two or more texts into one17
4262721338Contextthe circumstances of the situation (the setting)18
4262721339ContinentA main landmass of the globe: there are 7 of them19
4262721340ConventionA meeting of representatives to discuss matters of concern20
4262721341Conventionalsomething that is acceptable to society21
4262721342ConvergeTo come together22
4262721343Conversean opposite23
4262721344CorporationA group of individuals working together in the name of law but still having their own individual lives outside of their business24
4262721345Corollarya natural consequence25
4262721346Correlationa mutual relationship between two or more things26
4262721347Cosmopolitana person who is free from local attachments or biases and is a citizen of the world27
4262721348Coup d'etata political upheaval28
4262721349-Cracya suffix meaning governing body29
4262721350Craftan art, trade, or special skill30
4262721351Creditto obtain goods and services before payment because of trust31
4262721352Currencysomething that is used as means of exchange32
4262721353Darwinismthe theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest33
4262721354Empirea group of nations that were dominated and are now ruled over by an supreme authority34
4262721355Enlightento impart knowledge upon35
4262721356Entrepota commercial center where goods are received for distribution36
4262721357Eraa distinctive period of time37
4262721358Ethicmorals that pertain to a certain group of people38
4262721359Ethnica group sharing a common culture39
4262721360Ethno-a prefix meaning race or culture40
4262721361Euroa prefix meaning European41
4262721362Executive Branchthe branch of the US government that is responsible for carrying out the laws42
4262721363Fascisma government led by a dictator that suppresses and controls43
4262721364Feminismadvocation of the rights of women44
4262721365Feudalisma social system where nobility gets land from the government in exchange for military service while the peasants get work and protection for their military service45
4262721366Fiefan estate of land granted by feudalism46
4262721367Filialhaving to do with sons and daughters47
4262721368Fiscalhaving to do with financial matters48
4262721369Forageto search for food49
4262721370Frame of referencecriteria which judgements or measurements can be based off of50
4262721371Free tradetrade between countries free from governmental restrictions51
4262721372Frontierthe land that isn't quite settled on the outskirts of settled region52
4262721373Fundamentala form of Protestant Christianity that believes in the strict literal adherence to the Bible53
4262721374Genocidethe deliberate and systematic annihilation of a certain group of people54
4262721375Geoa prefix meaning earth55
4262721376Globalizationgrowth to a worldwide scale56
4262721377Governmentthe system in which a state is governed by57
4262721378-graphya suffix meanig drawing, writing, or recording58
4262721379MandateA command from a superior court to a lower one59
4262721380Manifestto make clear or evident60
4262721381Manifestoa public declaration of intentions61
4262721382Manuscriptsomething that is written by hand62
4262721383Maritimepertaining to the sea63
4262721384Materielequipment required for an operation to be accomplished64
4262721385Medievalrelating to the Middle Ages65
4262721386MercantilismA belief in the economical theory that trade generates wealth66
4262721387Meta-a prefix meaning after or beyond67
4262721388Metropolitanrelating to a capital city and its surrounding areas68
4262721389Middle classbetween the high and low classes in rank or standing69
4262721390Migrationthe act of moving from one place to another70
4262721391Militarismthe belief that a country should have a really strong military that is prepared to protect aggressively at any time71
4262721392Ministera person authorized to conduct religious worship72
4262721393Monasterya place of residents occupied by people who live in seclusion under religious vows73
4262721394Monogamymarriage to only one person at a time74
4262721395Monopolyexclusive control of a commodity or service75
4262721396Monsoona seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean76
4262721397Peasantpeople who are farmers of low social rank77
4262721398Peonagemaking someone your slave as a way of paying off their debt to you78
4262721399Perioda large interval of time79
4262721400Pilgrima person who journeys long distance80
4262721401Pilgrimagea journey to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion81
4262721402Pragmaticdealing with things sensibly and realistically based on logic not theory82
4262721403PriestA person who performs religious rites83
4262721404Primaryfirst or of highest rank84
4262721405Principlea fundamental doctrine85
4262721406Proletariatthe working class86
4262721407Propagandafalsely persuasive advertisement87
4262721408Protectoratea state controlled and protected by another88
4262721409Protoa prefix meaning foremost89
4262721410Provincea division of certain territories90
4262721411Psychoa prefix that means having to do with the human mentality91
4262721412Qualifyto be entitled to something because of previous experience92
4262721413Quandarya state of being perplexed or uncertain93
4262721414Quantifyto determine, indicate, or express the quantity of94
4262721415Quantitya particular amount of anything95
4262721416Questa search to find something96
4262721417Shamana person who is a middleman between the natural and supernatural worlds97
4262721418Sinoa prefix meaning Chinese98
4262721419Social Darwinismsurvival of the fittest advocated by laissez-faire99
4262721420Social Democracya gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means100
4262721421Socialisma social organization where the rich give to the poor (robin hooding)101
4262721422Socio-economicthe combination of social and economic factors102
4262721423DebitAn item of debt recorded in an account103
4262721424Debtsomething that is owed104
4262721425Deficitan amount of money that falls short of the required amount105
4262721426Deforestationclearing away trees106
4262721427Deismthe belief of God because of logical reasons- not supernatural ones107
4262721428Deitya supreme being108
4262721429Democracygovernment by the people109
4262721430Destinya predetermined and usually inevitable course of events110
4262721431Determinismall events, including human action, are determined by external forces not one's own will111
4262721432Dictatora person who has absolute power112
4262721433Diffuseto spread out113
4262721434Diplomacymanaging international affairs114
4262721435Divinityhaving to do with a God or a supreme being115
4262721436Doctrinea belief or set of beliefs held by a certain party or group116
4262721437Documentany written item117
4262721438Dogmaa doctrine that is known to be true and is not questioned118
4262721439Domestichaving to do with home or local affairs119
4262721440Draftthe first version of a writing or a conscript for military service120
4262721441Dualismthe belief that there are two divine principle: good and evil121
4262721442Dynastya sequence of rulers from the same family or group122
4262721443Eclecticsomething that is derived from many sources123
4262721444Economythe management of resources124
4262721445Egalitariana belief in the equality of all people in every facet of life125
4262721446Elitepersons of the highest class126
4262721447Guildan organization with related interests or goals who work to achieve mutual aid and protection127
4262721448Hegemonyone nation being more dominant than the others in their confederation128
4262721449Helioa prefix meaning sun129
4262721450Hierarchya ranking system130
4262721451Historiographya reliable narrative of history131
4262721452Hyper-a prefix meaning over or excess132
4262721453Hypo-a prefix meaning under or below133
4262721454Iberianof or relating to the Iberian Peninsula134
4262721455Identitya set of characteristics that one is known by135
4262721456Ideologya system of thought for a certain group of people136
4262721457Imperialismthe expansion of one's rule over other territories137
4262721458incarnationa physical embodiment of an idea or deity138
4262721459Indenturesomeone who is forced to work because of a contract139
4262721460Independencefreedom from control140
4262721461Industrialisma social or economic system built on manufacturing141
4262721462Inversesomething that is reversed in position142
4262721463-ism/-ist/-izesuffixes denoting one who practices143
4262721464Judicialhaving to do with a court or judge144
4262721465Juntaa military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force145
4262721466Kinshipa group of people who descended from the same ancestor146
4262721467Laissez-fairethe doctrine that says that government should not interfere in economic affairs except when necessary147
4262721468the Lefthaving to do with liberal or radical views in politics148
4262721469Legislaturethe branch of the government that makes laws149
4262721470Legitimacysomething that is real and true150
4262721471Liberalopen minded to new things and is willing to discard old traditions151
4262721472-logya suffix having to do with science152
4262721473Malnutritionlack of proper nutrition153
4262721474Mortalitythe death rate154
4262721475Nationthe territory or country itself155
4262721476Nation-stateA country with a government who's population share a common identity.156
4262721477Nationalisma devotion and loyalty toward one's country157
4262721478Neo-a prefix meaning new158
4262721479NGO'san abbreviation for non-government organizations159
4262721480Nobilityhaving to do with the aristocracy160
4262721481Nomada group of people that don't have a permanent home but moves about from place to place161
4262721482Nuna woman member of a religious order bound by sacred religious vows162
4262721483Optimisma tendency to look on the favorable side of events and expect favorable outcomes163
4262721484Oraclea person who delivers highly regarded and important messages164
4262721485Oralby mouth or spoken165
4262721486Orthodoxadhering to what is traditional and established, especially in religion166
4262721487Pacifismopposition to war or violence167
4262721488Pagana person who believes in a religion that is not a world religion168
4262721489Paleo-a prefix meaning old or ancient169
4262721490Pan-a prefix meaning all170
4262721491Papacythe government of the Roman Catholic Church171
4262721492Papalhaving to do with the pope or the papacy172
4262721493Pastoralhaving rural charm or domesticating animals173
4262721494Paternalhaving to do with a father174
4262721495Patriarcha male leader175
4262721496Patriarchya social system in which men are regarded as superior176
4262721497Patricianan aristocrat177
4262721498Racismthe belief that one race is superior to another178
4262721499Radicalfavoring the extremes179
4262721500Rationalagreeable, reasonable, sensible180
4262721501Rationalethe fundamental reasons for something181
4262721502Raw materialmaterial in its natural form182
4262721503Rebela perso who resists any authority, control, or tradition183
4262721504Reformto make changes in order to improve184
4262721505Regimea system of rule or government185
4262721506Reincarnationthe rebirth of a soul in a new body186
4262721507RepublicA form of government in which citizens choose what leaders they want to represent them187
4262721508Revenuethe government's income188
4262721509Revoltan organized opposition to authority189
4262721510the Righthaving conservative beliefs190
4262721511Rimlandthe fringe of a country or region191
4262721512Ruralhaving to do with the country192
4262721513Russo-a prefix meaning russia193
4262721514Sacredreligious devotion194
4262721515Scholastichaving to do with schools or education195
4262721516Secedeto withdraw from an alliance or union196
4262721517Secondarynext after the first197
4262721518Secularworldly things with no religious connotations198
4262721519Sedentarynot moving199
4262721520Segregationseparation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences200
4262721521SerfdomA type of labor commonly used in feudal systems in which the laborers work the land in return for protection but are not allowed to leave or find a new occupation.201
4262721522Sovereigna monarch, king, or supreme ruler202
4262721523Sphere of Influencewhen one nation has influence over others203
4262721524Statethe condition of a person or thing because of particular circumstances204
4262721525Status Quo Ante Belluma phrase meaning "the situation as it was before the war"205
4262721526Strataone part of a whole206
4262721527Subsistencesupporting oneself at a minimum level207
4262721528Syncreticblending together different belief systems208
4262721529Tariffa tax or duty that must be paid on particular imports and exports209
4262721530Teleologythe study of natural phenomenons210
4262721531Terminalsomething that has a definite end211
4262721532Territorythe land and waters that belong to a state212
4262721533Terrorismthe use of violence and threats to intimidate213
4262721534Textilematerial that is suitable for weaving214
4262721535Theocracya government run by religious leaders215
4262721536Third Worldundeveloped nations of the world216
4262721537Totalitariana centralized government that censors and doesn't tolerate any other parties217
4262721538Traditiona long established way of thinking, acting, or practices218
4262721539Trustconfidence in someone or a large company trying to become a monopoly219
4262721540Unionthe act of uniting two or more things220
4262721541Viceroya person appointed to rule as a deputy to the ruler221
4262721542the Westcultures and societies heavily influenced by and connected to Europe222
4262721543Working Classpersons working for wages and are in a social class223
4262721544World systems theorya theory proposing that social change in the developing world is inextricably linked to the economic activities of the developed world224

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