2442111304 | Abolition | The ending of slavery | 0 | |
2442111305 | Absolutism | Complete and unrestricted power in government | 1 | |
2442111306 | Administer | To manage affairs and have executive charge | 2 | |
2442111307 | Administration | The management of any business or organization | 3 | |
2442111308 | Admonish | to caution against something or to remind | 4 | |
2442111309 | -Archy | meaning Rule or Government | 5 | |
2442111310 | Argue | a discussion involving different points of view: a debate | 6 | |
2442111311 | Asceticism | The practice of self denial | 7 | |
2442111312 | Authoritarian | Complete obedience to government | 8 | |
2442111313 | Balance of Power | No single nation is strong enough to dominate another because of this kind of distribution | 9 | |
2442111314 | Communism | The system of communal property and all the economic activity is controlled by the state | 10 | |
2442111315 | Conjuncture | a critical combination of events or circumstances | 11 | |
2442111316 | Conscript | to force someone to join the military | 12 | |
2442111317 | Conservative | holding to traditional values and is cautious about changes | 13 | |
2442111318 | Constitutionalism | when an established set of principles governs a state | 14 | |
2442111319 | Consumer | a person that uses a commodity or service | 15 | |
2442111320 | Consumerism | The concept that an ever expanding consumption of goods is really beneficial for the economy | 16 | |
2442111321 | Conflate | To combine two or more texts into one | 17 | |
2442111322 | Context | the circumstances of the situation (the setting) | 18 | |
2442111323 | Continent | A main landmass of the globe: there are 7 of them | 19 | |
2442111324 | Convention | A meeting of representatives to discuss matters of concern | 20 | |
2442111325 | Conventional | something that is acceptable to society | 21 | |
2442111326 | Converge | To come together | 22 | |
2442111327 | Converse | an opposite | 23 | |
2442111328 | Corporation | A group of individuals working together in the name of law but still having their own individual lives outside of their business | 24 | |
2442111329 | Corollary | a natural consequence | 25 | |
2442111330 | Correlation | a mutual relationship between two or more things | 26 | |
2442111331 | Cosmopolitan | a person who is free from local attachments or biases and is a citizen of the world | 27 | |
2442111332 | Coup d'etat | a political upheaval | 28 | |
2442111333 | -Cracy | a suffix meaning governing body | 29 | |
2442111334 | Craft | an art, trade, or special skill | 30 | |
2442111335 | Credit | to obtain goods and services before payment because of trust | 31 | |
2442111336 | Currency | something that is used as means of exchange | 32 | |
2442111337 | Darwinism | the theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest | 33 | |
2442111338 | Empire | a group of nations that were dominated and are now ruled over by an supreme authority | 34 | |
2442111339 | Enlighten | to impart knowledge upon | 35 | |
2442111340 | Entrepot | a commercial center where goods are received for distribution | 36 | |
2442111341 | Era | a distinctive period of time | 37 | |
2442111342 | Ethic | morals that pertain to a certain group of people | 38 | |
2442111343 | Ethnic | a group sharing a common culture | 39 | |
2442111344 | Ethno- | a prefix meaning race or culture | 40 | |
2442111345 | Euro | a prefix meaning European | 41 | |
2442111346 | Executive Branch | the branch of the US government that is responsible for carrying out the laws | 42 | |
2442111347 | Fascism | a government led by a dictator that suppresses and controls | 43 | |
2442111348 | Feminism | advocation of the rights of women | 44 | |
2442111349 | Feudalism | a social system where nobility gets land from the government in exchange for military service while the peasants get work and protection for their military service | 45 | |
2442111350 | Fief | an estate of land granted by feudalism | 46 | |
2442111351 | Filial | having to do with sons and daughters | 47 | |
2442111352 | Fiscal | having to do with financial matters | 48 | |
2442111353 | Forage | to search for food | 49 | |
2442111354 | Frame of reference | criteria which judgements or measurements can be based off of | 50 | |
2442111355 | Free trade | trade between countries free from governmental restrictions | 51 | |
2442111356 | Frontier | the land that isn't quite settled on the outskirts of settled region | 52 | |
2442111357 | Fundamental | a form of Protestant Christianity that believes in the strict literal adherence to the Bible | 53 | |
2442111358 | Genocide | the deliberate and systematic annihilation of a certain group of people | 54 | |
2442111359 | Geo | a prefix meaning earth | 55 | |
2442111360 | Globalization | growth to a worldwide scale | 56 | |
2442111361 | Government | the system in which a state is governed by | 57 | |
2442111362 | -graphy | a suffix meanig drawing, writing, or recording | 58 | |
2442111363 | Mandate | A command from a superior court to a lower one | 59 | |
2442111364 | Manifest | to make clear or evident | 60 | |
2442111365 | Manifesto | a public declaration of intentions | 61 | |
2442111366 | Manuscript | something that is written by hand | 62 | |
2442111367 | Maritime | pertaining to the sea | 63 | |
2442111368 | Materiel | equipment required for an operation to be accomplished | 64 | |
2442111369 | Medieval | relating to the Middle Ages | 65 | |
2442111370 | Mercantilism | A belief in the economical theory that trade generates wealth | 66 | |
2442111371 | Meta- | a prefix meaning after or beyond | 67 | |
2442111372 | Metropolitan | relating to a capital city and its surrounding areas | 68 | |
2442111373 | Middle class | between the high and low classes in rank or standing | 69 | |
2442111374 | Migration | the act of moving from one place to another | 70 | |
2442111375 | Militarism | the belief that a country should have a really strong military that is prepared to protect aggressively at any time | 71 | |
2442111376 | Minister | a person authorized to conduct religious worship | 72 | |
2442111377 | Monastery | a place of residents occupied by people who live in seclusion under religious vows | 73 | |
2442111378 | Monogamy | marriage to only one person at a time | 74 | |
2442111379 | Monopoly | exclusive control of a commodity or service | 75 | |
2442111380 | Monsoon | a seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean | 76 | |
2442111381 | Peasant | people who are farmers of low social rank | 77 | |
2442111382 | Peonage | making someone your slave as a way of paying off their debt to you | 78 | |
2442111383 | Period | a large interval of time | 79 | |
2442111384 | Pilgrim | a person who journeys long distance | 80 | |
2442111385 | Pilgrimage | a journey to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion | 81 | |
2442111386 | Pragmatic | dealing with things sensibly and realistically based on logic not theory | 82 | |
2442111387 | Priest | A person who performs religious rites | 83 | |
2442111388 | Primary | first or of highest rank | 84 | |
2442111389 | Principle | a fundamental doctrine | 85 | |
2442111390 | Proletariat | the working class | 86 | |
2442111391 | Propaganda | falsely persuasive advertisement | 87 | |
2442111392 | Protectorate | a state controlled and protected by another | 88 | |
2442111393 | Proto | a prefix meaning foremost | 89 | |
2442111394 | Province | a division of certain territories | 90 | |
2442111395 | Psycho | a prefix that means having to do with the human mentality | 91 | |
2442111396 | Qualify | to be entitled to something because of previous experience | 92 | |
2442111397 | Quandary | a state of being perplexed or uncertain | 93 | |
2442111398 | Quantify | to determine, indicate, or express the quantity of | 94 | |
2442111399 | Quantity | a particular amount of anything | 95 | |
2442111400 | Quest | a search to find something | 96 | |
2442111401 | Shaman | a person who is a middleman between the natural and supernatural worlds | 97 | |
2442111402 | Sino | a prefix meaning Chinese | 98 | |
2442111403 | Social Darwinism | survival of the fittest advocated by laissez-faire | 99 | |
2442111404 | Social Democracy | a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means | 100 | |
2442111405 | Socialism | a social organization where the rich give to the poor (robin hooding) | 101 | |
2442111406 | Socio-economic | the combination of social and economic factors | 102 | |
2442111407 | Debit | An item of debt recorded in an account | 103 | |
2442111408 | Debt | something that is owed | 104 | |
2442111409 | Deficit | an amount of money that falls short of the required amount | 105 | |
2442111410 | Deforestation | clearing away trees | 106 | |
2442111411 | Deism | the belief of God because of logical reasons- not supernatural ones | 107 | |
2442111412 | Deity | a supreme being | 108 | |
2442111413 | Democracy | government by the people | 109 | |
2442111414 | Destiny | a predetermined and usually inevitable course of events | 110 | |
2442111415 | Determinism | all events, including human action, are determined by external forces not one's own will | 111 | |
2442111416 | Dictator | a person who has absolute power | 112 | |
2442111417 | Diffuse | to spread out | 113 | |
2442111418 | Diplomacy | managing international affairs | 114 | |
2442111419 | Divinity | having to do with a God or a supreme being | 115 | |
2442111420 | Doctrine | a belief or set of beliefs held by a certain party or group | 116 | |
2442111421 | Document | any written item | 117 | |
2442111422 | Dogma | a doctrine that is known to be true and is not questioned | 118 | |
2442111423 | Domestic | having to do with home or local affairs | 119 | |
2442111424 | Draft | the first version of a writing or a conscript for military service | 120 | |
2442111425 | Dualism | the belief that there are two divine principle: good and evil | 121 | |
2442111426 | Dynasty | a sequence of rulers from the same family or group | 122 | |
2442111427 | Eclectic | something that is derived from many sources | 123 | |
2442111428 | Economy | the management of resources | 124 | |
2442111429 | Egalitarian | a belief in the equality of all people in every facet of life | 125 | |
2442111430 | Elite | persons of the highest class | 126 | |
2442111431 | Guild | an organization with related interests or goals who work to achieve mutual aid and protection | 127 | |
2442111432 | Hegemony | one nation being more dominant than the others in their confederation | 128 | |
2442111433 | Helio | a prefix meaning sun | 129 | |
2442111434 | Hierarchy | a ranking system | 130 | |
2442111435 | Historiography | a reliable narrative of history | 131 | |
2442111436 | Hyper- | a prefix meaning over or excess | 132 | |
2442111437 | Hypo- | a prefix meaning under or below | 133 | |
2442111438 | Iberian | of or relating to the Iberian Peninsula | 134 | |
2442111439 | Identity | a set of characteristics that one is known by | 135 | |
2442111440 | Ideology | a system of thought for a certain group of people | 136 | |
2442111441 | Imperialism | the expansion of one's rule over other territories | 137 | |
2442111442 | incarnation | a physical embodiment of an idea or deity | 138 | |
2442111443 | Indenture | someone who is forced to work because of a contract | 139 | |
2442111444 | Independence | freedom from control | 140 | |
2442111445 | Industrialism | a social or economic system built on manufacturing | 141 | |
2442111446 | Inverse | something that is reversed in position | 142 | |
2442111447 | -ism/-ist/-ize | suffixes denoting one who practices | 143 | |
2442111448 | Judicial | having to do with a court or judge | 144 | |
2442111449 | Junta | a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force | 145 | |
2442111450 | Kinship | a group of people who descended from the same ancestor | 146 | |
2442111451 | Laissez-faire | the doctrine that says that government should not interfere in economic affairs except when necessary | 147 | |
2442111452 | the Left | having to do with liberal or radical views in politics | 148 | |
2442111453 | Legislature | the branch of the government that makes laws | 149 | |
2442111454 | Legitimacy | something that is real and true | 150 | |
2442111455 | Liberal | open minded to new things and is willing to discard old traditions | 151 | |
2442111456 | -logy | a suffix having to do with science | 152 | |
2442111457 | Malnutrition | lack of proper nutrition | 153 | |
2442111458 | Mortality | the death rate | 154 | |
2442111459 | Nation | the territory or country itself | 155 | |
2442111460 | Nation-state | A country with a government who's population share a common identity. | 156 | |
2442111461 | Nationalism | a devotion and loyalty toward one's country | 157 | |
2442111462 | Neo- | a prefix meaning new | 158 | |
2442111463 | NGO's | an abbreviation for non-government organizations | 159 | |
2442111464 | Nobility | having to do with the aristocracy | 160 | |
2442111465 | Nomad | a group of people that don't have a permanent home but moves about from place to place | 161 | |
2442111466 | Nun | a woman member of a religious order bound by sacred religious vows | 162 | |
2442111467 | Optimism | a tendency to look on the favorable side of events and expect favorable outcomes | 163 | |
2442111468 | Oracle | a person who delivers highly regarded and important messages | 164 | |
2442111469 | Oral | by mouth or spoken | 165 | |
2442111470 | Orthodox | adhering to what is traditional and established, especially in religion | 166 | |
2442111471 | Pacifism | opposition to war or violence | 167 | |
2442111472 | Pagan | a person who believes in a religion that is not a world religion | 168 | |
2442111473 | Paleo- | a prefix meaning old or ancient | 169 | |
2442111474 | Pan- | a prefix meaning all | 170 | |
2442111475 | Papacy | the government of the Roman Catholic Church | 171 | |
2442111476 | Papal | having to do with the pope or the papacy | 172 | |
2442111477 | Pastoral | having rural charm or domesticating animals | 173 | |
2442111478 | Paternal | having to do with a father | 174 | |
2442111479 | Patriarch | a male leader | 175 | |
2442111480 | Patriarchy | a social system in which men are regarded as superior | 176 | |
2442111481 | Patrician | an aristocrat | 177 | |
2442111482 | Racism | the belief that one race is superior to another | 178 | |
2442111483 | Radical | favoring the extremes | 179 | |
2442111484 | Rational | agreeable, reasonable, sensible | 180 | |
2442111485 | Rationale | the fundamental reasons for something | 181 | |
2442111486 | Raw material | material in its natural form | 182 | |
2442111487 | Rebel | a perso who resists any authority, control, or tradition | 183 | |
2442111488 | Reform | to make changes in order to improve | 184 | |
2442111489 | Regime | a system of rule or government | 185 | |
2442111490 | Reincarnation | the rebirth of a soul in a new body | 186 | |
2442111491 | Republic | A form of government in which citizens choose what leaders they want to represent them | 187 | |
2442111492 | Revenue | the government's income | 188 | |
2442111493 | Revolt | an organized opposition to authority | 189 | |
2442111494 | the Right | having conservative beliefs | 190 | |
2442111495 | Rimland | the fringe of a country or region | 191 | |
2442111496 | Rural | having to do with the country | 192 | |
2442111497 | Russo- | a prefix meaning russia | 193 | |
2442111498 | Sacred | religious devotion | 194 | |
2442111499 | Scholastic | having to do with schools or education | 195 | |
2442111500 | Secede | to withdraw from an alliance or union | 196 | |
2442111501 | Secondary | next after the first | 197 | |
2442111502 | Secular | worldly things with no religious connotations | 198 | |
2442111503 | Sedentary | not moving | 199 | |
2442111504 | Segregation | separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences | 200 | |
2442111505 | Serfdom | A type of labor commonly used in feudal systems in which the laborers work the land in return for protection but are not allowed to leave or find a new occupation. | 201 | |
2442111506 | Sovereign | a monarch, king, or supreme ruler | 202 | |
2442111507 | Sphere of Influence | when one nation has influence over others | 203 | |
2442111508 | State | the condition of a person or thing because of particular circumstances | 204 | |
2442111509 | Status Quo Ante Bellum | a phrase meaning "the situation as it was before the war" | 205 | |
2442111510 | Strata | one part of a whole | 206 | |
2442111511 | Subsistence | supporting oneself at a minimum level | 207 | |
2442111512 | Syncretic | blending together different belief systems | 208 | |
2442111513 | Tariff | a tax or duty that must be paid on particular imports and exports | 209 | |
2442111514 | Teleology | the study of natural phenomenons | 210 | |
2442111515 | Terminal | something that has a definite end | 211 | |
2442111516 | Territory | the land and waters that belong to a state | 212 | |
2442111517 | Terrorism | the use of violence and threats to intimidate | 213 | |
2442111518 | Textile | material that is suitable for weaving | 214 | |
2442111519 | Theocracy | a government run by religious leaders | 215 | |
2442111520 | Third World | undeveloped nations of the world | 216 | |
2442111521 | Totalitarian | a centralized government that censors and doesn't tolerate any other parties | 217 | |
2442111522 | Tradition | a long established way of thinking, acting, or practices | 218 | |
2442111523 | Trust | confidence in someone or a large company trying to become a monopoly | 219 | |
2442111524 | Union | the act of uniting two or more things | 220 | |
2442111525 | Viceroy | a person appointed to rule as a deputy to the ruler | 221 | |
2442111526 | the West | cultures and societies heavily influenced by and connected to Europe | 222 | |
2442111527 | Working Class | persons working for wages and are in a social class | 223 | |
2442111528 | World systems theory | a theory proposing that social change in the developing world is inextricably linked to the economic activities of the developed world | 224 |
AP World History Jargon Flashcards
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