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AP World History Notecards Flashcards

Exam Notecards - Semester 1

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275386198lower-level officials drawn from local level authorities.Persian political organization included which of the following features?0
275386199The idea of free people running the affairs of the state.Which of the following was a unique feature of Greek political life?1
275386200the right of all citizens to participate in the assemblySolon brought which of the following reforms to Athens after 594 b.c.e2
275386201was an expansive civilization like the Persian empireClassical Greece in 500 b.c.e. ______3
275386202marked by a spread of Greek culture into the lands of the Persian empireThe Hellenistic era was _____4
275386203They invoked supernatural sanctions to support their ruleWhich of the following was true of both the Roman and the Chinese empires?5
275386204the wealth of the Eastern Mediterranean societiesWhich of the following was a motivation for the expansion of the roman empire?6
275386205relied in imperial spies to keep tabs on distant provincesThe Persian empire and the Mauryan dynasty were similar in that both _____7
275386206They were powerful states capable of coercing resources from subjects.Which of the following was a characteristic of all classical empires?8
275386207BuddhismWhich foreign religious tradition was absorbed into china during the classical period?9
275386208India's unparalleled cultural diversity.Which of the following factors has been put forward to explain why empires were much less prominent in India then china?10
275386209ConfucianismWhich of the following classical religions and philosophies focused more on affairs of this world than on the realm of the divine and it's relationship to human life?11
275386210JudaismZoroastrianism most probably influenced which of the following philosophical or religious tradition?12
275386211offered hope for final release from the cycle of rebirthBUDDHISM AND Hinduism are similar in that they both _____.13
275386212ZoroastrianismWhich of the following was primarily a religion focusing on the supernatural, rather than a philosophy?14
275386213foretell of a savior who will restore either individuals or the world itself to purity and peace.Christianity and Zoroastrianism are similar in that both _____.15
275386214Greek philosophyWhich cultural tradition is particular noted for its emphasis on logic and relentless questioning of recivied wisdom, without giving much role to the Gods?16
275386215ZoroastrianismThe cosmic struggle between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu lies at the heart of which religion?17
275386216Influenced third-wave civilizations that developed in their regions.Byzantium and China in the post classical era were similar in that both _____18
275386217some third-wave civilizations arose in regions where no classical civilizations existed.Third-wave civilizations differed from classical civilizations in that ____.19
275386218The Silk Roads were largely a relay trade route, in which goods were passed down the line rather than carried by one merchant along the entire route.Hich of the following is true of the Silk Roads?20
275386219ultimately gave western Europeans an advantage when they confronted people's of the western hemisphere after 1500 who had not been exposed to the diseases of the Silk Roads.The exchange of diseases along the Silk Roads ____.21
275386220carried more products for a mass market rather than just luxury goods.In contrast to the Silk Roads, the Sea Roads of the Indian Ocean _____.22
275386221seem to have had little direct contact with each other.Mesoamerica and the Andes ___.23
275386222silkWhich of the following luxury goods came to symbolize the Eurasian exchange system?24
275386223Central AsiaBuddhism became an important faith in25
275386224BantuSwahili civilization was most heavily influenced by which of the following cultures?26

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