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AP World History Overall Flashcards

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5516016912Constantine312-337 Strong emperor towards end of Roman Empire who with some success tried to reverse tide of its ultimate fall moved capital away from Rome to Constantinople, allowed freedom of worship for Christians0
5516016913Edict of MilanAllowed freedom of worship for Christians1
5516016914CaesaropapismByzantine Empire ruler was both head of state and head of the church2
5516016915Justinian's reignmost successful reign of Byzantine Empire took power 527 CE Was raised by poor peasant family before becoming emperor: was member of Excubitors educated in Constantinople Became greatest emperor of Byzantine Empire (Justinian the Great) main goal: rebuild weakened Eastern Roman Empire, seize control over Western Half3
5516016916Theme SystemDivided Byzantine Empire into different districts, each lead by a general created so military could quickly respond to attacks peasants who joined army: given plots of land, increased free peasant class4
5516016917Umayyad Dynasty661-750CE Most prominent of merchant clans rep./alliances helped bring stability to Islamic community Capital: Damascus5
5516016918Abbasid periodDynasty overthrowing Umayyads Ruled Muslim caliphate 750 - 1258 150 years: maintained unity of caliphate and Islamic civilization Culture flourished Descended from Abu al-Abbas, great grandson of Muhammad's uncle Many Mawali supported to attain full acceptance in community of believers Major result of Battle of the River Zb Capital at Baghdad Large bureaucracy contained many Qadis6
5516016919SufisIslamic missionaries who emphasized devotion to Allah over mastery of doctrine Led pious, ascetic (severe self-discipline from all forms of indulgence) lives7
5516016920SunnisBranch of Islam whose members acknowledge first four caliphs as rightful successors of Muhammad8
5516016921Ka'baA large black cube that is a shrine used to worship Allah Symbol of Mecca's greatness Goal of hajj9
5516016922QadisJudges/Court officials10
5516016923SakksChecks that could be used between bank branches Settle accounts with distant business partners w/o exchanging cash face to face11
5516016924Arabic Numbers originsDeveloped by mathematicians in Gupta empire in India12
5516016925Muhammad's LifeBorn into reputable merchant family in Mecca Parents die Raised by uncle/gramps comfy merchant ~ 30 40: deep religious transformation/visions Comes to conclusion: one true deity Allah Followers: Muslims: most devout ones causes conflict @ Mecca Goes against classic beliefs of ruling elites Muhammad's attacks on idols = crime Flee Mecca to Medina: Hijra Establish community of faithful: Umma Muhammad returns to Mecca: Hajj13
5516016926Sui YangdiSecond emperor of Sui completes Grand Canal High taxes and forced labor Spur in hostility resulting in assassination: 61814
5516016927Tang DynastyDynasty referred to as China's Golden Age reigned 618 - 907 CE China expands from Vietnam to Manchuria15
5516016928Equal Field SystemGoverned allocation of agricultural land purpose: ensure equitable distribution of land Purpose 2: to avoid concentration of landed property which caused civil problems during Han dynasty Allotted land to individuals and families according to land's fertility and recipients' needs16
5516016929Hangzhou systemGrand Canal - bunch of canals that connected major rivers in China and facilitated transportation with roads and boats17
5516016930Song Dynasty960-1279 CE Started by Song Taizu (Zhao Kuangyin) 1000: a million people living there Started footbinding Had: -magnetic compass -strong navy Traded w/ India/Persia First to have: -paper money -explosive gunpowder promoted scholar gentry over military & aristocracy landscape black and white paintings dynasty replacing Tang18
5516016931Song TaizuFirst Song dynasty emperor reigned 960 - 976 CE Focused on: -civil admin -industry -education -arts inaugurated bureaucracy of merit19
5516016932Foot BindingChinese practice women's feet bound to make smaller sign of wealth caused: -bones to grow all wrong -ended up in lots of pain -girls needing canes to walk kept girls inside the house20
5516016933Mongol EmpireConquered first China, then Islamic world, then Eastern Europe Tolerant of religions allowed Eastern Orthodox Church to develop in Keiv eventually allowed Moscow to grow, united most of Asia and E. Europe into one continuous empire21
5516016934Turkish militaryHorse-archer based combat Promotion based on merit22
5516016935Chinggis KhanUnified Mongols Originally Temujin, son of a prominent Mongol warrior dad died when he was 10 lived in poverty during late 12th c. CE made alliance with prominent Mongol clan mastered art of steppe diplomacy (calls for display of courage in battle & willingness to betray allies/superiors to improve one's postion) Brought all Mongol tribes into single confederation Given name Chinggis Khan (universal ruler) Politics greatly strengthened Mongols Broke up tribes forced men of fighting age to join new military units chose men because of talents and loyalty skilled @ horseback riding and archery highly mobile psychological warfare spared lives of talented people extended Mongol rule to N China controlled China by 1220 Led forces into Persia and Afghanistan as well Died 1227 laid down foundation for Mongol empire Established Mongol supremacy in C.Asia Extended Mongol control to N China and Persia23
5516016936Kublai KhanMongolian emperor of China Grandson of Genghis Khan 1271: founded Yuan Dynasty Defeated Song Dynasty24
5516016937Mongol Gender RelationsWomen had greater freedom of movement, property rights, and other opportunities some hunted/went to war25
5516016938Kingdom of Mali1235-1400: Strong empire of W Africa trading cities: -Timbuktu -Gao had many mosques/universities Ruled by 2 great rulers: -Sundiata -Mansa Musa Upheld strong gold-salt trade fall of empire: caused by lack of strong rulers who could govern well26
5516016939Trans-Saharan tradeTrading network linking N Africa w/ sub-Saharan Africa Crossed Sahara Lack of water: restricted trade to few routes known only to desert nomads27
5516016940Kings of Ghana22 kings before Muhammad goes on Hijra Kings don't impose Islam on people28
5516016941Swahili city-statesCame into being because of all wealth trade brought to coastal E Africa taxed trade => money/influence Developed into powerful city-state governed by king who supervised trade/organized public life in region29
5516016942Gender Roles in Sub-Saharan AfricaMen doing labor and specialty skills Women doing pottery, tend to family/homes30
5516016943Crusadesexposed Europe to eastern goods Caused Europeans to start importing Islamic and Eastern goods31
5516016944MexicaMigrants drawn to C Mexico from NW dominated alliance that built Aztec Arrived in Mexico mid-13th c made trouble: -Kidnapped women -seized/cultivated land century migration around C Mexico 1345: settled Tenochtitlan: captial32
5516016945Chinampa systemyear-round irrigation systems Lake Texcoco allowed Mexica to develop drenched rich/fertile muck from lake's bottom built into small plots of land highly fertile: productive harvest 7 times/year33
5516016946role of women in MexicaNo role in poly affairs of society dominated by military affairs wielded influence in families and high honors as mothers of warriors can't inherit property/hold official positions prominent in marketplaces society pushes them towards motherhood/ homemaking temple women only ones who don't marry primary function:bear children death in childbirth = death in battle34
5516016947role of priests in Mexica societytreated well thought to help connect society w/ gods given high education performed sacrifices35
5516016948Quran teachings about relationships between Christians and Jewsteaches fighting against other religions generally tolerant towards Abrahamic religions36
5516016949Aztec SocietyHighly complex/Religious society in C Mexico37
5516016950FeudalismBasic concept refers to political/social order of medieval Europe Based on hierarchy of lords/vassals controlled political/military affairs38
5642500307Neolithic RevolutionCompletely changed the living style of everyone People started turning towards agriculture, leading to permanent settlement39
5642500308Paleolithic PeriodLongest portion of human existence people were hunter/gatherers no distinct social classes40
5642502457Classical Era41
5642502458Bronze Age42
5642505568Fall of Roman Empire43
5642505569Fall of Han Empire44
5642508391Fall of Gupta Empire45
5642508393HinduismPeople had to fulfill caste duties + worship gods no striving for reward/recognition no emotional investment in work replaced buddhism47
5642508394Buddhismstarted by Siddhartha Gautama Noble Eightfold Path + Four Noble Truths = Dharma Nirvana = spiritual independence48
5642508395IslamMuhammad born in Arabian Peninsula -Lived in Arabian Peninsula -Mecca49
5642515114Mandate of Heaven51
5642521867OlmecsFirst Major American civilization grew crops not much livestock influence seen through palaces/temples57
5642524103Harappan CivilizationSociety by Indus river Known for herding ruled by elders, clear class division made up of Dravidians and Aryans59
5642559700Sui Dynasty60
5642560465Han DynastyCentralized rule Legalist principles Confucianism = education Produced iron tools, silk, paper Army drained economy Fell to internal weakness61

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