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AP World History: Period 1 Flashcards

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13590787788Where did Nomadic Humans originate from?East Africa around 8000 B.C.E.0
13590799525Hunter-GatherersPeople who hunted animals and foraged seeds, nuts, fruits, and edible roots. They would constantly move around.1
13590814064Bering StraitA strait that connected Eastern Asia and Alaska during the winter before the water unfroze.2
13590825512Paleolithic Period/Stone AgeTime Period between that lasted between 2.5 Million Years ago to 10,000 Years Ago. Used sharp tools to cut down things and hunt animals.3
13590850445Kinship GroupRelated families that moved together in search of food.4
13590853117ClanA larger group that could include other Kinship Groups5
13590856595TribeWhere multiple clans grouped into one. Were led by chiefs and priests and were formed to hunt or defend from enemies.6
13590874400AnimismBelief that animals, rivers, and other elements of nature embody spirits.7
13590877333ShamansReligious leaders that were believed to have special abilities to cure the sick and influence the future.8
13590883760Neolithic Revolution/Agricultural RevolutionStarted after the ice age where dramatic changes occurred and changed the way how people live.9
13590895110The 7 Major Developments During the Neolithic RevolutionAgriculture, Pastoralism, Labor, Towns and Cities, Governments, and Technological Innovations.10
13590904222Where did Agriculture first begin?The Lands east of the Mediterranean.11
13590917774What Crops did the Southwest Asians First Grow?Wheat and Barley12
13590920193What Crops did the Southeast Asians First Grow?Rice13
13590922460What Crops did the Northern Chinese First Grow?Millet14
13590928242What Crops did the Mesoamericans First Grow?Corn15
13590946107DomesticationTo make wild animals tame so they could live with humans. This happened in Africa, Europe, and Asia before farming was a thing.16
13590953350Nomadic PastoralismLeading large herds of animals from one land to another. First came from grassland regions in Africa and Eurasia.17
13590969519ArtisansPeople who made objects people needed18
13590971530MerchantsPeople who buy and sell goods for a living19
13590989335How did Villages, Towns, and Cities Start to Grow?When there was a surplus of food and a growth in population occurred20
13590992720Social StratificationWhere people accumulated wealth in the form of jewelry or other coveted items and by building larger and better decorated houses21
13591006403JerichoOne of the first cities ever created which was located on the West Bank of the Jordan River22
13591012785Catal HayukOne of the first cities ever created which was located in present-day Turkey23
13591022618MonotheismThe practice of worshipping only on Deity, like the Hebrews24
13591038014ZoroasterA teacher who inspired the religion of Zoroastrianism, which focused on the eternal battle between good and evil25
13591167721Waterproof Clay PotsUsed to store food and carry water. Were made by people shaping them with wet clay and hardening them with fire.26
13591172454Drilling Sticks/PlowWere pulled by oxen or other animals and made cultivation easy27
13591176154Wheeled CartMade for transportation and trade and could transport a load with about 3 percent of the effort needed to drag it28
13591179937TextilesWere made with cloth by women who learned to spin hair from animals. Workers would dye the threads and make patterns.29
13591192812MetallurgyThe study of metals and soon replaced stone tools with metal ones. These people copper and tin to make bronze tools as well.30
13591200214Bronze AgeA period where bronze was used between 3300 and 2300 B.C.E.31
13591224918CivilizationA large society with cities and powerful states. First of these were found in Southwest Asia in Mesopotamia.32
13591227121PatriarchyA society ruled by men33
13591255096SumerWas the first civilization and was located in Mesopotamia. They created large urban areas, extensive trade, formed legal codes, made sophisticated writing systems, and more34
13591265838MesopotamiaMeant "Two Rivers" as it was in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers35
13591285633UrukThe largest city of Sumer which had a population of 50,000 in which most of them were farmers36
13591325562City-StateWhat each Sumerian city and the land it controlled formed which usually covered several hundred square miles. They usually each has their own Governments.37
13591333287Stone WallsWere used to surround cities from enemies38
13591335811KingMilitary ruler over a territory known as a kingdom. Were also considered high priests as Religion and Politics began to form in cities39
13591366608PolytheisticTo believe in many gods, Sumerians were these40
13591370076ZigguratsLarge stepped pyramids with temples and altars inside41
13600263784Sumerian EconomyBased on farming while also wove cloth, making pottery, casting bronze utensils, and more42
13600278458Sumerian Social StructureTop Class: Nobles, Wealthy Landowners, priests, and kings Middle Class: Merchants, farmers, and people such as architects Bottom Class: Slaves, foreign prisoners of war, and poor Sumerian families who couldn't pay their debt43
13600301447Women's Rights in SumerCould own property, have incomes separate from husband, but couldn't attend school and were taught at home. Also couldn't arrange marriages44
13600312313CueniformMarks carved onto wet clay tablets which were created to keep records of surplus crops, manufacturing, and trade45
13600323126ScribesIndividuals who were changed first with record-keeping and later with the writing of history and myths46
13600338190Sumerian Scientific ContributionsCuneiform, Sundial, Scribes, Calendars, Number System, and stories47
13600347219Sumerian DeclineNo natural barriers and were invaded48
13600350618Epic of GilgameshThe first story about a king named Gilgamesh who ruled the city of Uruk in Sumer49
13600361452Babylonian EmpireCreated after Sumer. Were originally named Persia and capital was Babylon50
13600371188EmpireLarge territory divided into diverse cultural groups, Persia was one51
13600376485King HammurabiThe most powerful king of Persia and conquered all of Mesopotamia and ruled for over 40 years until 1750 BCE. Contributed and created many things52
13600388540Code of HammurabiThe first known 282 laws carved into stone monuments. The laws dealt with property rights, wages, contracts, marriage, and various crimes53
13600401239Babylonian CultureWas like Sumer but women had more rights. Had many skilled astronomers who could predict many things in space54
13600408195The PhoeniciansLocated in present day, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan around 3000 BCE. Created a big trade network, created a 22 letter alphabet, and had an important colony in North Africa named Carthage55
13600429226The HebresLocated in Region of Canaan, present day Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon. Created the 10 commandments, were led by Moses, and left Egypt around 1300 BCE to go back to Canaan.56
13600455126Jewish DiasporaIsraelites being fled out of their home and being sent all over the Mediterranean and the Middle East57
13600482540Hebrew ReligionWere polytheistic but soon became monotheistic. They split into 2 kingdoms but were invaded and were sent away58
13600550915Ancient EgyptAncient civilization located primarily along the Nile River.59
13608229382Transportation and Trade in EgyptUsed Nile for transportation and trade so they could move south against the current by putting sails on their boats60
13608237718Early Egyptian GovernmentsDivided into Lower and Upper Egypt. In 3100 BCE, King Menes united the kingdoms and established Memphis as the capital near the southern end of the Nile Delta61
13608252361What are the divided periods of Egypt?Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom62
13608256858TheocratsKings and queens holding religious and political power in Memphis63
13608264366PharaohA leader of Egypt64
13608267138Why did the Old Kingdom die?Pharaoh power began to weaken due to the noble class and led to a period of famine and starvation. This led to a split in Egypt once again65
13608280943When did the Old Kingdom take place?2660-2160 BCE66
13608285371How was the Old Kingdom made?When King Menes united the kingdoms and established Memphis as the capital67
13608289505How was the Middle Kingdom made?When Mentuhotep II took power and moved the capital to Thebes and reuniting Egypt in 2040 BCE68
13608303130When did the Middle Kingdom take place?2040-1786 BCE69
13608309484Why did the Middle Kingdom end?When an invasion by pastoral nomadic people called Hyksos from Modern Syria used their superior horse drawn chariots and better arrows70
13608324586How was the New Kingdom made?When Egypt took back their land from the Hyksos71
13608328952When did the New Kingdom take place?1570-1070 BCE72
13608340455Egyptian AgricultureHad irrigation projects created by the Pharaoh to increase farmland73
13608356246What did Pharaoh Akhenaton try to do in 1350 BCE?He tried to change Egypt's religion by wanting everyone to worship one god which was Aten the sun god74
13608367569Ramses the GreatA pharaoh of Egypt who took power in 1290 BCE and expanded the empire into Southwest Asia during his 67 year reign75
13608378013What did Egypt (The New Kingdom) get after getting land in Nubia and Mesopotamia?Wood and Bronze76
13608384988Why did Egypt decline?After Ramses' death, many invasions occurred and internal revolts happened as well77
13608397483Egyptian SocietyTop: Royals, Nobles, Priests 2: Artisans 3: Farmers Bottom: Slaves All people had equal laws except slaves and women had many rights78
13608401567Egyptian ReligionWere polytheistic and believed in gods like Ra and Osiris79
13608424262MummificationRemoving the body's internal organs, drying the body with salts, and packing its insides and wrapping it with chemically treated cloth and soon put into a coffin80
13608431990HieroglyphicsUsed in Egypt and used symbols to represent ideas and sounds. It was written on Mashed Papyrus81
13608439238Book of the DeadA book put in coffins of pharaohs and some nobles82
13608445068Egyptian Scientific ContributionsTemples, Pyramids, a 365 day calendar, Mummification, Geometry, and plants and herbs to treat asthma and more83
13608460458Nubia, Kush, and AxumSouth of Egypt, ancient kingdoms developed but none of these were as grand as Egypt84
13621156103NubiaEmerged in the Upper Nile Malley round 3500 BCE. They were heavily influenced by Egyptian culture and were recruited to be mercenaries in Egyptian forces. They lasted for 1000 years until remerging as Kush around 2500 BCE85
13621166364KushRemained dependent on Egypt until establishing political and cultural independence around 1000 BCE. They were an important kingdom that traded with many big places. Meroe was a very important trade center for them. They enjoyed great power and even conquered Egypt once. They were conquered by Axum in the 340s CE however.86
13621182633AxumFounded on plateau of present day Ethiopia where their capital city was called Axum. They had an agricultural economy and even had a successful trading colony called Adulis on the Red Sea. Christianity became the main religion in 330 CE by King Ezana. In the 500, they expanded into modern Yemen but declined around 600 CE87
13621203238Indus Valley CivilizationsCivilizations that developed near water and became the core and foundation of later civilizations. This Valley included Harappa and Mohenjo Daro. These civilizations had sophisticated technology and urban planning88
13621211505DravidiansIndigenous people of the Indian subcontinent that established Harappa and Mohenjo Daro between 2500 and 2000 BCE89
13621219882Indus Valley AgricultureVery few people were farmers. They traded by sea and land with Sumer and Egypt. They had lots of flooding and also deforestation90
13621225296AryansIndo-European speaking peoples from Central Asia in where they traveled through Persia through the Kush Mountains over several centuries beginning in 1500 BCE. They brought horses into India and were very powerful. Their culture spread along the Ganges River along with their settlements.91
13621239062Aryan TribesWere divided into a clan with their own territory and were headed by a male chief who ruled with advice from a committee of clan members. They had no central government. They also used Barter to trade.92
13621248411BarterA system used by the Aryans which one thing is exchanged for another93
13621251997SanskritA language used by Aryans. Shares many similarities with Latin and is still studied by religious scholars94
13621258684VedasA collection of Aryan religious hymns, poems, and songs, also meaning knowledge95
13621262614Aryan ReligionHad vedas, Rig-Veda, and more96
13621264410Rig-VedaMost famous veda as it shed light on Ancient Indian society97
13621275824Late Vedic Age (800-400 BCE)Was marked by the Aryan's growing awareness of Dravidian beliefs98
13621278118BrahmaAn overarching, universal soul that connects all creatures on Earth. Each individual human being is not a separate Entity99
13621282738DharmaDetermines one's karma, or fate100
13621284314MokshaEternal peace and unity with Brahma101
13621286503UpanishadsA foundation test for the set of religious beliefs that later became known as Hinduism102
13621298669Huang He (Yellow) and Chiang Jiang (Yangtze)Two major rivers in China. Yellow due to yellow soil103
13621307691China's Natural BarriersGobi Desert in the West and the Himalayas in the southwest104
13621315101China's First SettlementIn 6500 BCE, Neolithic people of the Yangtze valley were growing rice and by 5800 BCE, people were farming near the yellow river105
13621318665China's First RulersA man named Yu who brought order to the region in 2100 BCE and his son Qi who started the Xia Dynasty106
13621326269Shang DynastyAround 1750 BCE, a leader named Tang overthrew the Xia king and started this 600 year long dynasty107
13621333976Shang Economy, Technology, and TradeTheir economy was primarily based on economy. They traded with other places and used bronze for weapons108
13621337657Shang ReligionWas Polytheistic. Worshipped Sun God, Moon God, and Cloud and Wind God. People would inscribe questions in animal bones to get answers about things. Ancestor Veneration was there too.109
13621367315Shang Cultural and Scientific ContributionsDeveloped pictographs or graphic symbols. Also had a 12-month calendar. They had many instruments as well.110
13621373870Shang DeclineKings became weaker and in 1045 BCE, a military man named Wu raised his own army and challenged against this Dynasty's rule.111
13621379026Zhou DynastyRuled for about 900 years, the longed dynasty in Chinese History. Their golden age was the first 200 years of the dynasty and expanded the empire greatly. Kings used the Mandate of Heaven and kinds were referred to as the sons of heaven112
13621387092Mandate of Heaventhe idea that a just ruler's power was bestowed by the gods113
13621393937Zhou GovernmentExpanded territory so much that they couldn't control it so they divided it into many regions like city states. Used Feudalism as well114
13621401250FeudalismNetwork of regional rulers with relationships based on mutual defense agreements115
13621404304Zhou Trade and AgricultureInternal trade expanded and some foreign trade. Their first currency were cooper coins and Iron technology made agriculture much easier to control water.116
13621412790Decline of the Zhou DynastyBy the 800s BCE, the dynasty's kings began to lose control due to local leaders gaining power and invasions from the west. By the 400s, the kings had little powers except their own state which led to themselves fighting for control117
13621436905First American CivilizationsWere very different from each other. By 3000 BCE, some indigenous peoples, probably in Mexico, discovered food that could be grown and harvested. One of the main crops were corn.118
13621450228The ChavinCame in Peru and existed from around 1000 to 200 BCE. Center of this civilization was Chavin de Huantar which was home to a temple made of white granite and black limestone. Most of the people grew crops and relied heavily on llamas. The civilization developed irrigation systems and were very religious. Their political structure was weak.119
13621462713The OlmecA civilization in Mesoamerica. Flourished in East and Central Mexico from 1200 to 400 BCE. They relied on agriculture and developed near water. They built structures like pyramids and produced small carvings of animals for religion. Their writing system was Glyphs120
13621474344GlyphsOlmec writing system that contained pictures and symbols of real life things121
13621479296The Pacific PeoplesLived in Oceania in places such as New Guinea, Australia, and over a thousand other islands. 60,000 years ago, they were hunter foragers until the ice age where it was difficult to get from island to island.122
13621488096Austronesian SpeakersProbably originated in South China then moved to Taiwan and the Philippines. Around 5000 to 2500 BCE, they migrated to New Guinea. They were farmers and herders and migrated by boat to many places.123
13621499594Easter IslandPeople on this island were divided into clans where one chief ruled over all of them. They constructed statues to represent ancestor gods and cultivated sweet potatoes.124

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