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AP World History Period 2 Flashcards

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5742301629AshokaThe most famous ruler of the Mauryan Empire (r. 268-232 B.C.E.), who converted to Buddhism and tried to rule peacefully and with tolerance.0
5742311130Persian EmpireA major empire that expanded from the Iranian plateau to incorporate the Middle East from Egypt to India; flourished from around 550 to 330 B.C.E.1
5742325178Athenian democracyA radical form of direct democracy in which much of the free male population of Athens had the franchise, and officeholders were chosen by lot.2
5742332612Greco-Persian WarsTwo major Persian invasions of Greece, in 490 B.C.E. and 480 B.C.E., in which the Persians were defeated on both land and sea.3
5742338551Kushan EmpireA sizable and prosperous empire in the region that now makes up northwestern India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. This empire was linked to the Silk Road trading network and featured a blending of Greek, Indian, and Buddhist cultures.4
5742344925Hellenistic EraThe period from 323 to 30 B.C.E. in which Greek culture spread widely in Eurasia and North Africa in the kingdoms ruled by Alexander's political successors.5
5742352461Han DynastyDynasty that ruled China from 206 B.C.E to 220 C.E., creating a durable state based on Shihuangdi's state-building achievement6
5742359029Alexander the GreatAlexander III of Macedon (356-323 B.C.E.), conqueror of the Persian Empire and part of northwest India.7
5742365771Mauryan EmpireA major empire (322-185 B.C.E.) that encompassed most of India.8
5742376566Qin ShihuangdiLiterally "first emperor from the Qin" who forcibly reunited China and established a strong and repressive state.9
5742382557AugustusThe great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar who emerged as sole ruler of the Roman state at the end of an extended period of civil war (r. 31 B.C.E.-14 C.E.).10
5742389013Pax RomanaThe "Roman peace," a term typically used to denote the stability and prosperity of the early Roman Empire, especially in the first and second centuries C.E.11
5742398213Trung TracA Vietnamese woman from an aristocratic military family who led an ultimately unsuccessful revolt against China around 40 C.E. following the execution of her husband.12
5742407306ZoroastrianismPersian monotheistic religion founded by the prophet Zarathustra13
5742416037ConfucianismThe Chinese philosophy advocating the moral example of superiors as the key element of social order.14
5742422852SocratesThe first great Greek philosopher to turn rationalism toward questions of human existence (469-399 B.C.E.).15
5742430234NalandaA village in the Bihar region of northeastern India where a huge monastic complex dedicated to Buddhist learning was built in the 5th century C.E. Many have viewed this building as the world's first university.16
5742438745Greek RationalismA secularizing system of scientific and philosophic thought that developed in the period 600 to 300 B.C.E.; it emphasized the power of education and human reason to understand the world in nonreligious terms.17
5742446650Saint PaulThe first great popularizer of Christianity (10-65 C.E.18
5742452240Bhagavad GitaA great Hindu epic text, part of the much larger Mahabharata, which affirms the performance of caste duties as a path to religious liberation.19
5742460569Mahayana"Great Vehicle," the popular development of Buddhism in the early centuries of the Common Era, which gives a much greater role to supernatural beings20
5742469231Jesus of NazarethThe prophet/god of Christianity (ca. 4 B.C.E.-ca. 30 C.E.).21
5742476396PlatoA disciple of Socrates whose Dialogues convey the teachings of his master while going beyond them to express his own philosophy; lived from 429 to 348 B.C.E.22
5742485029JudaismThe monotheistic religion developed by the Hebrews, emphasizing a sole personal god (Yahweh) with concerns for social justice.23
5742490425DaoismA Chinese philosophy/popular religion that advocates simplicity and understanding of the world of nature, founded by the legendary figure Laozi.24
5742498091LegalismA Chinese philosophy distinguished by an adherence to clear laws with vigorous punishments.25
5742505423Theravada"The Teaching of the Elders," the early form of Buddhism according to which the Buddha was a wise teacher but not divine and which emphasizes practices rather than beliefs26
5742511267Ban ZhaoA major female Confucian author of Han dynasty China (45-116 C.E.) whose works give insight into the implication of Confucian thinking for women27
5742516445VedasThe earliest religious texts of India, a collection of ancient poems, hymns, and rituals that were transmitted orally before being written down ca. 600 B.C.E.28
5742520010Siddhartha GautamaThe Indian prince turned ascetic (ca. 566-ca. 486 B.C.E.) who founded Buddhism.29
5742525974UpanishadsIndian mystical and philosophical works, written between 800 and 400 B.C.E.30
5742531227PerpetuaChristian martyr (181-203 C. E.)from an upper class Roman family in Carthage. Her refusal to renounce her faith made her an inspiration for other early Christians31
5742536273Church of the EastA theologically and organizationally distinct Christian church based in Syria and Persia but with followers in southern India and Central Asia.32
5742542111AristotleA Greek polymath philosopher (384-322 B.C.E.); student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great.33
5742551790Wang MangA Han court official who usurped the throne and ruled from 8 C.E. to 23 C.E.; noted for his reform movement that included the breakup of large estates.34
5742556479China's scholar-gentry classA term used to describe members of China's landowning families, reflecting their wealth from the land and the privilege that they derived as government officials.35
5742562152helotsThe dependent, semi-enslaved class of ancient Sparta whose social discontent prompted the militarization of Spartan society.36
5742568189Yellow Turban RebellionA massive Chinese peasant uprising inspired by Daoist teachings that began in 184 C.E. with the goal of establishing a new golden age of equality and harmony.37
5742577475Empress WuThe only female "emperor" in Chinese history (r. 690-705 C.E.), she patronized scholarship, worked to elevate the position of women, and provoked a backlash of Confucian misogynist invective.38
5742591956Caste as varna and jatiThe system of social organization in India that has evolved over millennia; it is based on an original division of the populace into four inherited classes, with the addition of thousands of social distinctions based on occupation, which became the main cell of social life in India39
5742597727PericlesA prominent and influential statesman of ancient Athens (ca. 495-429 B.C.E.), he presided over Athens's Golden Age.40
5742603570AspasiaA foreign woman resident in Athens (ca. 470-400 B.C.E.) who was famed for her learning and wit. She was the partner of the statesman Pericles, who worked to extend the rights of Athenian citizens.41
5742609030"ritual purity" in Indian social practicethe idea that members of higher castes must adhere to strict regulations limiting or forbidding their contact with objects and members of lower castes to preserve their own caste standing and their relationship with the gods.42
5742620151SpartacusA Roman gladiator who led the most serious slave revolt in Roman history from 73 to 71 B.C.E.).43
5742628080the "three obediences"In Chinese Confucian thought, the notion that a woman is permanently subordinate to male control: first to her father, then to her husband, and finally to her son.44
5742633572Ge HongBorn into an upper class family in China during troubled times (283-343 C.E.), his efforts to balance Confucian service to society and his own desire to pursue a more solitary and interior life in the Daoist tradition reflected the situation of many in his class.45
5742645706MocheAn important regional civilization of Peru, governed by warrior-priests; flourished from around 100 to 80046
5742649278Wari and TiwanakuTwo states that flourished between 400 and 1000 C.E. in the highlands of modern Bolivia and Peru. At their height, they possessed urban capitals with populations in the tens of thousands and productive agricultural systems.47
5742654888Mound BuildersMembers of any of a number of cultures that developed east of the Mississippi River in what is now the United States and that are distinguished by their large earthen mounds, built during the period 2000 B.C.E.-1250 C.E.48
5742664726Chaco Phenomenonin what is now northwestern New Mexico; the society formed is notable for its settlement in large pueblos and for the building of hundreds of miles of roads (the purpose of which is not known)49
5742671370Niger Valley civilizationDistinctive city-based civilization that flourished from about 300 B.C.E. to about 900 C.E. that included major cities like Jenne-jeno ;particularly noteworthy for its apparent lack of centralized state structures, having been organized instead in clusters of economically specialized settlements50
5742695550AxumSecond-wave era kingdom of East Africa, in present-day Eritrea and northern Ethiopia; flourished from 100 to 600 C.E.51
5742714981Bantu expansionThe agricultural techniques and ironworking technology of Bantu-speaking farmers gave them an advantage over the gathering and hunting peoples they encountered.52
5742722204MeroëCity in southern Nubia that was the center of Nubian civilization between 300 B.C.E. and 100 C.E53
5742727241ChavínAndean town that was the center of a large Peruvian religious movement from around 900 to 200 B.C.E.54
5742735457CahokiaThe dominant center of an important Mississippi valley mound-building culture, located near present-day St. Louis, Missouri; flourished from about 900 to 1250 C.E.55
5742739827PiyeRuler of Kush (r. 752 to 721 B.C.E.) who conquered Egypt, reuniting it under his rule.56
5742747646TeotihuacánThe largest city of pre-Columbian America, with a population between 100,000 and 200,000; seemingly built to a plan in the Valley of Mexico57
5742753913Maya civilizationA major civilization of Mesoamerica; flourished from 250 to 900 C.E.58

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