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AP World History: Period 2 Review - Part 2 Flashcards

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10394258927Daodejing (Tao Te Ching)The central text of Daoism; translated as The Way and Its Power.0
10394262117DaoismChinese philosophy/religion that believes the world is always changing and is devoid of absolute morality or meaning. They accept the world as they find it, avoid futile struggles, and deviate as little as possible from 'the way' or 'path' of nature.1
10394266616Darius IGreat king of Persia (r. 522-486 B.C.E.) following the upheavals after Cyrus's death; completed the establishment of the Persian Empire.2
10394268150DharmaPerformance of the duties appropriate to an individual's caste: good performance will lead to rebirth in a higher caste.3
10394293625Filial PietyThe honoring of one's ancestors and parents, a key element of Confucianism.4
10394298467Greco-Persian WarsTwo major Persian invasions of Greece, in 490 B.C.E. and 480 B.C.E., in which the Persians were defeated on both land and sea.5
10394300997Greek RationalismA secularizing system of scientific and philosophic thought that developed in classical Greece in the period 600 to 300 B.C.E.; it emphasized the power of education and human reason to understand the world in nonreligious terms.6
10394302953Gupta Empire(320-550 CE) The decentralized empire that emerged after the Mauryan Empire, and whose founder is Chandra Gupta.7
10394303704Han DynastyChinese dynasty that succeeded the Qin in 202 BCE; ruled for next 400 years. It restored unity in Chnia & softened the government's legalist policies.8
10394317067Hellenistic EraThe period in which Greek culture spread widely into Eurasia in the kingdoms ruled by Alexander's political successors (323 - 30 B.C.E.).9
10394322652HelotsThe dependent, semi-enslaved class of ancient Sparta whose social discontent prompted the militarization of Spartan society.10
10394324956HerodotusGreek historian known as the "Father of History" (ca. 484-ca. 425 B.C.E.). His Histories enunciated the Greek view of a fundamental divide between East and West, culminating in the Greco-Persian Wars of 490-480 B.C.E.11
10394344026HinduismA major religious and cultural tradition of South Asia, developed from Vedic religion. The word itself is derived from outsiders to describe the diverse Indian religious traditions.12
10394349389Hippocrates"Founder of Medicine" (c. 460 - 370 B.C.E.) During the Golden Age in Greece he was a scientist that believed all diseases came from natural causes. He also had high ideals for physicians & an oath was made that is still used today.13
10394353038HopliteHeavily armored Greek infantryman of the Archaic and Classical periods who fought in the close-packed phalanx formation. Hoplite armies-militias composed of middle- and upper-class citizens supplying their own equipment. Famously defeated superior numbers of opponents by fighting as a unit. Eventually over time, the ability to afford arms and armor & fight for the state came to define Greek citizenship.14
10394358964IoniaThe territory of Greek settlements on the coast of Anatolia; the main bone of contention between the Greeks and the Persian Empire.15
10394360008Jesus of NazarethBorn in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity, which include forgiveness for your enemies, kindness to others, and ever-lasting life for those who believe follow his teachings.16
10394373086KarmaIn Indian tradition, the residue of deeds performed in past and present lives that adheres to a 'spirit' and determines what form it will assume in its next life cycle. Used in India to make people happy with their lot in life.17
10394373973KshatriyaThe second of the four classes of the caste system, traditionally made up of warriors and administrators18
10394375525Laozi (Lao Tzu)Legendary author of the Tao Teh Ching and founder of Daoism (according to tradition, born in 604 BCE)19

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