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AP World History - Period 3 Flashcards

The Post-Classical World, 500-1450

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9897984336DhowsArab sailing vessels; equipped with lateen sails; used by Arab merchants0
9897984337Seljuk Turksnomadic invaders from central Asia; staunch Sunnis; ruled from the 11th c. in the name of the Abbasids1
9897984338Mongolscentral Asian nomadic peoples; captured Baghdad in 1258 and killed the last Abbasid caliph2
9897984339Chinggis Khan(1162-1227); Mongol ruler; defeated the Turkish Persian kingdoms3
9897984340Kublai KhanRuler of the Yuan Dynasty who unsuccessfully attempted to invade Japan twice4
9897984341Shrivijayatrading empire based on the Malacca straits; its Buddhist government resisted Muslim missionaries; when it fell, southeastern Asia was opened to Islam5
9897984342Malaccaflourishing trading city in Malaya; established a trading empire after the fall of Shrivijaya6
9897984343MaliA kingdom founded along the Niger River. It grew wealthy from its deposits of gold along with its taxation of trade through the region. Its most important city was Timbuktu7
9897984344Ibn BattutaMuslim scholar from Morocco who traveled to North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Africa, Middle East, India, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China.8
9897984350Mansa MusaAfrican King who made a pilgrimage to Mecca and caused inflation by passing out gold along his route. He built mosques and spread Islam from his kingcom9
9897984345Songhaysuccessor state to Mali; dominated middle reaches of the Niger valley; capital at Gao10
9897984346Zimbawepowerful East AFrican kingdom that grew wealthy from trade with Swahili city-states and Indian Ocean traders. It was known for its large stone wall used for defensive purposes.11
9897984351SwahiliA synchretic language that developed along Africa's East coast from a combination of Arabic and Bantu.12
9897984352GriotAfrican religious leaders that passed histories down through generations through oral story-telling and songs.13
9897984347TatarsMongols who conquered Russian cities during the 13th c; left Russian church and aristocracy intact14
9897984348Trung Sistersleaders of a rebellion in Vietnam against Chinese rule in 39 CE; demonstrates importance of women in Vietnamese society15
9897984349Golden Hordeone of four regional subdivisions of the Mongol Empire after death of Chinggis Khan; conquered and ruled Russia during the 13th and 14th c16
9897984360Silk Road Trade system17
9897984361Sand roads18
9897984362Indian Ocean Maritime Trade19
9897984353Inca and Rome both hadextensive road systems20
9897984363Bantu Migrations21
9897984354terraced farmingA similarity in the Tong and Inca empires. Designed to solve the problem of growing food in mountainous regions.22
9897984355Marco Polotraveler/merchant from Italy who spend 17 years at court of Kublai Khan and wrote an exaggerated account of his journey in his book "Travels."23
9897984356ChinampasRaised fields constructed in lakes by Aztecs to increase agricultural yields.24
9897984357QuipusInca system of record keeping using knots in several strands of strings worn around the waist25
9897984358Chichen ItzaLarge Mayan temple complex which included a ceremonial ball court.26
9897984359Pax MongolicaAllowed for renewed opening of trade routes in Central Asia27

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