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AP World History - Period 3 Flashcards

The Post-Classical World, 500-1450

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9804792052Bedouinnomadic pastoralists of the Arabian peninsula with a culture based on herding camels and goats0
9804792053MeccaArabian commercial center; dominated by the Quraysh; the home of Muhammad and the future center of Islam1
9804792054Medinatown northeast of Mecca; asked Muhammad to resolve its intergroup differences; Muhammad's flight to Medina, the hijra, in 622 began the Muslim calendar2
9804792055Umayyadclan of the Quraysh that dominated Mecca; later an Islamic dynasty3
9804792056Muhammad(570-632); prophet of Allah; originally a merchant of the Quraysh4
9804792057Qur'anthe word of god as revealed through Muhammad; made into the holy book of Islam5
9804792058Ummacommunity of the faithful within Islam6
9804792059Five Pillarsthe obligatory religious duties for all Muslims; confession of faith, prayer, fasting during Ramadan, zakat, and hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)7
9804792060Caliphthe successor to Muhammad as head of the Islamic community8
9804792061Alicousin and son-in-law of Muhammad; one of the orthodox caliphs; focus for the development of shi'ism9
9804792062Abu Bakrsucceeded Muhammad as the first caliph10
9804792063JihadIslamic holy war11
9804792064Sunnisfollowers of the majority interpretation within Islam; included the Umayyads12
9804792065Shi'afollowers of Ali's interpretation of Islam13
9804792066Dhimmis"the people of the book"-- Jews, Christians; later extended to Zoroastrians and Hindus14
9804792067Abbasidsdynasty that succeeded the Umayyads in 750; their capital was at Baghdad15
9804792068Wazirchief administrative official under the Abbasids16
9804792069DhowsArab sailing vessels; equipped with lateen sails; used by Arab merchants17
9804792070Seljuk Turksnomadic invaders from central Asia; staunch Sunnis; ruled from the 11th c. in the name of the Abbasids18
9804792071Crusadesinvasions of western Christians into Muslim lands, especially Palestine; captured Jerusalem and established Christian kingdoms enduring until 129119
9804792072Mongolscentral Asian nomadic peoples; captured Baghdad in 1258 and killed the last Abbasid caliph20
9804792073Chinggis (Genghis) Khan(1162-1227); Mongol ruler; defeated the Turkish Persian kingdoms21
9804792074Arabic numeralsIndian numerical notation brought by the Arabs to the West22
9804792075Malistate of the Malinke people centered between the Senegal and Niger rivers23
9804792076Mansatitle of the ruler of Mali24
9804792077Ibn BattutaArab traveler throughout the Muslim world25
9804792078Songhaysuccessor state to Mali; dominated middle reaches of the Niger valley; capital at Gao26
9804792079Iconoclasmthe breaking of images; religious controversy of the 8th c; Byzantine emperor attempted, but failed, to suppress icon veneration27
9804792080Middle Agesthe period in western European history between the fall of Roman Empire and the 15th c28
9804792081Gothican architectural style developed during the 13th and 14th c in western Europe; featured pointed arches and flying buttresses as external support on main walls29
9804792082Vikingsseagoing Scandinavian raiders who disrupted coastal areas of Europe from the 8th to 11th c; pushed across the Atlantic to Iceland, Greenland, and North America; formed permanent territories in Normandy and Sicily30
9804792083Manorialismrural system of reciprocal relations between landlords and their peasant laborers during the Middle Ages; peasants exchanged labor for use of land and protection31
9804792084Serfspeasant agricultural laborers within the manorial system32
9804792085Three-field systempractice of dividing land into thirds, rotating between two different crops and pasturage-- an improvement making use of manure33
9804792086ClovisKing of the Franks; converted to Christianity circa 49634
9804792087Carolingiansroyal house of Franks from 8th c to 10th c35
9804792088Charles Martelfirst Carolingian king of the Franks; defeated Muslims at Tours in 73236
9804792089CharlemagneCarolingian monarch who established large empire in France and Germany circa 80037
9804792090Holy Roman Emperorspolitical heirs to Charlemagne's empire in northern Italy and Germany; claimed title of emperor but failed to develop centralized monarchy38
9804792091Feudalismpersonal relationship during the Middle Ages by which greater lords provided land to lesser lords in return for military service39
9804792092Vassalsmembers of the military elite who received land or a benefice from a lord in return for military service and loyalty40
9804792093Magna CartaGreat charter issued by King John of England in 1215; represented principle of mutual limits and obligations between rulers and feudal aristocracy, and the supremacy of law41
9804792094Pope Urban IIorganized the first Crusade in 1095; appealed to Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim control42
9804792095Scholasticismdominant medieval philosophical approach; so-called because of its base in the schools or universities; based on use of logic to resolve theological problems43
9804792096Guildsassociations of workers in the same occupation in a single city; stressed security and mutual control; limited membership, regulated apprenticeships, guaranteed good workmanship; held a privileged place in cities44
9804792097Black Deathbubonic plague that struck Europe in the 14th c; significantly reduced Europe's population; affected social structure; decimated populations in Asia45
9804792098Mahayana (Pure Land) Buddhismemphasized salvationist aspects of Chinese Buddhism; popular among the masses in East Asia46
9804792099Grand Canalgreat canal system begun by Yangdi; joined Yellow River region to the Yangtze basin47
9804792100JunksChinese ships equipped with watertight bulkheads, stern-post rudders, compasses, and bamboo fenders; dominant force in Asian seas east of the Malayan peninsula48
9804792101Flying moneyChinese credit instrument that provided vouchers to merchants to be redeemed at the end of a venture; reduced danger of robbery; an early form of currency49
9804792102Footbindingmale imposed practice to mutilate women's feet in order to reduce size; produced pain and restricted movement; helped to confine women to the household; seen a beautiful to the elite.50
9804792103Fujiwaramid-9th c Japanese aristocratic family; exercised exceptional influence over imperial affairs; aided in decline of imperial power51
9804792104Samuraimounted troops of the bushi; loyal to local lords, not the emperor52
9804792105Shogunsmilitary leaders of the bakufu53
9804792106Daimyoswarlord rulers of small states following Onin war and disruption of Ashikaga shogunate; holding consolidated into unified and bounded mini-states54
9804792107Shamanistic religionMongol beliefs focused on nature spirits55
9804792108Batugrandson of Chinggis Khan and ruler of Golden Horde; invaded Russian in 123656
9804792109Golden Hordeone of four regional subdivisions of the Mongol Empire after death of Chinggis Khan; conquered and ruled Russua during the 13th and 14th c57
9804792110Ilkhan khanateone of four regional subdivisions of the Mongol empire after the death of Chinggis Khan; eventually included much of Abbasid empire58
9804792111Kubilai Khangrandson of Chinggis Khan; conquered China; established Yuan dynasty in 127159
9804792112Ottoman EmpireTurkish empire established in Asia Minor and eventually extending through the Middle East and the Balkans; conquered Constantinople in 1453 and ended Byzantine Empire60
9804792113Ming Dynastyreplaced Mongal Yuan dynasty in China in 1368; lasted until 1644; initially mounted large trade expeditions to southern Asia and Africa; later concentrated on internal development within China61
9804792114Ethnocentrismjudging foreigners by the standards of one's own group; leads to problems in interpreting world history62
9804792116Muhammad's primary historical achievementspread of Islam63
9804792130Silk Road Trade system64
9804792131Kingdom of Mali65
9804792117Inca and Rome both hadextensive road systems66
9804792118Champa Ricetributary gift from Vietnam to China, led to population increase67
9804792119Trans Saharan tradeDominated my Muslims in 13th century after rise of Islamic caliphates..68
9804792120Effect of Muslim conquestscollapse of other empires, mass conversion69
9804792121Tang Dynastyfollowed Sui, established tributary states in Vietnam and Korea, influence Japan, Established strong Buddhist and Confucian presence70
9804792122Black Deathplague that originated with Mongols, led to mass population decrease in Europe, later weakened faith in Christian church and increased the power of serfs/peasants. Led partly to fall of Feudal structures in Europe.71
9804792132Indian Ocean Maritime Trade72
9804792123Cities that rose during this time due to increased tradeNovgorod, Constantinople, Timbuktu73
9804792124Timbuktutrade center of Mali, cosmopolitan city that saw the blending of many different cultures and people74
9804792125New forms of monetizationChecks, Bills of Exchange75
9804792133Bantu Migrations76
9804792126footbindingbegan during Tang/Song era, demonstrates objectification and oppression of women, abolished during Yuan and brought back during Ming77
9804792127Marco Polotraveler/merchant from Europe who spend 17 years at court of Kublai Khan78

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