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AP World History Period 3: Medieval Africa Flashcards

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8108741782Kingdom of GhanaWest African empire from 700s to 1076, grew wealthy and powerful by controlling gold-salt trade.0
8108741783Kingdom of Malia huge territorial empire that flourished in west Africa during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Its capital was Timbuktu, which became a center of Islamic learning (see Islam). The empire controlled trade routes that stretched from the edge of the Sahara in the north to forests in the south and that carried gold and other luxuries1
8108741784Kingdom of Songhailast and final great empire of West Africa. a very big trading city back then where many people would trade things like gold for salt2
8108741785Sunni Alicreated Sunni Dynasty; rule lasted 30 years; many military campaigns/victories; conquered Timbuktu and Djenne, which gave Songhai control of trade; focus on trading empire3
8108741786Kumbi Salehwas the capital of Ghana. It was made up of two separate towns, 1 was the royal town and the other was the place were the merchants lived.4
8108741787Trans-Saharan Traderoute across the sahara desert. Major trade route that traded for gold and salt, created caravan routes, economic benefit for controlling dessert, camels played a huge role in the trading5
8108741788Gold-Salt-Slavesmajor commodities in medieval Africa6
8108741789Islammajor cultrual and religous in North Africa arived about 634 and by 750 followers of _______ controlled most of North Africa7
8108741790TimbuktuCity on the Niger River in the modern country of Mali. It was founded by the Tuareg as a seasonal camp sometime after 1000. As part of the Mali empire, it became a major major terminus of the trans-Saharan trade and a center of Islamic learning8
8108741791DjenneAncient city in West Africa near the Niger River, at least as old as 250 B.C.E.9
8108741792Sundiate (Sologon Djata)the leader of the Malinke people. He was the first leader of Mali. They built on Ghana's empire by establishing the gold-salt trade and expanded trade routes. This allowed them to expand their empire beyond Ghana's old borders.10
8108741793Mansa MusaEmperor of the kingdom of Mali in Africa. He made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca and established trade routes to the Middle East.11
8108741794Kingdom of KongoBasin of the Congo (Zaire) river, conglomeration of several village alliances, participated actively in trade networks, most centralized rule of the early Bantu kingdoms, royal currency: cowries, ruled 14th-17th century until undermined by Portuguese slave traders12
8108741795Swahili CoastEast African shores of the Indian Ocean between the Horn of Africa and the Zambezi River; from the Arabic sawahil, meaning "shores."13
8108741796MombasaAn African city on the coast that adopted the Muslim religion and made a great living trading in the Indian Ocean. It is located in modern Kenya. Swahili became their language and gold, ivory, slaves, and animal skins were traded14
8108741797Zanzibarimportant center of trade, sailors from Southeast Asia, China, and India brought gold and ivory to this island15
8108741798Great ZimbabweCity, now in ruins whose many stone structures were built between about 1250 and 1450, when it was a trading center and the capital of a large state.16
8108741799Indian OceanLarge amounts of trade happened in this body of water between Arab, Persian, Turkish, Indian, African, Chinese, and Europe merchants. Particularly in the postclassical period17
8108741800GriotA member of a class of traveling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa.18
8108741801Silent trade systemA way of communicating while trading without using any forms of language. It is significant and important because it allowed traders to trade without finding out where all the gold or salt was.19
8108741802AnimismA local religion, mostly from Africa and the Americas, in which the world is seen as being infused with spiritual and even supernatural powers.20
8108741803NomadsCattle-and sheep-herding societies normally found on the fringes of civilized societies; commonly referred to as "barbarian" by civilized societies21
8108741804Bantu MigrationThe movement of the Bantu peoples southward throughout Africa, spreading their language and culture, from around 500 b.c. to around A.D 100022
8108741805Syncretic LanguageKreyòl23
8108741806Sahela strip of dry grasslands on the southern border of the Sahara; also known as "the shore of the desert"24

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