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AP World History Period 5 Flashcards

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6659314450abolitionist movementAn international movement that between approximately 1780 and 1890 succeeded in condemning slavery as morally repugnant and abolishing it in much of the world; the movement was especially prominent in Britain and the United States.0
6659314451CreolesNative-born elites in the Spanish colonies.1
6659314452Declaration of the Rights of Man and CitizenDocument drawn up by the French National Assembly in 1789 that proclaimed the equal rights of all men; the declaration ideologically launched the French Revolution.2
6659314453Declaration of the Rights of WomanShort work written by the French feminist Olympe de Gouges in 1791 that was modeled on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and that made the argument that the equality proclaimed by the French revolutionaries must also include women.3
6659314454Estates-GeneralFrench representative assembly called into session by Louis XVI to address pressing problems and out of which the French Revolution emerged; the three estates were the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners.4
6659314455FreetownWest African settlement in what is now Sierra Leone at which British naval commanders freed Africans they rescued from illegal slave ships.5
6659314456French RevolutionMassive dislocation of French society (1789-1815) that overthrew the monarchy, destroyed most of the French aristocracy, and launched radical reforms of society that were lost again, though only in part, under Napoleon's imperial rule and after the restoration of the monarchy.6
6659314458HaitiName that revolutionaries gave to the former French colony of Saint Domingue; the term means "mountainous" or "rugged" in the Taino language.7
6659314459Haitian RevolutionThe only fully successful slave rebellion in world history; the uprising in the French Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue (later renamed Haiti) was sparked by the French Revolution and led to the establishment of an independent state after a long and bloody war (1791-1804).8
6659314460Hidalgo-Morelos RevolutionSocially radical peasant insurrection that began in Mexico in 1810 and that was led by the priests9
6659314461Latin American RevolutionsSeries of risings in the Spanish colonies of Latin America (1810-1826) that established the independence of new states from Spanish rule but that for the most part retained the privileges of the elites despite efforts at more radical social rebellion by the lower classes.10
6659314462Toussaint L'OuvertureFirst leader of the Haitian Revolution, a former slave (1743-1803) who wrote the first constitution of Haiti and served as the first governor of the newly independent state.11
6659314463Maternal feminismMovement that claimed that women have value in society not because of an abstract notion of equality but because women have a distinctive and vital role as mothers; its exponents argued that women have the right to intervene in civil and political life because of their duty to watch over the future of their children.12
6659314464Napoleon BonaparteFrench head of state from 1799 until his abdication in 1814 (and again briefly in 1815); preserved much of the French Revolution under an autocratic system and was responsible for the spread of revolutionary ideals through his conquest of much of Europe.13
6659314465NationA clearly defined territory whose people have a sense of common identity and destiny, thanks to ties of blood, culture, language, or common experience.14
6659314466NationalismThe focusing of citizens' loyalty on the notion that they are part of a "nation" with a unique culture, territory, and destiny; first became a prominent element of political culture in the nineteenth century.15
6659314467North American RevolutionSuccessful rebellion conducted by the colonists of parts of North America (not Canada) against British rule (1775-1787); a conservative revolution whose success assured property rights but established republican government in place of monarchy.16
6659314468Petit BlancsThe "little" (or poor) white population of Saint Domingue, which played a significant role in the Haitian Revolution.17
6659314469Seneca Falls ConferenceThe first organized women's rights conference18
6659314470Elizabeth Cady StantonLeading figure of the early women's rights movement in the United States (1815-1902).19
6659314471the TerrorTerm used to describe the revolutionary violence in France in 1793-1794, when radicals under the leadership of Maximilien Robespierre executed tens of thousands of people deemed enemies of the revolution.20
6659314472Third EstateIn prerevolutionary France, the term used for the 98 percent of the population that was neither clerical nor noble, and for their representatives at the Estates General; in 1789, it declared itself a National Assembly and launched the French Revolution.21
6659314473Tupac AmaruThe last Inca emperor; in the 1780s, a Native American rebellion against Spanish control of Peru took place in his name.22
6659314475British Royal SocietyAssociation of scientists established in England in 1660 that was dedicated to the promotion of "useful knowledge."23
6659314476Caste War of YucatanLong revolutionary struggle (1847-1901) of the Maya people of Mexico against European and mestizo intruders.24
6659314477CaudilloA military strongman who seized control of a government in nineteenth-century Latin America.25
6659314478Crimean WarMajor international conflict (1854-1856) in which British and French forces defeated Russia; the defeat prompted reforms within Russia.26
6659314479Dependent developmentTerm used to describe Latin America's economic growth in the nineteenth century, which was largely financed by foreign capital and dependent on European and North American prosperity and decisions.27
6659314480Porfirio DiazMexican dictator from 1876 to 1911 who was eventually overthrown in a long and bloody revolution.28
6659314481DumaThe elected representative assembly grudgingly created in Russia by Tsar Nicholas II in response to the 1905 revolution.29
6659314482Sigmund FreudAustrian doctor and the father of modern psychoanalysis (1856-1939); his theories about the operation of the human mind and emotions remain influential today30
6659314483Labour PartyBritish working-class political party established in the 1890s and dedicated to reforms and a peaceful transition to socialism, in time providing a viable alternative to the revolutionary emphasis of Marxism.31
6659314484Latin American Export BoomLarge-scale increase in Latin American exports (mostly raw materials and foodstuffs) to industrializing countries in the second half of the nineteenth century, made possible by major improvements in shipping; the boom mostly benefited the upper and middle classes.32
6659314485LeninPen name of Russian Bolshevik Vladimir Ulyanov (1870-1924), who was the main leader of the Russian Revolution of 1917.33
6659314486Lower middle classSocial stratum that developed in Britain in the nineteenth century and that consisted of people employed in the service sector as clerks, salespeople, secretaries, police officers, and the like; by 1900, this group comprised about 20 percent of Britain's population.34
6659314487Karl MarxGerman expatriate in England who advocated working-class revolution as the key to creating an ideal communist future.35
6659314488Mexican RevolutionLong and bloody war (1911-1920) in which Mexican reformers from the middle class joined with workers and peasants to overthrow the dictator Porfirio Díaz and create a new, much more democratic political order.36
6659314489Middle class valuesBelief system that developed in Britain in the nineteenth century; it emphasized thrift, hard work, rigid moral behavior, cleanliness, and "respectability."37
6659314490Model TThe first automobile affordable enough for a mass market; produced by American industrialist Henry Ford.38
6659314491Robert OwensSocialist thinker and wealthy mill owner (1771-1858) who created an ideal industrial community at New Lanark, Scotland.39
6659314492Peter the GreatTsar of Russia (r. 1689-1725) who attempted a massive reform of Russian society in an effort to catch up with the states of Western Europe.40
6659314493PopulismLate-nineteenth-century American political movement that denounced corporate interests of all kinds.41
6659314494ProgressivismAmerican political movement in the period around 1900 that advocated reform measures to correct the ills of industrialization.42
6659314496Russian Revolution of 1905Spontaneous rebellion that erupted in Russia after the country's defeat at the hands of Japan; the revolution was suppressed, but it forced the government to make substantial reforms.43
6659314497Socialism in the United StatesFairly minor political movement in the United States, at its height in 1912 gaining 6 percent of the vote for its presidential candidate.44
6659314498Steam engineMechanical device in which the steam from heated water builds up pressure to drive a piston, rather than relying on human or animal muscle power; the introduction of this item allowed a hitherto unimagined increase in productivity and made the Industrial Revolution possible.45
6659314499Abd al-Hamid IIOttoman sultan (r. 1876-1909) who accepted a reform constitution but then quickly suppressed it, ruling as a reactionary autocrat for the rest of his long reign.46
6659314500Boxer RebellionRising of Chinese militia organizations in 1900 in which large numbers of Europeans and Chinese Christians were killed47
6659314501China 1911The collapse of China's imperial order, officially at the hands of organized revolutionaries but for the most part under the weight of the troubles that had overwhelmed the government for the previous half-century.48
6659314502DaimyoFeudal lords of Japan who retained substantial autonomy under the Tokugawa shogunate and only lost their social preeminence in the Meiji restoration.49
6659314503Informal empireTerm commonly used to describe areas that were dominated by Western powers in the nineteenth century but that retained their own governments and a measure of independence, e.g., Latin America and China.50
6659314504Meiji RestorationThe overthrow of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan in 1868, restoring power at long last to the emperor51
6659314505Matthew PerryU.S. navy commodore who in 1853 presented the ultimatum that led Japan to open itself to more normal relations with the outside world.52
6659314506Opium WarsTwo wars fought between Western powers and China (1839-1842 and 1856-1858) after China tried to restrict the importation of foreign goods; China lost both wars and was forced to make major concessions.53
6659314507Russo-Japanese WarEnding in a Japanese victory, this war established Japan as a formidable military competitor in East Asia and precipitated the Russian Revolution of 1905.54
6659314508SamuraiArmed retainers of the Japanese feudal lords, famed for their martial skills and loyalty; in the Tokugawa shogunate, they gradually became an administrative elite, but they did not lose their special privileges until the Meiji restoration.55
6659314509Self-strengthening MovementChina's program of internal reform in the 1860s and 1870s, based on vigorous application of Confucian principles and limited borrowing from the West.56
6659314510Selim IIIOttoman sultan (r. 1789-1807) who attempted significant reforms of his empire, including the implementation of new military and administrative structures.57
6659314511The Sick Man of EuropeWestern Europe's unkind nickname for the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a name based on the sultans' inability to prevent Western takeover of many regions and to deal with internal problems; it fails to recognize serious reform efforts in the Ottoman state during this period.58
6659314512Social DarwinismAn application of the concept of "survival of the fittest" to human history in the nineteenth century.59
6659314513Taiping UprisingMassive Chinese rebellion that devastated much of the country between 1850 and 1864; it was based on the millenarian teachings of Hong Xiuquan.60
6659314514Tanzimat ReformsImportant reform measures undertaken in the Ottoman Empire beginning in 1839; the term means "reorganization."61
6659314515Tokugawa ShogunateRulers of Japan from 1600 to 1868.62
6659314516Unequal treatiesSeries of nineteenth-century treaties in which China made major concessions to Western powers.63
6659314517Young OttomansGroup of would-be reformers in the mid-nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire that included lower-level officials, military officers, and writers; they urged the extension of Westernizing reforms to the political system.64
6659314518Young TurksMovement of Turkish military and civilian elites that developed ca. 1900, eventually bringing down the Ottoman Empire65
6659314519Africanization of ChristianityProcess that occurred in non-Muslim Africa, where millions who were converted to Christianity sought to maintain older traditions alongside new Christian ideas; many converts continued using protective charms and medicines and consulting local medicine men, and many continued to believe in their old gods and spirits.66
6659314520ApartheidAfrikaans term for the system that developed in South Africa of strictly limiting the social and political integration of whites and blacks.67
6659314521Cash crop agricultureAgricultural production, often on a large scale, of crops for sale in the market, rather than for consumption by the farmers themselves.68
6659314522Colonial racismA pattern of European racism in their Asian and African colonies that created a great racial divide between themselves and the natives and limited native access to education and the civil service, based especially on pseudo-scientific notions of naturally superior and inferior races.69
6659314523Colonial tribalismA European tendency, especially in African colonies, to identify and sometimes invent distinct "tribes" that had often not existed before, reinforcing European notions that African societies were primitive.70
6659314524Leopold IIhis rule as private owner of the Congo Free State during much of that time is typically held up as the worst abuse of Europe's second wave of colonization, resulting as it did in millions of deaths.71
6659314525Cultivation SystemSystem of forced labor used in the Netherlands East Indies in the nineteenth century; peasants were required to cultivate at least 20 percent of their land in cash crops such as sugar or coffee for sale at low and fixed prices to government contractors, who then earned enormous profits from further sale of the crops.72
6659314526Indian Rebellion of 1857-1858Massive uprising of much of India against British rule; also called the Indian Mutiny or the Sepoy Mutiny from the fact that the rebellion first broke out among Indian troops in British employ.73
6659314527Informal EmpiresTerm commonly used to describe areas such as Latin America and China that were dominated by Western powers in the nineteenth century but that retained their own governments and a measure of independence.74
6659314528Invention of traditionIn many colonial states, a process of forging new ways of belonging and self identification that defined and to some extent mythologized the region's past, especially to create broader terms of belonging than had existed before.75
6659314529Scramble for AfricaName used for the process of the European countries' partition of the continent of Africa between themselves in the period 1875-1900.76
6659314530Western educated eliteThe main beneficiaries in Asian and African lands colonized by Western powers; schooled in the imperial power's language and practices, they moved into their country's professional classes but ultimately led anticolonial movements as they grew discouraged by their inability to win equal status to the colonizers.77

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