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AP World History Period 5 Key Terms and Names Flashcards

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13688165388EnlightenmentA movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions.0
13688165390John Locke17th century English philosopher who opposed the Divine Right of Kings and who asserted that people have a natural right to life, liberty, and property.1
13688165391Adam SmithScottish economist who wrote the Wealth of Nations a precursor to modern Capitalism.2
13688165392Baron de MontesquieuFrench aristocrat who wanted to limit royal absolutism; Wrote The Spirit of Laws, urging that power be separated between executive, legislative, and judicial branches, each balancing out the others, thus preventing despotism and preserving freedom. This greatly influenced writers of the US Constitution. He greatly admired British form of government.3
13688165393philosophesWriters during the Enlightenment and who popularized the new ideas of the time.4
13688165394Voltaire(1694-1778) French philosopher. He believed that freedom of speech was the best weapon against bad government. He also spoke out against the corruption of the French government, and the intolerance of the Catholic Church.5
13688165396Jean-Jacques Rousseau"Social Contract" he explained an ideal society where each community member would vote on issues and majority would become one law.6
13688165397Social Contract TheoryThe belief that people are free and equal by natural right, and that this in turn requires that all people give their consent to be governed; espoused by John Locke and influential in the writing of the declaration of independence.7
13688165398Declaration of IndependenceSigned in 1776 by US revolutionaries; it declared the United States as a free state.8
13688165399Benjamin FranklinAmerican intellectual, inventor, and politician He helped to negotiate French support for the American Revolution.9
13688165400Thomas JeffersonAuthor of the Declaration of Independence10
13688165401George Washington1st President of the United States; commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution (1732-1799)11
13688165402French RevolutionThe revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799.12
13688165403Estates SystemFrench social system that divided the people into three categories: the clergy, the nobility, and everyone else13
13688165389Declaration of the Rights of Man and CitizenAdopted August 26, 1789, created by the National Assembly to give rights to all (except women).14
13688165404Reign of Terror(1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty"15
13688165405Maximilien RobespierreYoung provincial lawyer who led the most radical phases of the French Revolution; his execution ended the Reign of Terror.16
13688165406Napoleon BonaparteOverthrew the French revolutionary government (The Directory) in 1799 and became emperor of France in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.17
13688165407Napoleonic CodeThis was the civil code put out by Napoleon that granted equality of all male citizens before the law and granted absolute security of wealth and private property. Napoleon also secured this by creating the Bank of France which loyally served the interests of both the state and the financial oligarchy18
13688165408WaterlooThe site of Napoleon's defeat by British and Prussian armies in 1815, which ended his last bid for power19
13688165409Haitian RevolutionA major influece of the Latin American revolutions because of its successfulness; the only successful slave revolt in history; it is led by Toussaint L'Ouverture.20
13688165410Toussaint LouvertureWas an important leader of the Haïtian Revolution and the first leader of a free Haiti; in a long struggle again the institution of slavery, he led the blacks to victory over the whites and free coloreds and secured native control over the colony in 1797, calling himself a dictator.21
13688165411Miguel HidalgoMexican priest who led peasants in call for independence and improved conditions22
13688165412Simon Bolivar1783-1830, Venezuelan statesman: leader of revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule.23
13688165413CaudillosBy the 1830s, following several hopeful decades of Enlightenment-inspired revolution against European colonizers, Latin America was mostly ruled by these creole military dictators.24
13688165414Mary WollstonecraftEnglish writer and early feminist who denied male supremacy and advocated equal education for women25
13688165415Elizabeth Cady Stanton(1815-1902) A suffragette who, with Lucretia Mott, organized the first convention on women's rights, held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Issued the Declaration of Sentiments which declared men and women to be equal and demanded the right to vote for women. Co-founded the National Women's Suffrage Association with Susan B. Anthony in 1869.26
13688165416Seneca Falls Convention(1848) the first national women's rights convention at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written27
13688165417NationalismA strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country28
13688165418ZionismA policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine.29
13688165420Anti-SemitismPrejudice against Jews30
13688165421Congress of Vienna(1814-1815 CE) Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon.31
13688165422Klemens von MetternichThis was Austria's foreign minister who wanted a balance of power in an international equilibrium of political and military forces that would discourage aggression32
13688165423Otto von Bismarck(1815-1898) German prime minister who intentionally provoked three wars to provide the people with a sense of nationalism. called for Berlin conference33
13688165424RealpolitikPolitical realism or practical politics, especially policy based on power rather than on ideals.34
13688165425MechanizationIn agriculture, the replacement of human labor with technology or machines.35
13688165426James WattScottish engineer and inventor whose improvements in the steam engine led to its wide use in industry (1736-1819).36
13688165427Steam EngineA machine that turns the energy released by burning fuel into motion. Thomas Newcomen built the first crude but workable one in 1712. James Watt vastly improved his device in the 1760s and 1770s. It was then applied to machinery.37
13688165428Factory SystemA method of production that brought many workers and machines together into one building38
13688165429Eli WhitneyUnited States inventor of the mechanical cotton gin (1765-1825)39
13688165430Henry Ford1863-1947. American businessman, founder of Ford Motor Company, father of modern assembly lines, and inventor credited with 161 patents.40
13688165431Thomas EdisonAmerican inventor best known for inventing the electric light bulb, acoustic recording on wax cylinders, and motion pictures.41
13688165432Corporationsbusinesses that are owned by many investors who buy shares of stock42
13688165433Victorian AgeReign of Queen Victoria of Great Britain (1837-1901). The term is also used to describe late-nineteenth-century society, with its rigid moral standards and sharply differentiated roles for men and women and for middle-class and working-class people43
13688165434Crystal PalaceBuilding erected in London, for the Great Exhibition of 1851. Made of iron and glass, like a gigantic greenhouse, it was a symbol of the industrial age.44
13688165435Demographic Transitionchange in a population from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates45
13688165436UrbanizationAn increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements.46
13688165437Middle ClassA social class made up of skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers47
13688165438Industrial Working Classworked 16 hours a day 6 days a week, low pay, women and children usually worked this, and not much food.48
13688165439Child LaborChildren were viewed as laborers throughout the 19th century. Many children worked on farms, small businesses, mills and factories.49
13688165440Laissez-faireIdea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs.50
13688165442SocialismA system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production.51
13688165443Karl Marx1818-1883. 19th century philosopher, political economist, sociologist, humanist, political theorist, and revolutionary. Often recognized as the father of communism. Analysis of history led to his belief that communism would replace capitalism as it replaced feudalism. Believed in a classless society.52
13688165444UnionsAn association of workers, formed to bargain for better working conditions and higher wages.53
13688165445Indian Removal Act of 1830Passed by Congress under the Jackson administration, this act removed all Indians east of the Mississippi to an "Indian Territory" where they would be "permanently" housed.54
13688165446Battle of Little BighornIn 1876, Indian leaders Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated Custer's troops who tried to force them back on to the reservation, Custer and all his men died55
13688165447Wounded KneeIn 1890, after killing Sitting Bull, the 7th Cavalry rounded up Sioux at this place in South Dakota and 300 Natives were murdered and only a baby survived.56
13688165448TecumsehA Shawnee chief who, along with his brother, Tenskwatawa, a religious leader known as The Prophet, worked to unite the Northwestern Indian tribes. The league of tribes was defeated by an American army led by William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. Tecumseh was killed fighting for the British during the War of 1812 at the Battle of the Thames in 1813.57
13688165449Ghost Dance MovementThe last effort of Native Americans to resist US domination and drive whites from their ancestral lands, came through as a religious movement.58
13688165450Mexican-American War(1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory.59
13688165452AbolitionistA person who wanted to end slavery in the United States60
13688165453American Civil WarFought from 1861 to 1865; first application of Industrial Revolution to warfare; resulted in abolition of slavery in the United States and reunification of North and South.61
13688165454Emancipation ProclamationIssued by abraham lincoln on september 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free62
13688165455Antonio Lopez de Santa AnnaMexican general who tried to crush the Texas revolt and who lost battles to Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War (1795-1876)63
13688165456Emiliano ZapataRevolutionary and leader of peasants in the Mexican Revolution. He mobilized landless peasants in south-central Mexico in an attempt to seize and divide the lands of the wealthy landowners. Though successful for a time, he was ultimately defeated and assassinated.64
13688165457Pancho VillaA popular leader during the Mexican Revolution of 1910. An outlaw in his youth, when the revolution started, he formed a cavalry army in the north of Mexico and fought for the rights of the landless in collaboration with Emiliano Zapata.65
13688165458Railroad TimeHelped unite the union. Each community operated on its own time. 1870, Professor C.F. Dowd proposed that the Earth's surface be divided into 24 time zones, one for each hour of the day. U.S. contained 4 zones. Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific.66
13688165459Assimilationinterpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas67
13688165460JanissariesInfantry, originally of slave origin, armed with firearms and constituting the elite of the Ottoman army from the fifteenth century until the corps was abolished in 1826.68
13688165461Muhammad Ali of EgyptCommander in the Ottoman army in early 1800s and whose loyal followers executed the Mamluk leaders. In the power vacuum created, he orchestrated the establishment of the modern state of Egypt through adoption of a western model of government [bureaucracy, streamline economics, and develop a modern military]69
13688165462Tanzimat ReformsA set of reforms in the Ottoman Empire set to revise Ottoman law to help lift the capitulations put on the Ottomans by European powers.70
13688165463Young TurksA coalition starting in the late 1870s of various groups favoring modernist liberal reform of the Ottoman Empire. It was against monarchy of Ottoman Sultan and instead favored a constitution. In 1908 they succeed in establishing a new constitutional era.71
13688165464Crimean War(1853-1856) Russian war against Ottomans for control of the Black Sea; intervention by Britain and France cause Russia to lose; Russians realize need to industiralize.72
13688165465ExtraterritorialityForeign residents in a country living under the laws of their native country, disregarding the laws of the host country. 19th/Early 20th Centuries: European and US nationals in certain areas of Chinese and Ottoman cities were granted this right.73
13688165466Tsar Alexander IIHe was a Russian Tsar who attempted reform ("Emancipator") but his appeasement (emancipation of serfs and the establishment of Zemstvos) led to his assassination by the People's Will74
13688165467Russo-Japanese War(1904-1905) War between Russia and Japan over imperial possessions. Japan emerges victorious.75
13688165469Opium Wara conflict between Britain and China, lasting from 1839 to 1842, over Britain's opium trade in China76
13688165470Treaty of Nanjing1842, ended Opium war, said the western nations would determine who would trade with china, so it set up the unequal treaty system which allowed western nations to own a part of chinese territory and conduct trading business in china under their own laws; this treaty set up 5 treaty ports where westerners could live, work, and be treated under their own laws; one of these were Hong Kong.77
13688165471Taiping Rebelliona mid-19th century rebellion against the Qing Dynasty in China, led by Hong Xiuquan78
13688165472Self-Strengthening Movementlate 19th century movement in China to counter the challenge from the West; led by provincial leaders79
13688165474Boxer Rebellion1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops.80
13688165475Empress Dowager CixiEmpress of China and mother of Emperor Guangxi. She put her son under house arrest, supported anti-foreign movements like the so-called Boxers, and resisted reforms of the Chinese government and armed forces.81
13688165476Tokugawa Shogunatewas a semi-feudal government of Japan in which one of the shoguns unified the country under his family's rule. They moved the capital to Edo, which now is called Tokyo. This family ruled from Edo 1868, when it was abolished during the Meiji Restoration.82
13688165477Meiji RestorationThe political program that followed the destruction of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868, in which a collection of young leaders set Japan on the path of centralization, industrialization, and imperialism.83
13688165478Commodore Matthew PerryA navy commander who, on July 8, 1853, became the first foreigner to break through the barriers that had kept Japan isolated from the rest of the world for 250 years.84
13688165479ImperialismA policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries poitically, socially, and economically.85
13688165480Cecil RhodesBorn in 1853, played a major political and economic role in colonial South Africa. He was a financier, statesman, and empire builder with a philosophy of mystical imperialism.86
13688165481Panama and Suez CanalsA canal that crosses the isthmus of Panama connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Built by the United States between 1904 and 1914. A canal linking the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It was a vital trade route in the British Empire during imperialism, and continues to link North Africa and Europe to Asia today.87
13688165482Scramble for AfricaSudden wave of conquests in Africa by European powers in the 1880s and 1890s. Britain obtained most of eastern Africa, France most of northwestern Africa. Other countries (Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, and Spain) acquired lesser amounts.88
13688165483Leopold IIBelgian king who ruthlessly exploited the natives on his African land for personal gain.89
13688165484ZuluA people of modern South Africa whom King Shaka united beginning in 1818.90
13688165485Boer WarLasting from 1899 to 1902, Dutch colonists and the British competed for control of territory in South Africa.91
13688165486Berlin ConferenceA meeting from 1884-1885 at which representatives of European nations agreed on rules colonization of Africa92
13688165487Settler ColonyA form of colonization where foreign family move into a region and an imperial political power oversees the immigration of these settlers.93
13688165488Economic ImperialismIndependent but less developed nations controlled by private business interests rather than by other governments.94
13688165489Queen Liliuokalanilast monarch of Hawaii; overthrown by US settlers in 189395
13688165491Spanish-American WarIn 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence96
13688165493Emilio AguinaldoLeader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901.97
13688165494Indentured Laborlabor under contract to an employer for a fixed period of time, typically three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, clothing, lodging and other necessities98
13688165495Social DarwinismThe belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.99
13688165496British RajThe name for the British government's military rule of India between 1858 and 1947.100
13688165497Sepoy RebellionThe revolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs; also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.101
13688165498Ram Mohan RoyFather of modern India; he called for the construction of a society based on both modern Euorpean science and the Indian tradition of devotional Hindusim.102
13688165499Indian National CongressA movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government. Its membership was middle class, and its demands were modest until World War I. Led after 1920 by Mohandas K. Gandhi, appealing to the poor.103

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