The Newest Stage of World History: 1914-Present
678846328 | Western Front | war line between Belgium and Switzerland during World War I; featured trench warfare and massive casualties among combatants | |
678846329 | Eastern Front | war zone from the Baltic to the Balkans where Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians, and Balkan nations fought | |
678846330 | Archduke Franz Ferdinand | Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne assassinated at Sarajevo in 1914; precipitated World War I | |
678846331 | Nicholas II | Russian tsar (r. 1894-1917); executed in 1918 | |
678846332 | Gallipoli | World War I battle, 1915; unsuccessful attempt in defense of the Dardenelles | |
678846333 | Italian Front | war line between Italy and Austria-Hungary; also produced trench warfare | |
678846334 | Armenian genocide | launched by Young Turk leaders in 1915; claimed up to one million lives | |
678846335 | Submarine warfare | a major part of the German naval effort against the Allies during World War I; when employed against the US it precipitated American participation in the war | |
678846336 | Armistice | November 11, 1918 agreement by Germans to suspend hostilities | |
678846337 | Georges Clemenceau | French premier desiring harsher peace terms for Germans | |
678846338 | David Lloyd George | British prime minister; attempted to mediate at peace conference between Clemenceau and Wilson | |
678846339 | Woodrow Wilson | American president who called for self-determination and the League of Nations | |
678846340 | Treaty of Versailles | ended World War I; punished Germany with loss of territory and payment of reparations; did not satisfy any of the signatories | |
678846341 | League of Nations | international organization of nations created after World War I; designed to preserve world peace; the US never joined | |
678846342 | Indian National Congress | political party that grew from regional associations of Western-educated Indians in 1885; dominated by elites; was the principal party throughout the colonial period and after independence | |
678846343 | Morley-Minto Reforms | 1909; provided Indians with expanded opportunities to elect and serve on local and national legislative councils | |
678846344 | Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms | 1919; increased national powers of Indian legislators and place provincial administrations under ministries controlled by Indian-elected legislatures | |
678846345 | Rowlatt Act | 1919; placed severe restrictions on Indian civil rights; undercut impact of the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms | |
678846346 | M. K. Gandhi | Western-educated Indian lawyer and nationalist politician with many attributes of an Indian holy man; stressed nonviolent tactics and headed the movement for Indian independence | |
678846347 | Satyagraha | "truth force"; Gandhi's policy of nonviolent opposition to British rule | |
678846348 | Mustafa Kemal, Ataturk | president of Turkey (1923-1938); responsible for westernization of Turkey | |
678846349 | Effendi | prosperous business and professional urban Egyptian families; generally favored independence | |
678846350 | Dinshawi incident | 1906 fracas between British soldiers and Egyptian villagers that resulted in an accidental death; Egyptian protest led to harsh repression that stimulated nationalist sentiment | |
678846351 | Mandates | governments entrusted to victorious European World War I nations over the colonies of the defeated powers | |
678846352 | Balfour Declaration | 1917; British promise of support for the establishment of Jewish settlement in Palestine | |
678846353 | Zionism | European Jewish movement of the 1860s and 1870s that argued that Jews return to their Holy Land; eventually identified with settlement in Palestine | |
678846354 | Theodor Hertzl | Austrian Zionist; formed World Zionist Organization in 1897; was unsympathetic to Arabs and promoted Jewish immigration into Palestine to form a Jewish state | |
678846355 | Alfred Dreyfus | French Jew, falsely accused of treason in 1894; acquitted 1906; his false conviction fueled Zionism | |
678846356 | Wafd Party | Egyptian nationalist party founded after World War I; led by Sa'd Zaghlul; participated in the negotiations that led to limited Egyptian independence in 1922 | |
678846357 | W.E.R. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey | African American leaders with major impact on rising African nationalism | |
678846358 | Negritude | literary movement among African Americans and Africans; sought to combat unfavorable stereotypes of African culture and to celebrate African achievements; influenced early African nationalist movements | |
678846359 | Kellogg-Briand Pact | 1928; a multnation treaty, sponsored by American and French leaders, that outlawed war | |
678846360 | Cubist movement | headed by Pablo Picasso; rendered familiar objects as geometrical shapes | |
678846361 | Fascism | political ideology that became predominant in Italy under Benito Mussolini during the 1920s; attacked the weakness of democracy and the corruption and class conflict of capitalism; promised vigorous foreign and military programs | |
678846362 | Syndicalism | organization of industrial workers to control the means of production and distribution | |
678846363 | Mexican Revolution | 1910-1920; civil war; challenged Porio Diaz in 1910 and initiated a revolution after losing fraudulent elections | |
678846364 | Pancho Villa | Mexican revolutionary leader in northern Mexico after 1910 | |
678846365 | Emilliano Zapata | Mexican revolutionary commander of a guerrilla movement centered at Morelos; demanded sweeping land reform | |
678846366 | Mexican Constitution of 1917 | promised land and educational reform, limited foreign ownership, guaranteed rights for workers, and restricted clerical education and proprerty ownership; never fully implemented | |
678846367 | Lazaro Cardenas | Mexican president (1934-1940); responsible for large land redistribution to create communal farms; also began program of primary and rural education | |
678846368 | Corridos | popular ballads written to celebrate heroes of the Mexican Revolution | |
678846369 | Cristeros | conservative peasant movement in Mexico during the 1920s; a reaction against secularism | |
678846370 | Party of Institutionalized Revolution (PRI) | inclusive Mexican political party developing from the 1920s; rued for the rest of the 20th century | |
678846371 | Soviet | council of workers; seized the government of St. Petersburg in 1917 to precipitate the Russian Revolution | |
678846372 | Aleksander Kerensky | liberal revolutionary leader during the early stages of the Russian Revolution of 1917; attempted development of parliamentary rule, but supported continuance of the war against Germany | |
678846373 | Russian Communist Party | Bolshevik wing of the Russian socialists; came to power under Lenin in the November 1917 revolution | |
678846374 | Council of People's Commissars | government council composed of representatives from Russian soviets and headed by Lenin; came to power after November 1917 | |
678846375 | Red Army | built up under the leadership of Leon Trotsky; its victories secured communist power after the early years of turmoil following the Russian Revolution | |
678846376 | New Economic Policy (NEP) | initiated in 1921 by Lenin; combined the state establishing basic economic policies with individual initiative; allowed food production to recover | |
678846377 | Supreme Soviet | communist-controlled parliament of the USSR | |
678846378 | Comintern | Communist International; an organization under dominance of the USSR; designed to encourage the spread of communism to the rest of the world | |
678846379 | Joseph Stalin | Lenin's successor as leader of the USSR; strong nationalist view of communism; crushed opposition to his predominance; ruled USSR until his death in 1953 | |
678846380 | Collectivization | creation of large state-run farms replacing individual holdings; allowed mechanization of agriculture and more efficient control over peasants | |
678846381 | Yuan Shikai | warlord in northern China after fall of the Qing dynasty; president of China in 1912; hoped to become emperor, but blocked in 1916 by Japanese intervention in China | |
678846382 | Sun Yatsen | head of Revolutionary Alliance that led the 1911 revolt against the Qing; president of China in 1911, but yielded to Yuan Shikai in 1912; created the Guomindang in 1919 | |
678846383 | May Fourth Movement | acceptance at Versailles of Japanese gains in China during World War I led to demonstrations and the beginning of a movement to create a liberal democracy | |
678846384 | Guomindang (National Party) | founded by Sun Yatsen in 1919; main support from urban businesspeople and merchants; dominated by Chiang Kai-shek after 1925 | |
678846385 | Chiang Kai-shek | leader of the Guomindang from 1925; contested with the communists for control of China until defeated in 1949 | |
678846386 | Mao Zedong | communist leader who advocated the role of the peasantry in revolution; led the Communists to victory and ruled China from 1949 to 1976 | |
678846387 | Long March | Communist retreat under Guomindang pressure in 1934; shifted center of communist power to Shanxi province | |
678846388 | Totalitarian State | a 20th century form of government that exercised direct control over all aspects of its subjects; existed in Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union, and other Communist states | |
678846389 | Spanish Civil War | civil war between republican and autocratic supporters; with support from Germany and Italy,the autocratic regime of Francisco Franco triumphed | |
678846390 | Import substitution economies | Latin American and other nations' effort to produce what had formerly been imported | |
678846391 | Corporatism | conservative political movement emphasizing the organic nature of society, with the state as mediator between different groups | |
678846392 | Tojo Hideki | Japanese general who dominated internal politics from the mid-1930s; gave the military dominance over civilian cabinets | |
682729966 | Spanish Civil War | civil war between republican and autocratic supporters; with support from Germany and Italy, the autocratic regime of Francisco Franco triumphed | |
682729967 | National Socialist (Nazi) Party | founded by Adolf Hitler in the period of the Great Depression in Germany | |
682729968 | Blitzkrieg | German term meaning lightening warfare; involved rapid movement of troops and tanks | |
682729969 | Vichy | collaborationist French government established in Vichy in 1940 following defeat by Germany | |
682729970 | Winston Churchill | British prime minister during World War II; exemplified British determination to resist Germany | |
682729971 | Holocaust | Germany's attempted extermination of European Jews and others; 12 million, including 6 million Jews, died | |
682729972 | United Nations | global organization, founded by the Allies following World War II | |
682729973 | Tehran Conference | 1944; meeting between the leaders of Britain, the US, and the Soviet Union; decided to open a new front against Germany in France; gave the Russians a free hand in eastern Europe | |
682729974 | Yalta Conference | 1945; agreed upon Soviet entry into the war against Japan, organization of the United Nations; left eastern Europe to the Soviet Union | |
682729975 | Potsdam Conference | 1945; meeting between the leaders of the US, Britain, and the Soviet Union; allies accepted Soviet control of eastern Europe; Germany and Austria were divided among the victors | |
682729976 | Atlantic Charter | 1941; pact between the US and Britain; gave Britain a strong ally; in return the document contained a clause recognizing the right of all people to select their own government | |
682729977 | Quit India movement | mass civil disobedience campaign against British rule of India in 1942 | |
682729978 | Muslim League | Indian organization that emerged at the end of World War II; backed Britain in the war | |
682729979 | Muhammad Ali Jinnah | Muslim Indian nationalist; leader of the Muslim League; worked for a separate Muslim state; first president of Pakistan | |
682729980 | Land Freedom Army | African revolutionary movement for reform of Kenyan colonial system; began a conflict in 1952; called the Mau Mau by the British | |
682729981 | National Liberation Front (FLN) | Algerian nationalist movement that launched a guerrilla war during the 1950s; gained independence for Algeria in 1962 | |
682729982 | Afrikaner National Party | became the majority in the all-white South African legislature in 1948; worked to form the rigid system of racial segregation called apartheid | |
682729983 | Cold War | struggle from 1945 to 1989 between the communist and democratic worlds; ended with the collapse of Russia | |
682729984 | Eastern bloc | the eastern European countries of Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Eastern Germany dominated by the Soviet Union during the cold war | |
682729985 | Iron Curtain | term coined by Winston Churchill to describe the division between the Western and communist nations | |
682729986 | Marshall Plan | 1947 United States program to rebuild Europe and defeat domestic communist movements | |
682729987 | North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) | formed in 1949 under US leadership to group Canada and western Europe against the Soviets | |
682729988 | Warsaw Pact | the Soviet response to NATO; made up of Soviets and their European satellites | |
682729989 | Welfare state | Great Depression-inspired system that increased government spending to provide social insurance and stimulate the economy | |
682729990 | Technocrat | a new type of bureaucrat trained in the sciences or economics and devoted to the power of national planning; rose to importance in governments after World War II | |
682729991 | Green movement | rise during the 1970s in Europe of groups hostile to uncontrolled economic growth | |
682729992 | Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan | conservative leaders of the 1970s and 1980s; worked to cut welfare and to promote free enterprise; Cold Warriors | |
682729993 | European Union | began by six nations as the European Economic Community (Commons Market); by the 21st century incorporated most of western European states and was expanding eastward | |
682729994 | New feminism | a wave of agitation for women's rights dating from about 1949; emphasized equality between sexes | |
682729995 | Solidarity | Polish labor movement beginning in the 1970s, taking control of the country from the Soviet Union | |
682729996 | Socialist realism | Soviet effort to replace Western literature and arts with works glorifying state-approved achievements by the masses | |
682729997 | Third World | term for nations not among the capitalist industrial nations of the first world or the industrialized communist nations of the second world | |
682729998 | North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) | agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada that lowered trade barriers | |
682729999 | Liberation theology | combination of Roman Catholic and socialist principles aiming to improve the lives of the poor | |
682730000 | Banana republics | conservative, often dictatorial, Latin American governments friendly to the US; exported tropical products | |
682730001 | Good Neighbor Policy | introduced by US president Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 to deal fairly, without intervention, with Latin American states | |
682730002 | Alliance for Progress | 1961 US programs for economic development of Latin America | |
683326016 | Indira Gandhi | Prime Minister of India (1966-1977, 1980-1984); daughter of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru; dominated Indian politics for several decades | |
683326017 | Primary products | food or industrial crops with a high demand in industrialized economies; their prices tend to fluctuate widely | |
683326018 | Neocolonialism | continued dominance of new nations by their former rulers | |
683326019 | Gamal Abdul Nasser | member of the Free Officers Movement who seized power in Egypt in a 1952 military coup; became leader of Egypt; formed a state-directed reforming regime; ousted Britain from the Suez Canal in 1956; most reforms were unsuccessful | |
683326020 | Anwar Sadat | successor of Nasser as Egypt's ruler; dismantled Nasser's costly and failed programs; signed peace treaty with Israel in 1973; assassinated by a Muslim fundamentalist | |
683326021 | Ayatollah Khomeini | religious leader of Iran following the 1979 revolution; worked for fundamentalist Islamic religious reform and elimination of Western influences | |
683326022 | Apartheid | Afrikaner policy of racial segregation in South Africa designed to create full economic, social, and political exploitation of African majority | |
683326023 | Homelands | areas in South Africa for residence of "tribal" African peoples; overpopulated and poverty-stricken; source of cheap labor for whites | |
683326024 | African National Congress (ANC) | South African political organization founded to defend African interests; became the ruling political party after the 1994 elections | |
683326025 | Nelson Mandela | ANC leader imprisoned by Afrikaner regime; released in 1990 and elected president of South Africa in 1994 | |
683326026 | F.W. de Klerk | South African president (1989-1994); led Afrikaner push for reforms ending apartheid; Nelson Mandela was freed in his presidency | |
683326027 | Douglas MacArthur | American commander during the war against Japan; headed American occupation government of Japan after the war; commanded United Nations forces during the Korean War | |
683326028 | Liberal Democratic Party | moderate political party that monopolized Japanese governments from 1955 into the 1990s | |
683326029 | Republic of Korea | southern half of Korea occupied by the US after World War II; developed parliamentary institutions under authoritarian rulers; underwent major industrial and economic growth after the 1950s | |
683326030 | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | northern half of Korea dominated by USSR after World War II; formed a communist dictatorship under Kim Il-Song; attacked South Korea to begin the Korean War | |
683326031 | Mass Line | economic policy of Mao Zedong inaugurated in 1955; led to formation of agricultural cooperatives that then became farming collectives in 1956; peasants lost land gained a few years earlier | |
683326032 | Great Leap Forward | economic policy of Mao Zedong introduced in 1958; proposed small-scale industrialization projects integrated into peasant communities; led to economic disaster and ended in 1960 | |
683326033 | People's Liberation Army | military, and dominant, arm of the communist structure in China | |
683326034 | Cultural Revolution | initiated by Mao Zedong in 1965 to restore his dominance oveer the pragmatists; disgraced and even killed bureaucrats and intellectuals; called off in 1968 | |
683326035 | Jiang Qing | wife of Mao Zedong; one of the Gang of Four; opposed pragmatists and supported the Cultural Revolution; arrested and imprisoned for life in 1976 | |
683326036 | Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and Liu Shaoqui | pragmatists who opposed the Great Leap Forward; wanted to restore state direction ad market incentives at the local level | |
683326037 | Red Guard | student brigades active during the Cultural Revolution in supporting Mao Zedong's policies | |
683326038 | Gang of Four | Jiang Qing and her allies who opposed the pragmatists after the death of Mao Zedong | |
683326039 | Tayson Rebellion | peasant revolution in southern Vietnam during the 1770s; toppled the Nguyen and the Trinh dynasties | |
683326040 | Nguyen Anh (Gia Long) | with French support, unified Vietnam under the Nguyen dynasty in 1802 with the capital at Hue | |
683326041 | Vietnamese Nationalist Party (VNQDD) | middle-class revolutionary organization during the 1920s; committed to the violent overthrow of French colonialism; crushed by the French | |
683326042 | Communist Party of Vietnam | the primary nationalist party after the defeat of the VNQDD in 1929; led from 1920s by Ho Chi Minh | |
683326043 | Ho Chi Minh | shifted to a revolution based on the peasantry in the 1930s; presided over the defeat of France in 1954 and the unsuccessful US intervention in Vietnam | |
683326044 | Viet Minh | Communist Vietnamese movement; fought the Japanese during World War II and the French afterwards | |
683326045 | Viet Cong | the communist guerrilla movement in southern Vietnam during the Vietnamese War | |
683326046 | Mikhail Gorbachev | leader of the USSR (1985-1991); inaugurated major reforms that led to the disintegration of the communist regime | |
683326047 | Glasnost | term meaning openness; Gorbachev policy opening the opportunity to criticize the government | |
683326048 | Perestroika | term meaning economic restructuring; Gorbachev policy for the economic rebuilding of the USSR by allowing more private ownership and decentralized economic control | |
683326049 | Globalization | the increasing interconnectedness of all parts of the world; opposed by many environmental and social justice groups | |
683326050 | Multinational corporations | business organizations with connections across political borders |