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AP World History: Period 6 Review - Part 8 Flashcards

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9741323211Government authority increased through takeover of key industries for war production, restriction on civil liberties, and issuance of pro-war propaganda1900-PRES Which best summarizes political trends in the West during the First World War?0
9741330034Crucial contributions in wartime factory production lent legitimacy to ongoing calls for political and social equality1900-PRES Which of the following answer choices best explains why women won the right to vote in many Western societies after World War I?1
9741336774British and French promises for self-rule made to colonized elites during the war were broken soon thereafter1900-PRES Which result of World War I did the most to spark nationalist movements in the colonized portions of the globe?2
9741339678Hindu-Muslim rivalry fostered by colonial divide and rule practices1900-PRES Which of the following legacies of British colonial rule proved most disruptive in the immediate aftermath of Indian independence?3
9741350126France and Russia1900-PRESENT In alphabetical order, the countries represented in this picture are China, England, France, Germany, Japan, and Russia. Looking at their body language, which two countries appear to be most willing to help each other? (A) Japan and China (B) Germany and England (C) Russia and Germany (D) France and Russia4
9741370567Communism1900-PRESENTWhat economic system has demonstrated a preference for gender equality?5
9741373603both were precipitated by foreign invasion1900-PRESENT The common characteristic possessed by the twentieth-century revolutions that occurred in Russia and China was:6
9741373604A desire to more equitably distribute land to the peasantry1900-PRESENT What common element did the Mexican and Russian revolutions of the 20th century possess?7
9741381894the end of poverty1900-PRESENT The most important events of the Modern Era (1900 to the Present) would NOT include:8
9741386745Industrial, electric, chemical, communication1900-PRESENT Which list of technological revolutions below is in the correct chronological order?9
9741393159Stop the spread of communism1900-PRESENT The common goals of the domino theory and the foreign policy of containment was to:10
9741396647They are both seen as opponents to an imperialist West.1900-PRESENT What common characteristic is shared by Fidel Castro and the Ayatollah Khomeini?11
9741404676the infant mortality rate decreased1900-PRESENT The world's population increased during the twentieth century because:12
9741417480he spurned American and Soviet aid1900-PRESENT Mid-20th century Egyptian president Gamal Nasser was considered a leader in the Middle East for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:13
9741428406Vladimir Lenin1900-PRESENT Imperialism emerged as the development and direct continuation of the fundamental characteristics of capitalism in general. But capitalism only became capitalist imperialism at a definite and very high stage of its development, when certain of its fundamental characteristics began to change into their opposites, when the features of the epoch of transition from capitalism to a higher social and economic system had taken shape and revealed themselves in all spheres. Economically, the main thing in this process is the displacement of capitalist free competition by capitalist monopoly. Free competition is the basic feature of capitalism, and of commodity production generally; monopoly is the exact opposite of free competition, but we have seen the latter being transformed into monopoly before our eyes, creating large-scale industry and forcing out small industry, replacing large-scale by still larger-scale industry, and carrying concentration of production and capital to the point where out of it has grown and is growing monopoly: cartels, syndicates and trusts, and merging with them, the capital of dozen or so banks, which manipulate thousands of millions. Who is the most likely author of this quote?14

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